Three Kingdoms: Liu Daer Was Forced Out of the Mountain at the Beginning

Chapter 1116 Encirclement and suppression of each other

Wu Tu Gu saw that all the tribe leaders had arrived.

"Now Wei's scouts have gradually become familiar with the surrounding mountain terrain."

"Our scouts can no longer take advantage."

"So we must change our tactics!"

"Starting from tomorrow, you will each lead a team of 100 people to surround and kill the Wei scouts."

"I want Bai Feng to become blind!

He can either continue to drag it out, or send a large army into the mountains to fight us now! "

Wu Tu Gu said in a deep voice.

Regardless of whether the Wei army has been standing still, or now the army is ready for a decisive battle.

For Wutugu, it is beneficial to Ugo country.

After Wu Tu Gu arranged the new tactics, the leader of the tribe who had obtained the latest news stepped forward.

"Your Majesty!"


"My scouts just discovered that Wei Dynasty sent two hundred-man troops into the mountain!"

Wu Tu Gu frowned when he heard this.

It should be that Da Wei doesn't want to waste time with him anymore!

Since Bai Feng of Wei Dynasty has gradually lost his patience, then force him to fight to the death!

Wu Tu Gu immediately made a decision to deal with it.

"Okay! Let your scouts keep an eye on these two centurions!"

"You put Wei's scouts aside first, and surround and kill these two centurions with all your strength!"

"I want the generals of these two centurions alive. I will behead them in front of the Wei scouts when the time comes!"

Wu Tu Gu wanted to use this method to force Bai Feng to fight him.

In this way, Wutu Bone can continue to have the advantage of geographical location.

The odds of winning can also be improved by three points.

Even if they end up in a draw with the Wei army, Wu Tu Gu will still be at a disadvantage.

The leaders of the tribe took orders and left one after another.

Early the next morning, thirteen centurions from the Ugo Kingdom were led by scouts.

The two centurions of King Duosi and Meng Jie gathered around.

At this time, King Duosi and Meng Jie were cleaning up the Ugo Kingdom scouts in the mountains.

Any scout from the Ugo Kingdom discovered by a Wei scout.

None of them escaped the steel swords of King Duosi and Meng Jie.

For a time, most of the Ugo Kingdom's scouts became more hidden.

"These scouts from the Ugo Kingdom can run faster than rabbits!"

King Dosi, who had not found any scouts from the Ugo Kingdom for two days, cursed in a low voice.

The stainless steel armor of the soldiers of the Wei Dynasty was a big burden when marching in the mountains.

If the Ugo Kingdom's scouts decided to avoid fighting, King Duosi and Meng Jie would really not be able to catch up for a while.

The situation on Meng Jie's side is almost the same as that of King Duosi.

Now both of them were marching towards the camp.

Since we couldn't catch the scouts, we started to clear out the Ugo Kingdom's camp.

Behind the two centurions led by King Duosi and Meng Jie.

There are always at least three scouts from the Ugo Kingdom watching from a distance.

He also reported to his tribe leaders every half day the movements of the two centurions, King Duosi and Meng Jie.

After the scouts from the Ugo Kingdom discovered that the two centurions of Wei Dynasty were heading towards their own camp.

A scout was quickly sent to report to the leaders of the tribe.

He has already led troops from the capital to attack, preparing to encircle and suppress more than a dozen tribe leaders from the two hundred-man armies of the Wei Dynasty.

At this time, they were listening to the reports of the enemy's movements from the scouts monitoring the two hundred-man troops of the Wei Dynasty.

"The two hundred-man troops from Wei Dynasty are now marching towards our camp on the road into the mountains!"

The scout from the Ugo Kingdom finished explaining the situation breathlessly.

The leaders of the tribe present were very happy when they heard this.

"Everyone! Since the Wei Dynasty is planning to attack our camp, why don't we cut off their retreat!

Let's attack from inside and outside! "

An older, bearded leader of the tribe was the first to propose his own tactics.

The thoughts of the other tribe leaders were almost the same as the bearded tribe leader.



"Just do it!"

After obtaining the approval of all the tribal leaders, the thirteen centuries of the Ugo Kingdom began to march again.

at the same time.

The centurions led by King Duosi and Meng Jie have arrived at the Ugo State-owned Village closest to them.

These Ugo state-owned villages are built on the cliffs on both sides of the road.

It can be said that it is very easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Moreover, the trees and vines around the camp have been cleared by Ugo soldiers.

Even if the enemy wants to use fire attack.

The Ugo soldiers in the camp still have a chance to escape.

It doesn't take long to build this kind of wooden camp.

Basically, it only takes half a month to build a camp that can accommodate fifty people.

Meng Jie looked at the Ugo State-owned Village in front of him and couldn't help scratching his head.

Although this camp is not big, it is really difficult to attack the camp.

When shooting with bows and arrows, Mengjie's archers are at the bottom, and the archers from Ugo State Camp are at the top.

It was Meng Jie's archers who suffered the loss.

Meng Jie thought for a while and decided to shoot a wave of rockets first.

"Prepare the rockets and give them a taste of pain first!"

Anyone who comes to attack the wooden fortress of the Ugo Kingdom may first think of attacking with fire.

Twenty Great Wei soldiers took off their long bows from their backs and took out arrows wrapped in grease-soaked cloth strips from their quivers.

"Get ready! Put-!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Meng Jie gave an order, and twenty rockets shot out of the sky.

The defenders on Ugo State Camp have discovered Meng Jie's centurion.

When they saw the rocket coming, soldiers from the Ugo Kingdom had already prepared buckets to put out the fire.

There were also Ugo soldiers who quickly lit the smoke on a pillar in the camp.

These small camps were built under the orders of Wu Tu Gu.

Not only can it hinder the enemy's advance, but its more important function is to serve as a warning.

Therefore, the Ugo soldiers in these small camps had no intention of holding on to the camp.

After the smoke is lit, it can be delayed as long as possible.

If he couldn't hold on any longer, he would just abandon the camp and run away.

Da Wei's rocket successfully ignited a corner of Ugo's state-owned village.

Five or six Ugo soldiers carrying buckets of water quickly ran to put out the fire.

At this moment, the second wave of arrows struck again.

Meng Jie expected that there would be someone in the camp to put out the fire.

So his real target is these Ugo soldiers who went to put out the fire.

Two of the Ugo soldiers who carried buckets to put out the fire were shot to death on the spot.

Several other Ugo soldiers saw this and hid behind them.

I didn’t dare rush out to put out the fire immediately.

After waiting for a few breaths, a soldier of Ugo State plucked up the courage to go and put out the fire.

Then Meng Jie once again ordered the Wei soldiers to throw rockets towards the camp.

When Meng Jie attacked this Ugo state-owned stronghold.

The six leaders of the Ugo Kingdom who came to encircle Mengjie's hundred-man team had clearly seen the smoke rising in the distance.

"This hundred-man team is attacking our camp!"

"Speed ​​up and surround them!"

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