Early the next morning.

Bai Feng woke up refreshed.

Bai Feng came outside the palace and breathed the fresh air in the mountains of Nanzhong.

Then he saw Liuli and Himiko talking quietly to the side.

"Why did the two of them suddenly have something to talk about?"

Bai Feng felt strange.

Then he realized that the expressions on both Liuli and Himihu's faces were not right.

Could it be that something happened last night?

Bai Feng walked towards Liuli and Himihu with doubts.

After arriving in front of the two of them, Bai Feng asked Liuli:

"Is something wrong?"

Only then did Liuli and Himihu realize that Bai Feng had arrived in front of them.

"Sir, something did happen that neither of us can understand."

Liuli looked at Bai Feng, then at Himihu, and then whispered to Bai Feng.

Something really went wrong!

Bai Feng was shocked.

The problem that Liuli and Himiko couldn't solve for a while seemed to be a really difficult problem.

No wonder the two of them had been talking here for a long time without noticing that they were coming over.

"What is the problem? Let's see if I have any ideas to solve it."

Then Bai Feng asked Liuli and Himihu again.

This time it was Himihu who spoke to Bai Feng about what happened last night.

"Mr. Bai, it's like this."

Himihu then told Bai Feng how Liuli asked him and how he answered. Finally, Liuli suddenly said the same words as the great wizard, and all the guesses the two had made so far.

"It's actually like this!"

After listening to Himihu's narration and Liuli's final addition.

Bai Feng couldn't help but be surprised.

As for why Liuli said the same words to Himiko as the great wizard.

Himihu and Liuli's guesses were basically the same.

That is, the person who appeared exactly like Liuli in the Rouquan illusion was transformed by the magic power of the great wizard.

It's just that Himiko and Liuli have tried all kinds of methods, but they haven't inspired the existence of the great wizard in Liuli again.

So now the two of them are not very sure.

Is it the great wizard's soul that is fused with Liuli, or is it a memory that carries the great wizard's last obsession?

Bai Feng now prefers the latter.

"I think with the great wizard's strength that Himihu mentioned before, he should have the ability to seal his obsessions in the illusion of Rouquan."

"As for the mysterious person who finally appeared and merged with Liuli, it is very likely that he is not the soul of the great wizard."

Bai Feng began to analyze his guess to Liuli and Himihu:

"According to the results of the inquiry conducted by Himihu and Liuli on the people of Ugo Kingdom."

"The great wizard himself passed away ten years ago."

"Is there anyone in this world who can let his soul leave the body and exist for ten years?"

"If the great wizard really takes part in creation, he can let his soul exist in the illusion of Rouquan for ten years."

"Then I won't have the chance to finally break the illusion of Rouquan."

Bai Feng's analysis sounded very reasonable to Liuli and Beimihu.

If the great wizard was really that powerful, wouldn't he become a legendary god and ghost cultivator?

Even Bai Feng, who has the most powerful plug-in and is responsible for the system, may not be as powerful as the great wizard.

"Sir, what you said is that Himihu and I probably overestimated."

Liuli followed Bai Feng's thoughts and thought about what happened last night again, and then whispered to Bai Feng.

Himihu also nodded thoughtfully at this time.

"Thinking about it this way, it should be that the great wizard's obsession was finally confirmed through Liuli's mouth."

After a while, Himihu also spoke softly.

And she recalled the experience of learning witchcraft with the great wizard.

After many years, the appearance of the great wizard was no longer clear in Himihu's mind.

But the great wizard's teachings became increasingly clear in Himihu's heart.

Bai Feng saw that this problem had been almost solved under his own analysis.

Then he said to Liuli and Himihu, as well as Meng Jie and King Duosi who had just arrived.

"The people of Ugo Kingdom will move to Yamatai."

"So what you have to do next is to ask the people of Ugo to bring all their belongings with them."

"Then we will gather at the palace hall tomorrow!"

In order to improve efficiency, Bai Feng directly planned to let the people of Ugo Country go directly to Yamatai through the portal.

Meng Jie and King Duosi took the order and left.

Liuli and Himihu also went to assist Mengjie and King Duosi.

After Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying arrived, they were directly arranged by Bai Feng to return to Yamatai.

Prepare venues, tents, food, etc. for the people of Ugo Kingdom who are coming soon.

After Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying left.

Bai Feng began to walk around the capital of Ugo Kingdom.

Looking at the people of the Ugo Kingdom who, under the urging of the Wei soldiers, kept bringing their belongings and food with them.

Bai Feng couldn't help but think.

If Himihu had not chosen to leave Ugo Country.

Instead, he chose to inherit the identity of the great wizard.

And he did not come to attack Ugo Country.

After a hundred years of this, among the people in Ugo, will there be someone like Himihu today who yearns for something beyond the mountains?

Maybe by that time, it’s not just one or two people who want to get out of the mountain, but everyone wants to get out of the mountain!

After all, the population that Nanzhong Mountain can support will easily reach the upper limit.

Bai Feng walked along like this, watching the people of the Ugo Kingdom on the street collecting all the things they could take away from their homes.

"This great wizard is really a wonderful person. I didn't expect that in the end it would be me, the time traveler, who would help Himiko realize his expectations."

Bai Feng suddenly thought that if the great wizard could come to Yamatai, he would probably be more satisfied.

Inside Yamatai at this time.

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying have made preparations for the people of the Ugo Kingdom who are about to move to Yamatai.

That night, Bai Feng confirmed with Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying through the portal.

Just follow the original plan.

On the next day, all the people of Ugo who came to the palace hall and brought all their belongings were teleported to Yamatai one by one.

With the help of the leaders of the tribe, the whole process was a little unsatisfactory at the beginning.

After the people of the Ugo Kingdom realized that entering the portal was not like entering the illusion of a poison spring, their efficiency began to increase significantly.

It only took one day.

About 60,000 people in the entire Ugo Kingdom have all arrived at Yamatai through the portal.

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