After Bai Feng sent the steam engine manufacturing drawings to the blacksmiths, he returned to the Hou Mansion.

At this time, Cao Jie was chatting with Liuli in the garden of the Hou Mansion.

Diao Chan was playing the piano.

Xiao Qiao and Cai Wenji are busy preparing dinner.

If other Wei people knew about the lineup of maids in Bai Feng's family, they would probably drool with envy.

"My husband is back."

After Cao Jie saw Bai Feng coming to the garden, he stood up and laughed softly.

Liuli also stood up obediently to greet him.

Diao Chan smiled and gestured to Bai Feng, her hand playing the piano without stopping.

Bai Feng also came to sit next to Cao Jie with a smile on his face, and then held Cao Jie's jade hand in his palm.

Feeling the warmth from Bai Feng's palm, Cao Jie felt particularly satisfied.

"Husband, did you go to the newly established R\u0026D center?"

Then Cao Jie asked Bai Feng.

"Yes, I just came back from the R\u0026D center."

"Currently, the manufacturing drawings of the steam engine have been distributed to the blacksmiths in the city."

"I don't know which company can make the steam engine first. I guess it won't be too soon."

Bai Feng briefly told Cao Jie what happened in the morning.

Cao Jie had heard about steam engines, trains, ships and other modern things from Bai Feng before.

At this time, he curiously asked Bai Feng again:

"Husband, if only a steam engine could be built."

"Then steam trains and steamships should be built soon, right?"

Regarding trains and ships, Cao Jie still wanted to experience them after hearing Bai Feng's description.

"It's not that easy."

Bai Feng knew that the manufacture of steam engines was just the beginning.

The construction of trains and ships is more difficult than the other.

Both of these require a lot of manpower and material resources.

It cannot be accomplished just by relying on Hanzhong.

Even if Yamatai is added, the resources and manpower are not enough.

At that time, the construction of trains and ships must obtain Cao Cao's consent and use the entire Wei Dynasty's manpower and material resources to complete.

However, Bai Feng believes that in building trains and ships.

There is no need to convince Cao Cao.

He only needs to tell Cao Cao the functions of trains and ships, and Cao Cao will happily start building railways and shipyards.

Get ready to build trains and ships.

"But after the steam engine was built, it really didn't take long to build trains and ships."

In response to Cao Jie's expectant look, Bai Feng smiled relaxedly at her.


Cao Jie naturally believed in Bai Feng unconditionally.

"If the train is built, then the husband must build a railway to Yecheng first."

"This will make it much easier for us to go back and visit our parents."

Cao Jie has lived in Hanzhong for a long time, and sometimes he still misses Cao Cao and his mother.

"That's natural, don't worry Jie'er!"

Bai Feng agreed immediately.

Railways will definitely be built throughout the Wei Dynasty.

There is no problem in cultivating from Hanzhong to Yecheng first.

Upon hearing this, Cao Jie happily leaned on Bai Feng's shoulder.

Diao Chan, who was playing the piano at the side, was very envious. She also wanted to lean on Bai Feng's shoulder.

Amidst the melodious music of the piano, the aroma of food wafted from the garden.

It turned out that Xiao Qiao and Cai Wenji had already prepared lunch.

So everyone enjoyed a delicious meal in the garden.


Bai Feng was resting in the bedroom, gently hugging Cao Jie.

Cao Jie was already sleeping soundly in Bai Feng's arms.

But Bai Feng was thinking, waiting until the steam engine was completed.

The next trains and ships relied on steam engines as power means of transportation.

How to start developing.

Currently, Bai Feng does not have any construction drawings for trains and ships.

The railway built in Hanzhong was only to facilitate the transportation of bulk goods.


Bai Feng thought silently in his heart, thinking about how many reputation points he still had in the system.

When I clicked on the system panel, I saw that the current reputation value after exchanging the steam engine manufacturing blueprints was already less than 10,000.

Of course, such a small amount of reputation is not enough to exchange for the construction blueprints of the train.

There is another very important question before Bai Feng.

That is, the current level of craftsmen is not enough to build trains.

Even if Bai Feng now has the construction drawings of the train in his hands, he will hand them over to the blacksmiths and other craftsmen in Hanzhong City.

Nor could they build the train.

Because building a train and building a steam engine are completely different concepts.

The former requires an entire supporting industrial system.

The latter requires nothing more than a blueprint and a skilled blacksmith.

“Currently, we still don’t have enough talents for craftsmen.”

Bai Feng currently only has one Ma Jun and one Pu Yuan under his command, who can be called master craftsmen.

It's just that Ma Jun is good at making armor, and Pu Yuan is good at forging swords.

And to build a train, Bai Feng needs talents in mathematics, physics, geology, architecture, chemistry, etc.

Although Bai Feng has now opened a university in Dawei.

But the cultivation of these talents is not on the right track.

The reason is of course very simple, no teacher will teach this knowledge!

Even if Bai Feng can exchange the system for future textbooks on mathematics, physics, chemistry, architecture and other subjects.

But it will take at least two generations to train talents who can teach these teaching materials.

Two generations will take at least forty years.

"Industrialization is really a long way to go."

Bai Feng thought silently in his heart, then lowered his head and sniffed the fragrance in Cao Jie's hair, and felt sleepy.

An hour later.

Cao Jie woke up refreshed in Bai Feng's arms.

Looking at Bai Feng who was still sleeping soundly, Cao Jie did not wake him up.

"Husband, is there something on your mind?"

Cao Jie, who admired Bai Feng's face, found that Bai Feng's brows were slightly wrinkled in his sleep.

So Cao Jie couldn't help but stretched out his hand to smooth Bai Feng's frown.

Bai Feng woke up from his sleep after feeling Cao Jie's jade hand caressing his brow.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Cao Jie looking at him with concern and his jade hand still on his face, Bai Feng couldn't help but ask softly.

"It's nothing, I just saw you frowning when you fell asleep. Is there anything bothering you?"

"Well, I'm thinking that the steam engine and train must be built as soon as possible, so that Jie'er and I can take the train and travel around the mountains and rivers together."

“I don’t want you to wait too long for Jie’er.”


Cao Jie's pretty face turned red when he heard this, and he buried his face in Bai Feng's chest with a smile.

Naturally, Bai Feng didn't tell the truth to Cao Jie. He just didn't want Cao Jie to be as troubled by industrialization as he was.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Bai Feng's mind.

【Ding! New tasks have been released, please check back in time! 】

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