These scouts have grown up in the mountains since childhood.

It was my first time to experience a dense forest without miasma.

Miasma was a problem that must be solved for the Wei army.

For the soldiers and people of the Ugo Kingdom, miasma is also one of the reasons why it is difficult for them to get out of the deep mountains and forests.

In the eyes of the people of Ugo, miasma is both a kind of protection and a kind of imprisonment.

After all, Miasma will not differentiate between ourselves and the enemy just because you are a soldier of the Wei Dynasty and I am a soldier of the Ugo Kingdom.

In the miasma, who will come and who will die?

Although the miasma that has permeated the outside all year round is gradually dissipating.

But there was no joy in the eyes of the Ugo scout, instead they were full of panic.

"Your Majesty! Outside"

A Ugo Kingdom scout who had just arrived was about to report to Wu Tu Gu.

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Wu Tu Gu's solemn wave.

"I know everything that happened outside!"

"Lead the way now, I want to go out and see for myself!"

Wu Tu Gu said in a deep voice, then put his bow and arrow on his back and walked towards the dense forest outside.

After hearing Wu Tu Gu's order, the oncoming scouts led the way together.

Wu Tu Gu looked at the sunlight falling through the shade of the trees on the ground covered with dead branches and fallen leaves.

An unprecedented emotion suddenly arose in my heart.

Without the dense forest shrouded in miasma, the scenery was much better than before.

However, Wu Tu Gu was only distracted for a moment and continued walking through the dense forest.

"The miasma dissipates so quickly!"

"It seems that the illusion of the four poisonous springs has definitely been broken!"

Wu Tu Gu, led by the Ugo scout who discovered the Wei scout, saw fresh footprints on the ground.

If the miasma exists, there should definitely be no footprints of the Wei scouts here, only the corpses of the Wei scouts.

Along the way, Wu Tu Gu has accepted this worst reality.

"It seems that we are really going to have a fight with the general of Wei Dynasty with real swords and real spears."

Wu Tu Gu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his murderous aura flashed away.

Although miasma and the illusion of poisonous springs are used as barriers to the country of Ugo.

However, there is indeed a strong martial spirit in the Ugo Kingdom.

After all, the tigers, leopards, wild boars and bear bears in the mountains are not good deeds.

The people of the Ugo Kingdom who forage for food in the white mountains and black waters often die in the mouths of wild beasts.

In no time, everything that came close to him became a delicious meal in the mouth of the beast.

"You continue to stay here. Once you find Wei's scouts, kill them immediately!"

"The head of a Wei scout will be exchanged for five buckets of rice!"

Several protruding bones that traced the activities of Wei scouts were found again.

He said in a serious tone to the scouts around him.

We can no longer let Wei's scouts explore the dense forest.

Otherwise, his lair will soon be discovered by Wei's scouts.

Wu Tu Gu didn't want Wei's army to suddenly attack his home base one day in the future.

He planned to keep all the Wei soldiers who dared to attack the Ugo Kingdom in this extremely familiar dense forest between the white mountains and black waters.

Serves as nourishment for flowers, plants and trees.

Especially the Wei general Bai Feng who led the army this time!

The panic in the hearts of the scouts around Wu Tu Gu had disappeared after following Wu Tu Gu all the way.

After hearing that the head of a Wei scout could be exchanged for five buckets of rice.

All the Ugo Kingdom scouts were shouting excitedly and making all kinds of weird noises.

In the eyes of these Ugo Kingdom scouts.

The Wei scouts who were not familiar with the dense forest were not as big a threat as the leopards.

Panic has been replaced by greed.

The scouts of the Ugo Kingdom are gearing up to prepare their wives and children to have a meal of rice in a few days!

After explaining the missions of the scouts.

Wu Tu Gu then returned to the capital of Ugo Kingdom.

Next, he would start arranging troops at various key points into the mountain.

The next day Wutu Gu called all the tribe leaders to the capital.

Looking at the brave and fighting tribal leaders.

Wu Tu Gu's confidence rose again.

Without the miasma and the poisonous spring illusion, there are still thousands of warriors in the Ugo Kingdom!

"You all already know that the miasma that enveloped the outside has now completely dissipated."

"The army of Wei Dynasty has also arrived outside the Ugo Kingdom."

"Now the miasma is no longer a problem for the Wei army to attack the Ugo Kingdom."

"So now we can only pick up the long knives and bows and arrows in our hands!"

"Let all enemies who dare to attack Ugo country understand!"

"The warriors of the Ugo Kingdom are more ferocious than tigers in the mountains! More agile than leopards! More powerful than bear bears!"

"We will make sure that all Wei soldiers never come back!"

In the main hall, Wu Tu Gu raised the long knife in his hand and shouted loudly to the leaders of the tribe below.

At this time, all the leaders of the tribes in the hall had become very excited with their arrogant words.

"Kill all Wei people!"

"Let them become fertilizer for the trees!"

"Come and kill one! Come and kill two!"

"Your Majesty! I will go out and kill him every seven in and seven out!"

The leaders of the tribe had red eyes and shouted loudly in the main hall.

Wu Tu Gu did not stop the leaders of the tribe from shouting.

In Wu Tu Gu's eyes, the Ugo Kingdom has won 60% in this battle.

The Han people often say that the time, place, and people are favorable.

Now for the Wutu bone.

The country of Ugo has already occupied the right location and people.

If it rains heavily next.

Then the Ugo Kingdom will have the right time, place and people in this battle!

How could he, Bai Feng, capture our Ugo country? !

At this time, Bai Feng was working with King Duosi and Meng Jie, under the leadership of scouts, to analyze and determine the specific location of the Ugo Kingdom's capital.

The Wei army had never penetrated so deeply into the mountains before.

The battle against Shanyue was not as troublesome as it is today.

It’s not just the effects of miasma.

Also, the location of Ugo Country is even more remote than Shanyue.

Just like Wu Tu Gu thought.

Bai Feng also understood that Ugo State had taken advantage of its location.

If you want to completely conquer Ugo Country, you must understand the actual situation in the mountains.

After there is no obstruction of miasma.

King Duosi and Meng Jie unanimously suggested that Bai Feng send a large number of scouts into the mountain to investigate.

In order not to be attacked and assassinated by the scouts of the Ugo Kingdom.

Wei's scouts who entered the mountains were all in teams of three, taking care of each other.

In this way, whether facing the scouts of the Ugo Kingdom or the beasts in the mountains.

Wei's scouts greatly improved their chances of survival and efficiency of exploration.

And Bai Feng is not very worried about the problem of food and grass.

He expected that Wu Tu Gu would not have the guts to come out of the mountains and cut off his food route.

The armor and swords of the soldiers of the Wei Dynasty were like crushing the equipment of the soldiers of the Ugo Kingdom.

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