Wu Tu Gu was dragged out of the palace hall by the Wei soldiers.

After a while, Wu Tu Gu's head was presented to him by a great Wei soldier.

When Bai Feng saw this, he immediately asked someone to send the protruding head to Cao Cao.

Then Bai Feng began to arrange the remaining leaders of the Ugo Kingdom.

"The leaders of these tribes are detained separately from the Ugo soldiers."

Bai Feng gave instructions to Meng Jie.

Then Bai Feng looked at the tribe leaders who were digesting Himiko's life experience and worrying about his future.

"Your crime does not lead to death, and now you are only temporarily detained."

"If anyone still wants to take action at this time, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Facing the gazes of the leaders of the captured tribes of Ugo Kingdom, Bai Feng said in a deep voice.

They just saw the leaders of the tribe who ordered Wu Tu Gu to be beheaded by Bai Feng.

At this time, when they heard Bai Feng say that their crimes would not lead to death, everyone couldn't help but show a look of relief on their faces.

For the leaders of these tribes, no one wanted to die with Wu Tu Gu under the sword of the Wei soldiers.

Otherwise, they would not choose to surrender to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng's act of only killing the culprit made the leaders of the surrendered tribes have a great impression of him.

Then, under the escort of Meng Jie, the leaders of the tribes who surrendered to Wei were brought to a warehouse in the palace.

Four Dawei soldiers were sent to guard him.

After Meng Jie finished dealing with the captured tribe leaders, he returned to the palace hall again.

"Sir, why did these leaders let them live?"

Meng Jie didn't understand that Bai Feng had already won a great victory.

The entire country of Ugo has become history today.

Why are there still these surrendered leaders of the Ugo Kingdom?

Not only Meng Jie, but King Duosi also looked at Bai Feng curiously.

Bai Feng saw that neither of them quite understood why he didn't just kill all the leaders of the Ugo Kingdom.

Then he smiled and explained to Meng Jie and King Duosi:

"These people of Ugo and the surrendered soldiers will definitely migrate to other places in the future."

"Not killing the leaders of the tribes who surrendered in the Ugo Kingdom is precisely to prepare the people of the Ugo Kingdom for migrating later."

"With just over 1,200 of us, we can safely move all the more than 60,000 people from the Ugo Kingdom out of the Nanzhong Mountains."

"Without the help of the leaders of the Ugo Kingdom, it would definitely not be an easy task."

After Bai Feng explained, Meng Jie and King Duosi suddenly realized.

The soldiers of the Wei Dynasty next to them also understood why Bai Feng was lenient to these surrendered tribe leaders.

"Hahaha, that's it!"

"Sir, you are very thoughtful!"

King Duosi laughed loudly upon hearing this.

Many times blind slaughter is not the best way to solve the problem.

"Thank you sir, Meng Jie has learned a lesson!"

At this time, Meng Jie also said to Bai Feng in a deep voice that he had never thought that these leaders of the Ugo Kingdom could still have such a role.

The soldiers of the Wei Dynasty naturally followed Bai Feng's orders to the letter.

Today, when I heard Bai Feng explain why he did what he did, I couldn't help but feel that this is the true strength of our general.

The defeat of Wutugu from Ugo country is not unjust at all!

As for Zhang Ning, Zhang Qiying and Liu Li, they knew that this was Bai Feng's routine operation.

After Bai Feng explained the reason to Meng Jie and King Duosi, he looked at Himihu.

Himihu knew that Bai Feng wanted to talk to him.

So Himihu took the initiative to walk outside the palace hall.

Bai Feng also followed behind Himihu.

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying wanted to follow, but were stopped by Liuli.

"Liu Li, this Himihu is the successor of the great wizard before Ugo Kingdom!"

Zhang Qiying, who was stopped by Liuli, immediately said seriously to Liuli.

At the same time, Zhang Ning also looked at Liuli in confusion.

Liuli smiled when he heard this:

"Don't be nervous, everyone."

"Sir has just signaled Himihu to talk to her alone."

"We'd better not disturb sir."

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying didn't notice when Bai Feng signaled to Himihu.

But since Liuli explained it like this, the two of them had no intention of following Bai Feng and Himihu.

Under the leadership of Himihu, Bai Feng came to a garden behind the palace.

This garden looks a little out of place with the style of the entire palace.

The whole garden looked very dilapidated.

“Why did this garden become what it is today?”

Bai Feng didn't understand how Wu Tu Gu allowed such a dilapidated garden to exist in the palace.

And there doesn't seem to be any sign of anyone cleaning the garden nearby.

It seemed like there was some great terror in the garden.

"Has it turned into this?"

Himihu did not answer Bai Feng's question immediately.

Looking at the extremely dilapidated garden in front of him, which had obviously not been maintained for many years, Himihu felt dark in his heart.

Throughout the garden, vines and dead branches are intertwined, and vigorous vegetation grows wantonly.

But there was not a single living flower or plant in the garden.

Bai Feng saw Himihu becoming depressed in front of the garden.

He did not directly ask about her relationship with the previous generation of great wizards in the Ugo Kingdom, and whether the construction of various poisonous spring illusions had anything to do with her.

"Mr. Bai, let's go."

After Himiko took another deep look at the garden, she turned back and said to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng didn't understand what this garden meant to Himiko.

But he would have plenty of time to ask later.

After coming to the outside of the palace again, Himiko told Bai Feng about her past as the successor of the Great Wizard of Wuguo.

"At the beginning, I still had a longing and yearning for the position of the Great Wizard"

"It was only after the Great Wizard took me to that garden and told me what the Great Wizard was really responsible for, that I realized"

At this point, Himiko took a deep breath.

At this time, she didn't know whether her decision was right or wrong.

She just knew that she would not regret the decision she made at the time.

"I just found out that the main job of the Great Wizard of Wuguo was to maintain the Poison Spring Illusion."

For the first time, Himiko felt extremely disappointed with her identity as the successor of the Great Wizard.

In Himiko's imagination.

The Great Wizard should lead the people of Wuguo to live a better life, avoid being invaded by wild beasts, and keep the people away from illness.

The means by which the Great Wizard achieved the first two goals was to completely isolate the entire Ugo Kingdom from the outside world by using the Poison Spring Illusion.

This was unacceptable to Himiko.

But Himiko did not raise any objection to the Great Wizard's explanation on the spot.

She was ready to leave.

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