Youzhou Prefecture.

After admiring Liu Yan's rich expressions, Bai Feng decided to give him a reassurance.

"Prefect, don't get me wrong, what I said is the truth."

"And if I go to the grassland to relax this time, I might be able to help you, the eunuch, solve the problem of the Xianbei people plundering Youzhou!"

Liu Yan naturally did not believe that Bai Feng was telling the truth when he said that he could come and go freely on the grassland.

But hearing Bai Feng say that he could help him solve the problem of Xianbei people plundering Youzhou made Liu Yan quite interested.

After calming down his turbulent emotions, Liu Yan asked Bai Feng again:

"What clever idea does Hanzhong Hou have to make those Xianbei people who don't have enough to eat stay on the grassland?"

"Just let them have enough to eat!"


After Liu Yan heard Bai Feng's answer, he really couldn't help but want to kick Bai Feng out of the prefect's mansion.

Liu Yan, who had never dealt with Bai Feng several times before, had always listened to Bai Feng's various legendary deeds.

At this moment, the tall image of Bai Feng in his heart suddenly collapsed.

"Hahaha, it's just a joke, don't take it to heart, Governor, hahaha!"

Bai Feng found that it was really interesting to watch Liu Yan's expression change, and couldn't help but joke with Liu Yan again.

Then Bai Feng began to tell Liu Yan his thoughts on how to conquer the Xianbei people in detail.

"I just told the prefect that we should allow those Xianbei people to have enough to eat this year. Although it was a joke, it was also the fundamental reason why the Xianbei people came to plunder Youzhou."

"If you want to solve the problem of Xianbei people not having enough to eat, of course you cannot give them food."

If Liu Yan really sent food to the Xianbei people, the Xianbei people would not be grateful to him.

On the contrary, the Xianbei people would think that Liu Yan, the prefect, was afraid of the Xianbei cavalry raiding Youzhou.

So in order to appease them, we would send them food.

"But now I have an idea that can not only solve the food problem of the Xianbei people, but also benefit the Wei Dynasty!"

Liu Yan saw that Bai Feng really wanted to help him solve the Xianbei people's problem.

Suddenly he became serious.

Hearing what Bai Feng said, Liu Yan couldn't help but ask:

"What clever plan does the Hanzhong Hou have? Please tell me quickly, but don't amuse me!"

When Bai Feng heard this, he was really not joking with Liu Yan, but continued to analyze it seriously.

"Prefect, don't worry, I will definitely help the prefect solve the Xianbei people's problems!"

Bai Feng first patted his chest and said he was sure.

When Bai Feng was analyzing Liu Yan just now, he thought that it would be easier for him to conquer the Xianbei people if he had Liu Yan's support.

There are two main reasons why Youzhou can gradually recover its population.

The first is the various high-yielding grain seeds provided by Bai Feng.

The second is that the strength of the Wei Dynasty has increased, which has protected the people of Youzhou from the plunder of the Xianbei people.

If Bai Feng wants to conquer the Xianbei people in one go, he must rely on what he and Liu Yan mentioned before to feed the Xianbei people, that is, food.

There is also the use of Youzhou Iron Cavalry to allow the well-fed Xianbei people to still stay on the grassland.

Don't keep thinking about the dream of conquering the Central Plains.

When Liu Yan saw Bai Feng patting his chest and confirming his agreement, he believed that Bai Feng was really capable of helping him solve the problem of Xianbei people possibly plundering Youzhou.

After all, Bai Feng's past achievements and achievements are all real.

"Hahaha, of course I believe the Hanzhong Marquis!"

At this time, Liu Yan finally had a smile on his face again, and he was glad that he didn't invite Bai Feng out of the prefect's mansion just now.

When Bai Feng saw that Liu Yan's expression finally became normal, he continued to tell Liu Yan about his plan.

"It can not only provide food for the Xianbei people, but also benefit the Wei Dynasty. It can also ensure that the Xianbei people will no longer come to Youzhou after they are full."

"My way is to trade with the Xianbei people in Youzhou!"

"Let the Xianbei people use their cattle, sheep and horses to trade with us for grain, cloth and salt!"

"Then let the children of the Xianbei tribe leaders come to Youzhou to go to school!"

After Bai Feng told Liu Yan his method, Liu Yan thought about it carefully and found that the feasibility was really high!

And it’s not difficult to operate.

"I seem to understand what Hanzhong Hou means."

"This opened up a mutual market, using grain, cloth and salt to trade cattle, sheep and horses with the Xianbei people."

"This is so that the Xianbei people can eat enough, but they can't continue to run around on the grassland!"

"Letting the children of the Xianbei tribe leaders come to Youzhou to go to school is treating the children of these leaders as hostages in our hands!"

"So that the Xianbei people will not dare to make the decision to plunder Youzhou easily!"

Liu Yan followed Bai Feng's train of thought, and the more he talked, the brighter his eyes became!

"Hahahaha, seconds!"

"The Hanzhong Hou's clever plan, I'm really convinced!"

Liu Yan, who laughed heartily, actually stood up and prepared to salute Bai Feng.

"No, no, the governor doesn't have to be so polite!"

Bai Feng quickly stood up and supported Liu Yan.

Only then did Liu Yan sit down again.

"Since the prefect also thinks that my plan is feasible, let's make some preparations first."

"At the same time, I will also write to His Majesty to explain the opening of mutual trade with Xianbei."

"And it will be mentioned in it that this is a solution that the prefect and I came up with together!"

After sitting down, Bai Feng continued to say to Liu Yan.

Liu Yan was really moved this time.

"Thank you so much, Hou Hanzhong! Thank you so much, Hou Hanzhong!"

"From now on, if the Hanzhong Marquis wants to come to the grassland to relax, he can come directly to stay here at the Prefect's Mansion. I guarantee that the Hanzhong Marquis will be satisfied with the arrangement!"

Liu Yan thanked Bai Feng again and again, although he did not say anything about following Bai Feng's lead in the future.

With Bai Feng's current status and strength, he didn't care how much a prefect could help him.

But Liu Yan really kept Bai Feng's kindness in his heart.

Although Youzhou's strength is now stronger than Xianbei.

But the initiative to plunder Youzhou was in the hands of the Xianbei people.

Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against a thief?

It was impossible for Liu Yan to use all the Youzhou cavalry to deal a heavy blow to the Xianbei people.

After all, the grassland is vast. After hundreds of thousands of Youzhou cavalry enter the grassland, supplies will be a big trouble.

Let the Xianbei people lead them in circles on the grassland, and finally cut off the food path of the Youzhou Cavalry.

The more Youzhou cavalry people, the faster they will die.

A strong man and famous general like Huo Qubing can't be caught in large numbers!


"Then I'd rather be respectful than obey!"

"I will bother the prefect in the next few days. I will write the memorial later, and the prefect can send someone to rush to Yecheng!"

Bai Feng said to Liu Yan again.

The sooner Bai Feng completes the system task of conquering Xianbei, the sooner Bai Feng can return to Hanzhong and reunite with Cao Jie.

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