In the blacksmith shop in the east of Hanzhong City.

The old blacksmith's wife quickly called her eldest son and youngest son over.


As soon as the eldest and second eldest children arrived, they were ready to listen to the old blacksmith's arrangements.

"Whose family needs kitchen knives, iron pots and hoes again?"

The boss asked the old blacksmith first.

What these blacksmiths usually make the most are kitchen knives, iron pots and hoes.

The boss who is about to inherit the old blacksmith shop is already very good at making kitchen knives, iron pots and hoes.

Especially in terms of making iron pots, the boss is almost catching up with the old blacksmith himself.

“This time it’s not about kitchen knives, iron pans and hoes!”

"How could you possibly ask us to go there alone if you want to build these in Hanzhong!"

The old blacksmith looked at his eldest son with well-developed limbs and couldn't help scolding him.

The eldest son's understanding and skills in blacksmithing are indeed good, but he is too honest.

Just the opposite of the old blacksmith's youngest son.

The younger son is good at blacksmithing, and he doesn't like blacksmithing either. He wants to go to school.

It would be perfect if the younger son's IQ and the older son's strength were combined.

After scolding his eldest son, the old blacksmith looked at his younger son who looked indifferent and continued:

"This is the drawing given by the Hanzhong Marquis. You two should come and take a look."

After speaking, the old blacksmith placed the steam engine manufacturing drawings in front of the two of them.

The eldest son looked at the dense lines and markings on the drawing and couldn't help scratching his head.

The younger son found it quite interesting after seeing it.

"The mechanism painted on it, Hanzhong Hou said it was called a steam engine, a mechanism used to boil water."

"Both of you, take a closer look and study it."

"If our iron armor shop can be the first to build this steam engine, the Hanzhong Emperor will reward you with at least one hundred taels of silver!"

One hundred taels of silver was a huge sum of money at this time.

It’s enough for the old blacksmith’s family of five to eat and drink well for a whole year.

The eldest son, who was scratching his head, and the younger son, who was interested in the steam engine on the drawing, both widened their eyes when they heard their father talking about one hundred taels of silver.

"Father, this steam engine is so amazing!"

"It's worth the reward of one hundred taels of silver from Hanzhong Hou!"

The eldest son now felt even more complicated about the steam engine on the drawing.

Compared with kitchen knives, iron pots and hoes, the complexity of steam engines was in the eyes of the old blacksmith's eldest son.

It's like a three-year-old child reading the Four Books and Five Classics.

After hearing his eldest son's shock, the old blacksmith couldn't help but said:

"Then our blacksmith shop must be the first to build the steam engine on the drawing!"

"This one hundred taels of silver is not so easy to get."

"This time, all the blacksmiths who opened blacksmith shops in Hanzhong City got the blueprints of the steam engine from the Hanzhong Hou!"

This is why the old blacksmith quickly asked his wife to call his two sons over as soon as he returned to the blacksmith shop.

For them now, time is the most precious thing, worth one hundred taels!

The younger son found it even more challenging after hearing his father's words.

This is much more interesting than making kitchen knives, iron pots and hoes.

Not only is it interesting, but you also get one hundred taels of silver.

The younger son felt that he was starting to get excited, and blacksmithing became more interesting.

"Father, the difficulty of this steam engine should lie in its various complex shapes and this chamber!"

The younger son, who had been studying the steam engine blueprints and kept silent, finally spoke to the old blacksmith.

The old blacksmith was delighted when he heard this.

He had long known that his youngest son was smart.

So I have always wanted my younger son to inherit his blacksmith shop, and my older son can be my younger son's helper.

Unfortunately, my younger son has no interest in blacksmithing.

My youngest son learned blacksmithing skills in a few days.

Now after hearing his younger son's analysis, the old blacksmith suddenly said excitedly:

"You see the secret? How to solve this problem?"

After hearing his father's inquiry, the youngest son looked at the drawings of the steam engine again.

After the steam engine is manufactured, it will be the size of a table.

If it were forged, the time alone might take a year and a half.

So the younger son was wondering if a steam engine could be cast.

"Father, I think it would be difficult to forge this steam engine, and it would take too long."

"With the strength of the three of us, we may not be able to complete it in half a year."

"So I thought of a way, and that was casting!"

After the youngest son finished speaking, the old blacksmith couldn't help but nod.

After seeing the drawings of the steam engine, the old blacksmith's first reaction was to cast it.

The youngest son was able to think of casting in a short time, which made the old blacksmith very happy.

However, casting has obvious advantages and disadvantages compared to forging.

Forging is to use hammering to change the shape and size of red-hot iron bars through continuous beating.

It is then quenched to change its hardness and other different properties.

Kitchen knives and hoes are basically forged, and the blacksmiths have rich forging methods and experience.

Casting involves melting steel and pouring it into a prepared mold.

Then after cooling and solidification, the workpiece is obtained with the same shape as the mold after cleaning.

But casting requires that there be no problems with the mold.

Also, when pouring molten iron into the mold, you must also master the speed and propriety.

Otherwise, the interior of the workpiece after cooling will be filled with bubbles and cracks.

"Yes, you and your father thought of going together!"

"But it's such a big steam engine, and the internal structure is a bit complicated."

“It’s not easy to cast an object that looks exactly like the drawing!”

At this time, the old blacksmith, like his eldest son, touched his gray hair and said with some embarrassment.

"Father, no matter how difficult it is to cast, we currently have no better way."

The youngest son withdrew his eyes from the drawing of the steam engine and looked at the old blacksmith and said helplessly.

However, it is this kind of difficult and challenging things that can arouse the younger son's interest and desire to study.

After hearing this, the old blacksmith had to nod and admit that what his younger son said was indeed the truth.

The eldest son watched his father and younger brother discussing how to build a steam engine.

He felt it was really complicated.

"No matter what method you use, leave the effort to me! Hahaha!"

Since it's too complicated, let's not think about it. The eldest son smiled naively at his father and younger brother.

Just like the blacksmith shop in the east of the city.

Other blacksmith shops in Hanzhong City are also determining how to build this steam engine.

In the end, the blacksmiths unanimously adopted the casting method.

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