Outside the main hall of King Ugo Palace.

Bai Feng felt sympathy for Himihu while listening to Himihu's story about her own past in Ugo Country.

She is like an alien from Ugo country.

Especially when the entire Ugo Kingdom, from the common people to the great wizards, are satisfied with their isolated life.

Himihu cannot accept this ostrich-like life.

She also didn't want to spend the rest of her life in the mountains and forests.

Therefore, as a young girl, Himihu was secretly preparing to leave the Ugo Kingdom.

Of course, all this was hidden from the great wizard.

On weekdays, when Himihu was learning witchcraft from the great wizard, he did not show the slightest sign of wanting to leave the Ugo Kingdom.

"I follow the great wizard to continue to learn and improve my understanding of witchcraft."

"It wasn't until three years later that I finally had the strength to travel through the Poison Spring Fantasy Land alone."

Himihu thought about how strong his desire for freedom was at the beginning.

"After careful preparation, I traveled alone through the Poison Spring Fantasy Land and left Ugo Country without alerting anyone."

"All kinds of beasts in the jungle can't cause any harm to me with the help of witchcraft."

"On the contrary, they became my helpers."

Thinking of the time when he first left Ugo Country, Himihu couldn't help but smile in his eyes.

At that time, Himihu was riding an elk through the forest.

When she was thirsty, an ape brought her fruit wine.

When she was hungry, a pack of wolves hunted hares for her.

In this way, Himihu crossed the Nanzhong Mountains and arrived outside Bashu alone.

Himihu walked out of the mountains for the first time in his life.

At this time, I still didn't realize what kind of impact a future successor of a great wizard would have on the entire Ugo Kingdom if he suddenly left without saying goodbye.

After the great wizard discovered that his beloved disciple had disappeared, he still refused to believe that Himihu had just left.

When he finally used witchcraft to locate Himihu's current location, he was very surprised to find it.

Himihu has actually left the country of Ugo for more than a hundred miles!

At this time, the great wizard was not only surprised but also angry at Himihu's departure.

He had no idea that Himihu was so eager to learn and had such a high level of understanding.

I will choose to leave the mountains of Nanzhong where my ancestors have lived for generations, and will never miss it.

Then the great wizard became angry at Himihu's concealment and deception.

At that time, Wutu Gu had just become the leader of the Ugo Kingdom.

No matter in terms of strength or reputation, he could not compare with the great wizard at that time.

After the great wizard found Wu Tu Gu, he explained to him about Himihu's departure.

Wutugu heard from the great wizard that Himihu, who had been praised highly by the great wizard, actually chose to leave Ugo country secretly.

So Wu Tu Gu asked the great wizard how to bring Himihu back to Ugo country.

The great wizard's reply to Wu Tu Gu was that this was his successor, and naturally he had to personally bring Himihu back to the Ugo Kingdom.

With a stunned look of surprise, the great wizard set off to find Himihu after finishing speaking.

Beimihu changed his mounts along the way and soon arrived at Yizhou.

At this time, she didn't know that her whereabouts had been completely locked by the great wizard.

And the great wizard is getting closer and closer to her.

Three more days later.

The great wizard finally appeared in front of Himihu.

"I didn't expect the great wizard to catch up with me so soon."

Himihu's face still shows admiration for the great wizard's witchcraft.

After Bai Feng heard Himihu's story, he thought that the witchcraft power of this great wizard was really unfathomable.

However, this great wizard did not appear when he broke the poisonous spring illusion and attacked the Ugo Kingdom.

Could it be that the great wizard of Ugo Kingdom has passed away?

Bai Feng couldn't hold back, and finally asked Himihu for the first time:

"Is the great wizard dead now?"

After hearing Lin Chuan's inquiry, Himihu's expression darkened again.


"Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to break through three poisonous spring illusions so smoothly, and the last soft spring illusion wouldn't be able to hinder you for too long."

Bai Feng thought that this was indeed the case, if the great wizard of Ugo Country was still alive.

Although I can still turn Ugo Country into history, it will definitely not be as easy as it is today.

Just when Bai Feng felt lucky, Himihu once again talked about what happened after the great wizard stopped her.

"After I was stopped by the great wizard, the great wizard stared at me for a long time."

Himihu didn't know what the great wizard at that time saw on his face.


Is it the yearning for freedom?

Or are you just like a newborn deer, full of curiosity about everything in this world?

"In the end, the great wizard did not directly take me back to Ugo Kingdom, but asked me why I chose to leave."

At this point, Himihu naturally had no intention of continuing to conceal the great wizard.

She told the great wizard all the reasons why she chose to leave Ugo Country.

Then the great wizard asked Himihu to leave.

"The great wizard did not forcefully take me back to Ugo Country."

"After he let me leave, he just told me that he wanted to pursue a better life."

"Then in the end, don't forget the people of Ugo who are still living in the deep mountains and old forests."

Until this time, Bai Feng's view of the great wizard changed again.

This great wizard of the Ugo Kingdom is not only powerful.

The personality may also be different from ordinary people.

Let Himihu be such a good successor to the great wizard, after Qianli blocked it.

Just because of Himihu's words, she was really given freedom.

"This great wizard of the Ugo Kingdom is really a strange person!"

Now Bai Feng suddenly wanted to meet the great wizard of Ugo Kingdom.

It's a pity that this great wizard has already turned into a pile of bones.

After hearing Bai Feng's emotion, Himihu couldn't help but said:

"Yes, although I escaped from the Ugo Kingdom, I have always felt guilty towards the great wizard himself."

The dilapidated garden that Himihu took Bai Feng to before was the courtyard where the great wizard lived during his lifetime.

Then Himihu looked at Bai Feng and said solemnly for the first time:

"After returning to Ugo Country again, I saw that the people of Ugo Country still lived the same life as before I left."

"So I hope that Mr. Bai can truly make the people of Ugo live a good life!"

Himihu, who has been wandering for many years, knows that only Bai Feng has this strength now.

Complete the great wizard's last instructions to himself.

Bai Feng was stunned when he heard this, then nodded.

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