Bai Feng rushed back to Yamatai's home before lunch.

Bai Feng couldn't stop praising the sumptuous meals prepared by Diao Chan and others.

In fact, during these days in Nanzhong, the food was too bland.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

"Sir, you arranged the road construction work before."

"In addition to the main roads that have been built in the entire Yamatai, other areas have begun to be constructed simultaneously."

After giving Bai Feng another bowl of rice, Diao Chan reported to Bai Fenghui.

Bai Feng had already arranged the matter of road construction through Himihu before he went to Nanzhong to conquer the Ugo Kingdom.

Because Yamatai is an island, transportation was not very convenient under Himihu's rule.

So after Bai Feng came to Yamatai, he formulated a series of plans to transform Yamatai.

Regarding the renovation of Yamatai, the first thing Bai Feng arranged was to build roads.

If you want to be rich, build roads first.

This can be said to be an eternal truth.

With Himihu's help, the construction of Yamatai's main road went very smoothly.

Before Bai Feng left Yamatai and went to Nanzhong, the entire main road of Yamatai had been built.

What Diao Chan is reporting to Bai Feng now is the construction status of other branch roads.

After returning from Nanzhong this time, Bai Feng felt quite satisfied when he heard Diao Chan reported to him the progress of road construction.

Although it cannot be compared with Hanzhong, it has finally embarked on the path of development.


Bai Feng first smiled at Diao Chan.

Then he said to Himihu:

"When the new Ugo people who come to Yamatai have built their own buildings by the end of this year, they can directly participate in road construction in the spring of next year."

"In this way, it will take two to three years at most."

"The traffic conditions throughout Yamatai will be greatly improved."

After Bai Feng finished speaking, Himihu on the side kept nodding.

The transportation in Yamatai has become more convenient, and both the aborigines of Yamatai and the people of Ugo Country can enjoy more convenient transportation.

It is a win-win situation for the people of Ugo and the aborigines of Yamatai.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai."

Himihu picked up his wine glass and toasted Bai Feng.

The great wizard's last wish, in Himihu's opinion, has now been fulfilled by Bai Feng.

If the great wizard Izumi knew it, he would definitely be very happy!

After talking about road construction.

Bai Feng asked Meng Jie and Li Cunxiao again:

"Are you ready to start building buildings for the newly arrived Ugo people?"

Meng Jie and Li Cunxiao looked at the small plain where the people of Ugo Kingdom were to be resettled together with Bai Feng.

They decided together to start construction in three to five days.

During the previous period, the two of them had to determine the location of the building again.

"Sir, I still need to confirm the location of the building with Meng Jie again."

"It will take about two or three days."

Li Cunxiao answered Bai Feng first.

Then Meng Jie also said to Bai Feng:

"At the same time, I will also mobilize a batch of stones, cement, red bricks and steel bars needed to build buildings for the people of Ugo."

"Preparing these building materials will also take several days."

"However, the construction of the building will begin by the end of this month at the latest. Sir, please rest assured about the time."

"Before winter comes, we will be able to ensure that all the people of Ugo Kingdom live in the buildings!"

Seeing that Meng Jie and Li Cunxiao had already made arrangements and division of labor, Bai Feng made no further arrangements for the construction of the building.

"Okay, just follow the plan of the two of you."

After arranging the construction of buildings for the people of Ugo Country, everyone began to concentrate on enjoying the remaining meals.

After lunch.

Meng Jie and Li Cunxiao left together and began to build buildings for the people of Ugo State.

The people of the Ugo Kingdom, who had only been in Yamatai for just one day, gradually accepted the fact that they would settle in Yamatai from now on, with the comfort of their leaders.

All the people of Ugo Country are full of curiosity about life on the island.

Especially the children among the people of Ugo Country.

The temporary residence that Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying placed for these Ugo people is not too far from the seaside.

So these children from the Ugo Kingdom were very excited when they saw the sea for the first time.

The adults weren't much better.

The people of Ugo Country put their belongings in temporary tents.

Under the strong request of their children, they took them to the beach.

They looked at the endless, vast sea.

Enjoying the warm afternoon sunshine.

Smell the slightly salty sea breeze.

The people of Ugo Country, who lived deep in the mountains all day long, felt for the first time what vastness meant.

Every citizen of the Ugo Kingdom feels a sense of vastness and magnificence in their hearts, and their minds are clear and clear.

"Mom, I want to play in the water!"

A little child was held by his mother's hand and begged to her.

"Go ahead and be careful!"

The mother also wanted to feel the charm of the beach.

So she let go of the child's hand, but still followed the child worriedly.

Seeing this, the other children also begged their parents to go play on the beach.

Soon the entire beach was filled with the laughter of children and adults in Ugo Country.

The needs of these Ugo people are very simple. If they can have enough food and clothing, and live a stable and prosperous life, that is a good life.

At this time, the children playing on the beach had forgotten the fear when the Wei soldiers attacked the Ugo Kingdom.

They were excitedly chasing and catching shells, shrimps and crabs on the beach.

The children's parents also became calmer.

From now on, life in Yamatai should be much better than life in Nanzhong Dashan.

At least there are not so many poisonous insects and beasts, and there are no traps of miasma.

What's more, Bai Feng wanted the people of the Ugo Kingdom who had just arrived at Yamatai to settle down quickly.

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying were given orders before.

The people of Ugo who come to Yamatai must be able to eat and have a place to live when they arrive.

This was the most critical factor that kept the people of Ugo State from causing trouble after coming to Yamatai.

The restraint from the leaders of the tribe can only be said to be the icing on the cake.

Himihu also came to the beach after eating.

Looking at the happy smiles constantly appearing on the faces of the people of Ugo Country.

Himihu couldn't help but laugh too.

"so good!"

Himihu, who sighed softly in his heart, finally fully realized his original ideal of leaving Ugo Country at this moment.

And fulfilled the great wizard's last wish.

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