In the dense forest of Nanzhong.

Whether it was the scouts from the Ugo Kingdom or the Wei Dynasty, they had met many times in the dense forest.

After the scouts from both sides met, each other won or lost.

Although the scouts of the Wei Dynasty had an advantage in armor and weapons compared to the scouts of the Ugo Kingdom.

However, the Ugo Kingdom scouts were more familiar with the nearby terrain.

Therefore, the sneak attack still caused a certain degree of damage to Wei's scouts.

During the first few scout encounters.

The scouts of the Ugo Kingdom relied on their lighter rattan armor and their familiarity with the mountains and forests around Nanzhong.

This caused many Wei scouts who went deep into the dense forest to investigate the situation for the first time to suffer a lot.

Even now there is no more miasma and poisonous springs.

Only relying on the mountains in Nanzhong, the scouts of the Ugo Kingdom did not allow the scouts of the Wei Dynasty to penetrate deep into the territory of the Ugo Kingdom for ten days.

Faced with this stalemate.

Bai Feng decided to increase the number of scouts again.

There are no conditions for large-scale use of troops in the deep mountains and old forests.

If a hundred-man army of Wei soldiers were sent into the dense forest, it would only be to improve the Wutu Bone's record.

“We must find out as soon as possible how many defensive camps and checkpoints there are between the two main routes into the mountains of Ugo Country.

The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us. "

Bai Feng is mainly worried about the changeable weather here in Nanzhong.

If there is a sudden heavy rain or the temperature rises again, the soldiers of Wei will be in danger of falling ill.

King Duosi and Meng Jie also knew what Bai Feng was worried about.

"Sir, why don't I personally lead people to pull out the camp set up by the Ugo Kingdom on the way into the mountain!"

King Dosi likes quick battles.

He believed that as long as he was given a hundred soldiers, it would be enough to eradicate all the camps set up by the Ugo Kingdom on the way into the mountains.

Meng Jie was also quite moved when he heard this.

"Sir, why don't King Duosi and I split our troops into two groups and attack Huanglong!"

Then Meng Jie also took the initiative to challenge Bai Feng.

After hearing the words, Bai Feng pondered for a moment, and then said to King Duosi and Meng Jie:

“It’s not impossible to send elite soldiers to clear out the camps on the outskirts of the Ugo Kingdom.

But you two should be careful that Wu Tu Gu sends people to surround you. "

Bai Feng believed in King Duosi and Meng Jie's martial arts and troop-leading abilities.

As long as they are not surrounded by ten times more troops led by Wu Tu Gu.

Both King Duosi and Meng Jie had the strength to kill through the Ugo Kingdom's scout network and uproot the camps on the mountain road.

The two heard Bai Feng's instructions.

They all understood that Bai Feng agreed to their request for a fight.

"Hahaha, sir, don't look down on those protruding bones!"

"As for the Ugo Kingdom scouts, they are not worth mentioning!"

Meng Jie, who was also from a barbarian tribe, said confidently to Bai Feng at this time.

For Meng Jie, if Bai Feng hadn't broken the poisonous spring in Rouquan's illusion, he would have died.

Two glasses appeared and merged into one.

He immediately wanted to go to the capital of Ugo Kingdom with Bai Feng.

Take Wutu Bone's head directly!

Bai Feng was also worried about Liuli, so he didn't personally lead the soldiers into the mountain.

But after ten days, Liuli didn't seem to have anything unusual.

Except that she had no impression of the process of the other "Liu Li" coming out of the illusion of Rouquan and herself becoming one.

And these days.

Liuli felt that her strength had improved to a certain extent.

This made Bai Feng completely relieved.

No matter what the reason is for the "glazed glass" that appears in Rouquan's illusion.

At least she didn't hurt Liuli.

"Hahaha, okay!"

Bai Feng smiled at Meng Jie.

King Duosi said at this time:

"Since sir agrees, I will select a hundred soldiers from the army to follow me into the mountains today!

Within three days at most, all camps and scouts outside Ugo Country are guaranteed to be cleared! "

King Dosi, who has issued a military order, can't wait to fight with the soldiers of Ugo Kingdom.

Bai Feng nodded in agreement.

“If you are accidentally surrounded, send someone directly to the camp for help.

I personally led the troops to relieve the siege.

If the road into the mountain has been cleared, send someone directly to inform the camp. "

Bai Feng warned King Duosi and Meng Jie again.

Just clear the way into the mountain.

Then the army can directly attack the country of Ugo.

Although the Ugo Kingdom has 30,000 vine armor soldiers, Bai Feng's 5,000 Great Wei soldiers are more than enough to hold back 30,000 vine armor soldiers.

At that time, Bai Feng, King Duosi, Meng Jie, Zhang Qiying and Bei Mihu can directly launch a beheading operation against Wu Tu Gu.

After the plan was finalized, King Duosi and Meng Jie went to the military camp to gather the soldiers together.

Soon two hundred soldiers were assembled and completed.

King Duosi and Meng Jie each took a hundred soldiers and headed directly into the mountains.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain.

Meng Jie said to King Duosi:

"Why don't we see who can deliver the good news to sir first?"

King Duosi couldn't help laughing twice when he heard this.

"Okay! That's exactly what I meant!"

Then the two of them entered the mountains, one heading east and the other heading north.

At this time, King Duosi and Meng Jie did not know that their whereabouts had been leaked.

The capital of the Ugo Kingdom.

Wutu Gu's appetite has dropped significantly recently.

When they first fought against the Wei scouts, the Ugo scouts were still able to make some gains.

As time went by, the Wei scouts continued to deepen their familiarity with the mountain and forest terrain.

It has been three days in a row now that no scout has come to bring the heads of great Wei soldiers to look for Wutu bones in exchange for rice.

Ten days have passed, but Wu Tu Gu has not yet rewarded him with a stone or rice.

If it weren't for the rattan armor of Ugo's scouts, it wouldn't be as good as the fine steel armor of the Wei soldiers.

Wu Tu Gu believed that he had already rewarded him with a hundred shi meters.

Since the scouts of the Ugo Kingdom could no longer gain any advantage in the battle with the scouts of the Wei Dynasty.

It was also suppressed by the equipment of the Wei scouts.

Wu Tu Gu decided to change the current way of fighting.

If the Ugo scouts can't defeat the Wei scouts one on one, then they'll fight in groups!

The original defensive disadvantage of the Tengjia turned into an advantage when fighting in a small team.

"Somebody come!"

"Call all the leaders here!"

Wu Tu Gu loudly ordered to the soldiers at the door.

Soon the leaders of the Ugo Kingdom came to Wutu Gu.

All the tribe leaders were frightened when they saw Wu Tu Gu's gloomy expression.

After the leaders of these tribes discovered that their scouts were no longer a match for the Wei scouts.

They made a tacit agreement not to fight with the soldiers of Wei Dynasty in the dense forest.

Instead, they focused their energy on monitoring the main army of the Wei Dynasty.

In any case, the Wei Dynasty could not conquer the Ugo Kingdom just by relying on scouts.

One of the tribe leaders just received the latest news from his subordinates.

Wei's two centurions have already entered the mountains.

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