It’s not just Himiko.

Bai Feng, Liuli and others also came to the beach.

The seaside was filled with the laughter of children of the people of Ugo Country.

"It seems that the people of Ugo Country are very adaptable, hahaha!"

Bai Feng smiled at Liuli beside him.

As long as the people of Ugo Country do not resist living in Yamatai, that is a good thing.

Otherwise, whether more than 60,000 Ugo people are resettled in Hanzhong or they will continue to stay in Nanzhong.

It's not the best choice for Bai Feng.

If these more than 60,000 Ugo people were resettled in Hanzhong.

Then it will inevitably arouse Cao Zhi's fear.

Originally, Cao Zhi had already secretly attacked Bai Feng in court.

What if Cao Zhi found out that Bai Feng had secretly moved all the people from the Ugo Kingdom in South China to Hanzhong?

Maybe they will go to Cao Cao and say that Bai Feng wants to gather troops to rebel.

If these more than 60,000 people from the Ugo Kingdom continue to stay in the mountains of Nanzhong.

The supply of materials to these people will be a difficult problem to solve.

He wants to continuously transport food and materials sufficient for the lives of 60,000 people to the mountains of Nanzhong.

The first difficulty is the difficulty of traveling on mountain roads.

The second question is still unavoidable from being heard by Cao Zhi and other interested people.

After comprehensive consideration, Bai Feng finally decided to place these Ugo people in Yamatai.

There are also reasons for Himihu’s life experience.

Himihu, who still has influence over Yamatai, took the lead in accepting these Ugo people.

Naturally, the original people of Yamatai would not have too strong resistance to the people of Ugo Kingdom.

Although Bai Feng was there, even though the aborigines of Yamatai were hostile to the people of Ugo Country.

Bai Feng also has a way to suppress it.

But in terms of long-term life, it is best for the aborigines of Yamatai to live harmoniously and lovingly with the people of Ugo.

Liuli, beside Bai Feng, was also watching the novelty and joy of the people of Ugo Country seeing the sea for the first time.

"Sir, I believe that the people of Ugo who come to Yamatai from Nanzhong will like their life in Yamatai."

After hearing Bai Feng's emotion, Liuli also smiled and said.

Then Liuli saw Himiko who came here before them.

"Sir, if you ask the people of Himihu and Yamatai to explain the origin of the people of Ugo Kingdom and herself."

"Perhaps the people of Yamatai can accept the people of Ugo Kingdom more quickly."

After Bai Feng heard Liuli's suggestion, he felt that it made some sense.

But there is no need to go to great lengths to let Himihu explain the matter to the people of Yamatai alone.

"Your suggestion is good, but it doesn't have to be so troublesome."

"Just spread the news among the people."

"It is said that the people of the Ugo Kingdom who came here from the mountains of Nanzhong are Himihu

The people in the place where you lived when you were young are enough. "

After Bai Feng arrived, the lives of the people of Yamatai have become much better than before.

Therefore, even if more than 60,000 Ugo people come to Yamatai, it will not have any impact on the supply of living materials for the people of Yamatai.

In addition, there is still a lot of undeveloped land in Yamatai, so for the occupation of land for materials.

After the people of Ugo Kingdom came to Yamatai, they basically did not have much influence on the people of Yamatai.

After Liuli heard Bai Feng's arrangement, she suddenly felt that it was easier to implement than her own suggestions.

"Sir, the arrangement is good, then I will arrange the manpower to start spreading the news tomorrow!"

"Okay, let's arrange it this way."

Bai Feng had no objection to Liuli's next arrangements.

Himihu, who was not far away, also spotted Bai Feng and Liuli who were watching the children of Ugo Kingdom playing at the beach.

After a while, Himihu came to Bai Feng and Liuli.

"Mr. Bai."

Himihu smiled at Bai Feng.

Seeing that Beimihu was in a good mood, Bai Feng also smiled at Beimihu and said:

"All the people of Ugo will be able to move into the buildings by the end of this year at the latest."

"At that time, they will truly settle down in Yamatai."

"If there is any conflict between the people of Yamatai and the people of Ugo during this period."

"I hope you can mediate in time."

In order to avoid the unexpected situation, Bai Feng thought for a while and still warned Himihu.

"Okay, Mr. Bai, don't worry."

"I think both the people of Ugo Country and the people of Yamatai will become a family without distinction between each other from now on!"

Himihu once again turned his attention to the children playing on the beach.

Perhaps it only takes two generations for the people of Ugo and Yamatai to live in harmony.

After Bai Feng learned about Himihu's life experience, he trusted her even more.

So Bai Feng believes in Himihu's words.

Next, Bai Feng, Liuli and Beimihu returned to the mansion.

After resting for a while in the mansion.

Bai Feng began to go to the plain previously designated for the people of Ugo country to build buildings.

When Bai Feng arrived at the plain, he found that Meng Jie and Li Cunxiao had already begun arranging manpower to level the nearby land.

And weeds and trees were cleared.

"Meng Jie and Li Cunxiao are quite efficient."

"It seems that the people of Ugo Country should be able to move in earlier."

Bai Feng, who was very satisfied with the work efficiency of the two people, left this small plain again.

Bai Feng did not stay in Yamatai at night.

He took Liuli and went directly through the portal and returned to Hanzhong.

The purpose of returning to Hanzhong was naturally because Bai Feng dedicated the Wutugu head directly to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was very happy to see that a major hidden danger in Nanzhong was put down so quickly by Bai Feng.

Not only did he issue a reward, he also wrote a special edict to praise Bai Feng.

At this time, the edict praising Bai Feng and the gold and silver property awarded to Bai Feng had been sent to Hanzhong.

After Bai Feng returned to Hanzhong, the first person he saw was Cao Jie.


After seeing Bai Feng come back, Cao Jie shouted with joy.


Bai Feng came to Cao Jie and hugged her into his arms.

He didn't even notice that there were soldiers and maids beside him.

"So many people are here~"

Cao Jie felt Bai Feng's strong heartbeat and said shyly but with happiness.

"Why do you care so much? I miss you so much!"

The soldiers and maids on the side naturally pretended to turn a blind eye to everything in front of them.

It's just that they all felt a little overwhelmed at this time.

The maids also secretly cast envious and longing glances at Cao Jie.

Then Bai Feng took Cao Jie's hand, and the two strolled back to the palace together.

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