Bai Feng didn't expect it.

Himihu's life experience is so bizarre.

Whether it is the great wizard with great strength and extraordinary personality, or the Wu Tu Gu who is extremely angry at Himihu's escape.

Bai Feng was quite amused by the completely different attitudes of the two towards Himihu.

"You can rest assured of this."

"Except for the protruding bones, I must kill them this time and deliver their heads to His Majesty."

"As long as other Ugo people do not continue to resist, I will not kill people easily."

Bai Feng promised Himihu.

The only thing Bai Feng is curious about about Himihu's experience now is how she ended up at Yamatai.

After receiving Bai Feng's promise, Himi suddenly smiled.

This was the first time Bai Feng saw Himiko's sincere smile.

Not to mention it’s pretty good-looking.

It seems that he guessed that Bai Feng was curious about how he got to Yamatai.

Himihu, who had settled a major matter on his mind, took the initiative to tell Bai Feng again about his experience after the great wizard let her go.

"After I said goodbye to the great wizard, I traveled around the world."

"In addition to understanding everything in this world, I am also looking for ways to help the people of Ugo Country in the mountains truly live a good life."

Although Himihu herself left the Ugo Kingdom, her parents and brothers still lived an ordinary and difficult life in the Ugo Kingdom.

There are tens of thousands of Ugo people like her parents.

But Himihu came to the outside of the mountain and found out.

The outside world is not as beautiful and free as you imagined.

Whether it is the oppression of the people under their rule by the government.

Or the landlords’ infinite greed for land.

Coupled with the endless wars in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

All of this made Himihu feel even more disappointed with the world outside the mountains.

Even if the people of the Ugo Kingdom, who have lived in the mountains of Nanzhong for generations, come outside Bashu.

It is absolutely impossible to live a better life than in the mountains of Nanzhong.

Only worse living conditions await them.

"It's a pity that when I came outside the Nanzhong Mountains, everything I saw was war, famine, and all kinds of natural and man-made disasters."

"It wasn't until I heard that there was an island called Yamatai outside the East China Sea that it could be called a paradise, so I decided to go there."

There is no need for Himihu to explain his subsequent experiences, Bai Feng has a general understanding of them.

"I see."

After hearing this, Bai Feng finally understood why Himihu ran all the way from the Ugo Kingdom in the Nanzhong Mountains to Yamatai.

However, after Yamatai became Bai Feng's base camp, it has indeed become the paradise that Himihu longed for back then.

Bai Feng originally had some thoughts about the resettlement of the people of Ugo Kingdom.

At this time, I feel that it is not impossible to move these people from the Ugo Kingdom to Yamatai.

Then Bai Feng smiled at Himihu and said:

"In that case, how about the remaining people of the Ugo Kingdom move to Yamatai together?"

"You can become their great wizard in the future, but not now."

Bai Feng didn't want to let Himihu leave so easily.

The witchcraft she mastered was also helpful to her.

Hearing this, Himihu immediately nodded and said:

"Thank you very much, Mr. Bai. As for the great wizard, I have no thoughts anymore."

Himihu has long since lost his expectations of becoming a great wizard for the people of Ugo Kingdom, and perhaps the people of Yamatai in the future.

In her eyes, now that she has left the country of Ugo, which is protected by miasma and the illusion of poisonous springs.

The existence of the great wizard is no longer needed.

And Himihu believed that even without the existence of the great wizard, it would not have much impact on the lives of the people of Ugo Country.

Similarly, after Himihu became the great wizard of the people of Ugo Kingdom, he could not compare with Bai Feng's ability to make the people of Ugo Country live a better life.

Since no matter whether it is good or bad, there is no need for the existence of the great wizard.

Himihu thought about the last great wizard, so she would just end it with her master.

The future people of Ugo Country.

I will live a new and better life in Yamatai.

A truly beautiful life without war, plague, poisonous insects, or famine.

"Hahaha, it's settled then!"

After Bai Feng heard Himihu's answer, he immediately made a plan to move all the people of Ugo Kingdom to Yamatai.

It's best if this matter doesn't happen under Cao Cao's eyes.

So as not to arouse the covetousness of others.

Then Bai Feng and Himihu returned to the main hall of King Ugo's Palace.

"Everyone, let's take a rest first!"

"I have already made arrangements for the people and soldiers of Ugo Kingdom."

Bai Feng said to Meng Jie, King Duosi and other Wei soldiers in the palace.

"Okay, everything depends on sir's instructions."

After Meng Jie finished speaking to Bai Feng, he took his leave and left the palace hall to find a place to rest.

King Duosi took the remaining Wei soldiers and then left the palace hall.

Bai Feng, Bei Mihu and others went directly to the Wutu Bone Palace behind the palace hall.

"You all can find a place of your choice and have a good rest."

"We'll be out of here in a few days."

Bai Feng said to Liuli, Zhang Ning, Zhang Qiying and Beimihu.

After Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying heard this, they resisted the urge to understand the content of the conversation between Bai Feng and Bei Mihu, and chose their seats in the palace together.

Liuli came to Himihu.

He asked Himihu softly:

"How did Sir arrange the people and soldiers of Ugo Kingdom? Did he just tell you about it?"

After hearing Liuli's inquiry, Himihu replied directly:

"Mr. Bai said that all the people and soldiers of Ugo Kingdom will be moved to Yamatai."

"I see."

Liuli nodded, this was indeed Bai Feng's style of doing things, there was nothing strange about it.

Liuli then planned to find a place to rest. Just when she turned around, she suddenly said to Himimi out of nowhere:

"Is this the place you have found for the people of Ugo to live a happy life? Yes!"


Himihu didn't expect Liuli to say such things to him.

She didn't realize what Liuli's words meant for a moment.

After Liuli said these words, he completely recalled how Bai Feng had just broken through the illusion of Rouquan, and a Liuli who was exactly like him appeared, and then the two merged into one.

"Teacher! I understand."

After the shock, Himihu finally remembered Liuli's tone. He was the former great wizard.

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