Bai Feng, who was about to take a rest, couldn't help but become energetic again when he heard the system prompt sound in his mind.

Then Bai Feng brought up the system panel and started to check the latest released system tasks.

System task description:

[The Xianbei people in the north are experiencing drought. 】

[They now need Da Wei's help to tide over the difficulties. 】

[He helped Xianbei survive the drought and successfully conquered the Xianbei tribes. 】

Mission completion rewards:

[Random character drawing card × 2! 】

[Reputation value reward: 20,000! 】

[Random drawing reward ×1! 】

After reading the task description and system rewards given by the system, Bai Feng felt that the rewards were pretty good.

Now Bai Feng lacks the reputation points to extract the manufacturing blueprints for trains and ships.

With the 20,000 reputation points awarded by this system, it may be possible after the steam engine is built.

Start the next step of train construction.

Random character drawing cards are also very practical for Bai Feng.

The talents that Bai Feng currently lacks are craftsmen and inventors similar to Lu Ban and Mozi.

If he can draw Lu Ban and Mo Zi, then Bai Feng can be said to have made a lot of money.

"It seems I should leave for Xianbei immediately to find out."

"Although the task released by the system does not give a time limit for completion, if the problem of severe drought in Xianbei is not solved, I am afraid that the Xianbei people will cause chaos again."

Bai Feng was thinking about how to solve the problems encountered by the Xianbei people.

In this way, it was not until early in the morning that Bai Feng finally fell asleep.

The next day, after Cao Jie had breakfast with Bai Feng, he wanted to go for a walk in Hanzhong City with Bai Feng.

Bai Feng originally wanted to go directly to Xianbei to see the situation first.

Seeing that Cao Jie wanted to spend more time with him, he did not reject Cao Jie directly.

After all, we haven’t seen each other for more than half a month.

"Okay, let's go."

So Bai Feng didn't take Liuli and the others with him, he just changed clothes with Cao Jie and left the Hou Mansion.

After walking with Cao Jie on the street for a long time, Cao Jie returned to the Hou Mansion with Bai Feng after he was satisfied.

Then Bai Feng told Cao Jie that he was going to Youzhou.

"Why does your husband want to go to Youzhou?"

Cao Jie was quite puzzled when he heard this.

He had just returned from Nanzhong a few days ago, so why did he go to the north again?

Naturally, Bai Feng couldn't tell Cao Jie that this was a task issued by the system, and there was nothing I could do about it.

So Bai Feng could only explain to Cao Jie:

"The reason why I want to go to Youzhou is because there has been no progress in the manufacturing of steam engines."

"So I'm going to Youzhou to see if there are suitable craftsmen who can make the steam engine as soon as possible."

Bai Feng's explanation was not entirely satisfactory to Cao Jie.

However, the blacksmiths in Youzhou are indeed better than those in Hanzhong.

So Cao Jie did not continue to ask, and just said to Bai Feng:

"Then go early and come back early. I'll wait for you at home."

When Bai Feng heard this, his heart moved and he hugged Cao Jie into his arms.

"Don't worry! I will come back to see you halfway."

Cao Jie is now accompanied by Diao Chan, Cai Wenji and Xiao Qiao.

It's not too boring on weekdays.

So Bai Feng, Zhang Ning, Zhang Qiying and Liuli set out for Youzhou.

Similar to Cao Jie's explanation, Bai Feng also told Zhang Ning, Zhang Qiying and Liuli that he was going to Youzhou to find a blacksmith who could make steam engines in Nengou.

The three of them didn't care about Bai Feng's arrangements. They just followed Bai Feng wherever he went.

Seven days later, Bai Feng and his party finally arrived in Youzhou.

After arriving in Youzhou, Bai Feng discovered that not only was there a severe drought in Xianbei, but Youzhou was also relatively dry.

The people in the farmland are busy cleaning the diversion canals.

For farmland far away from the river, farmers need to carry water to irrigate the farmland.

"It seems that the water conservancy facilities in Youzhou will be rebuilt again in the future."

Bai Feng said to Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying.

Liuli saw the farmers working in the fields under the scorching sun and agreed with Bai Feng's statement.

After entering Youzhou City, Bai Feng walked straight towards the nearest blacksmith shop.

In this blacksmith shop, three or five muscular men were wielding hammers and forging farm tools.

Because of the relatively dry weather this year, there has been a lot of wear and tear on farm tools.

So the business of this blacksmith shop is pretty good.

The owner of the blacksmith shop is a middle-aged man in his thirties with a beard.

After seeing Bai Feng, Liuli and others who were dressed in extraordinary clothes, they came to the blacksmith shop.

He handed the hammer to his apprentice.

Then he stepped forward to say hello to Bai Feng and others:

"What do you want to create for this young master and three young ladies?"

Generally speaking, people like Bai Feng who dress up as a rich man will choose to forge a scribe's sword when they go to the blacksmith shop.

Nothing else, just wear it with you to show off.

It's just that the bearded man who inherited his father's craftsmanship in Youzhou City has never seen Bai Feng before.

I thought Bai Feng was a rich young man from out of town.

Judging from the maids beside him, they are all extraordinary. They must be either the rich family or the son of some high official.

After the bearded man judged Bai Feng's identity based on his own experience.

Then he was ready to offer a high price.

Anyway, these wealthy young men are not short of money. As long as the scribes' swords are crafted with exquisite materials and exquisite shapes, they can easily earn thirty or forty taels of silver.

Bai Feng heard the question from the blacksmith shop owner, the bearded man.

He took out a drawing of a steam engine from his pocket and handed it to him.

"This is?"

The bearded man took the drawing handed by Bai Feng and looked at the steam engine depicted on it and couldn't help but ask Bai Feng.

Bai Feng smiled and explained to the bearded man:

"The object on the drawing is called a steam engine."

"I wonder if this master can build one for me. If he successfully builds a steam engine, I will pay him one hundred taels of silver!"

The bearded man stared at the steam engine blueprint in his hand and looked at it again and again, without any clue.

But after hearing Bai Feng say that as long as he built it, he would get one hundred taels of silver, the bearded man was tempted on the spot.

"The steam engine shown in the picture is indeed quite complicated to build!"

The bearded man did not promise Bai Feng from the beginning that he would be able to build a steam engine.

"But if the young master is not in a hurry, I can try to help the young master build this steam engine, but it's hard to say when it comes to time."

After the bearded man finished speaking, he waited for Bai Feng's answer.

"Well, in that case, the master can try to make it. If it fails, it will cost ten taels of silver."

Bai Feng thought for a while and said to the bearded man, and then asked Liuli to get him ten taels of silver.

The bearded man who took the silver from Liuli smiled at Bai Feng again and said:

"Young master, please be happy!"

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