The capital of Wuguo.

Before Bai Feng broke the illusion of Rouquan.

Wutugu was enjoying delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

Wutugu didn't take it seriously at first when Wei sent a large army to attack Wuguo.

Wuguo was surrounded by mountains.

The complex terrain alone made it difficult for Wei's army to move freely.

Not to mention the miasma in the dense forest.

If Wei's army wanted to really fight the warriors of Wuguo, they had to solve the miasma problem first!

Otherwise, no matter how many people came, it would be useless, and Wutugu didn't even need to send a single soldier.

What's more, there were these four poisonous spring illusions as Wutugu's support.

The reason why Wuguo could exist in the mountains until now.

Miasma and the poisonous spring illusion are both indispensable factors.

That's why Wutugu could still feast on the food while facing the attack of Wei's army without panic.

However, Wutugu was not so arrogant that he did not take the Wei army seriously.

He sent some scouts to closely monitor the Wei army coming to Wuguo.

Before that.

All the scouts reported to Wutugu about the march of the Wei army every day.

Basically, they opened roads in the dense forest and avoided places with thick miasma.

After listening to it, Wutugu felt that his appetite had improved.

And after dinner, he had to shoot arrows for a while and dance with swords for a few times before he felt comfortable.

Wutugu had some knowledge of the generals who led the army to attack Wuguo.

Among the news Wutugu learned.

Bai Feng, the commander of the Wei army this time, was brave and brave.

However, Wutugu himself was also a brave man.

So Wutugu believed that relying on his own martial arts, he might not be at a disadvantage in a fight with Bai Feng.

However, Bai Feng was younger than Wutugu, and Wutugu thought this was his only disadvantage.

After all, the young are afraid of the strong.

Although swords and knives are blind on the battlefield, younger soldiers always have better physical strength.

What Wu Tugu feared most was that he heard that Bai Feng also knew some Taoist magic.

You should know that Wuguo was once rich in people who practiced witchcraft.

Half of the miasma that permeated the mountains all year round was due to natural reasons.

The other half was caused by wizards.

And the four poisonous spring illusions were the hard work of several generations of wizards.

So what Wu Tugu was worried about at the beginning was that Bai Feng could use Taoist magic to break the poisonous spring illusion and dispel the miasma.

But until today, in the scout report Wu Tugu received.

The mountains around Wuguo were still filled with miasma.

Even the warriors who were scouts of Wuguo did not dare to explore the four poisonous spring illusions easily.

Because these poisonous spring illusions would make people lost in them unknowingly.

If there is no way to break the poisonous spring illusion, people who rashly enter it will be trapped in the poisonous spring illusion.

The final result is naturally to become the bones in the Poison Spring illusion.

As long as the Poison Spring illusion is not broken by Bai Feng.

Then the Wuguo Kingdom will always be safe.

After eating and drinking that day, Wu Tugu took his bow and arrows again to relax.

Just as Wu Tugu was about to go out, a scout under his command ran to report to him quickly.

"Great, great, great king! It's not good!!!"

The Wuguo scout was panicked and shouted to Wu Tugu breathlessly.

Wu Tugu frowned when he heard it.

"What are you panicking about! It's not that the soldiers of the Great Wei have put the knife on your neck!"

The scout was scolded by Wu Tugu before he explained the situation.

Then another scout came to Wu Tugu quickly.

"Great king! It's not good!"

This scout was the same as the previous scout.

After seeing Wu Tugu, the first sentence was to shout that it was not good.

Wu Tugu didn't have the mind to scold the scout at this time.

At this time, he had already noticed something wrong.

Could it be that the Wei general Bai Feng had broken the four poison spring illusions and dispelled all the miasma?

How is this possible!

Wu Tu Gu subconsciously had a guess in his mind.

Then he immediately rejected it.

What a joke.

If the miasma and poison spring illusion outside Wuguo Country could be so easily broken and dispelled.

Then Wuguo Country would have perished long ago.

Or did the Wei army, under the leadership of Bai Feng, find a way to deal with the miasma.

Bypass the poison spring illusion and march towards Wuguo Country?

Wu Tu Gu's mind raced, and he felt that the latter possibility was more likely.

"What happened! Is the Wei army about to hit here?"

Wu Tu Gu waited until the two scouts had caught their breath before asking.

The first scout who was scolded by Wu Tu Gu looked at the second scout.

Indicated that Wu Tu Gu was not in a good mood now.

Be careful of being scolded when reporting.

The second scout who came swallowed his saliva.

Then he said:

"Your Majesty, the miasma outside is slowly dissipating!"


Wu Tu Gu was shocked when he heard this and broke the arrow in his hand.

Then Wu Tu Gu fixed his eyes on the first scout who came to report.

"What do you want to say?!"

The first scout, who was impressed by Wu Tu Gu's momentum, felt an itch in his throat.

"Ahem! Your Majesty, the miasma outside is indeed slowly dissipating.

And I saw Wei’s scouts roaming the mountains! "

As soon as these words came out, Wu Tu Gu finally changed his expression.

Could it be that the Wei general Bai Feng really destroyed all the illusions of poisonous springs everywhere in such a short period of time? !

Wu Tu Gu couldn't accept the fact that the poisonous spring illusion had been broken by Bai Feng.

That is the hard work of the wizards of Ugo Country for generations!

How could Bai Feng, a general of the Wei Dynasty, break the poisonous spring illusion so quickly?

There must be an expert helping Bai Feng!

Until now, Wutu Gu still doesn't believe that it was Bai Feng who broke the illusion of poisonous springs everywhere and dispersed the miasma.

He thought that Bai Feng must have invited a wizard who was proficient in witchcraft to help him break the poisonous spring illusion and dispel the miasma.

Now Wu Tu Gu really wants to capture and behead the wizard who "helped Bai Feng break the illusion of the poisonous spring and dispel the miasma"!

After standing there and pondering for a moment, Wu Tu Gu decided to go outside and observe for himself.

If the poisonous spring illusion and miasma are all eliminated.

Then we can only rely on the terrain advantages seen in the mountains and forests to deal with the Wei army.

This required Wu Tu Gu to prepare in advance of Wei's scouts in the mountains and forests.

No matter what, he will definitely not be captured with his stubbornness!

Even if the Wei Dynasty really wanted to capture the Ugo Kingdom, it would still have to pay the price in blood!

After making up his mind, Wu Tu Gu once again looked at the two scouts who came to report.

Wu Tu Gu was about to order the two scouts to lead the way.

I saw four or five more scouts coming outside one after another.

Their faces were full of panic.

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