That night, Bai Feng finished writing the memorial in Liu Yan's study.

Liu Yan immediately sent a postman to leave Youzhou City overnight to send the memorial to Yecheng.

When Bai Feng set out for the grassland, the memorial was also sent to Yecheng at full speed.

In the palace of Yecheng, Cao Cao was handling government affairs.

After Cao Cao became emperor, the world generally ushered in a peaceful and prosperous era.

There was no need to lead troops to fight, but handling the government affairs of the entire Wei Dynasty was more difficult than fighting.

The head of Wutugu presented by Bai Feng from Nanzhong made Cao Cao happy for a few days in the heavy government affairs.

After the Wuguo Kingdom was evaluated by Bai Feng, no other forces were entrenched in Bashu.

Now the whole of Bashu is completely under the rule of Wei.

Therefore, Cao Cao's attention to Bai Feng is unparalleled in the world.

Now Bai Feng's memorial is on Cao Cao's desk.

Cao Cao picked up the memorial and read it carefully, and his eyes became brighter and brighter as he read it.

"Great! Great!"

The Xianbei people's occasional raids on the border of Youzhou have always been a headache for Cao Cao.

Especially after Wei unified the world.

The population of Youzhou gradually recovered, and the lives of the people in Youzhou became better and more prosperous.

This made the Xianbei tribes who lived a miserable life on the prairie particularly jealous.

Under the threat of the Youzhou Iron Cavalry, the Xianbei tribes did not dare to raid the border of Youzhou on a large scale as before.

And the Xianbei people who came to the border of Youzhou to raid no longer massacred villages, but only looted property and food.

After all, they were also afraid that Liu Yan, the governor of Youzhou, would be forced to send the Youzhou Iron Cavalry to encircle and suppress them.

But small-scale raids became more frequent and more difficult to prevent.

It was not until Liu Yan, the governor of Youzhou, stationed cavalry in various towns in Youzhou that the Xianbei people's raiding behavior was restrained.

Cao Cao now looked at the two strategies mentioned by Bai Feng in the memorial to subdue the Xianbei people.

I feel that it is more feasible.

Whether it is opening a trade market to allow the Xianbei people to survive the drought.

Or further strengthening the power of Wei by exchanging horses and cattle and sheep.

In Cao Cao's view, it is feasible and there is no difficulty in operation.

Bai Feng proposed that the tribal leaders of the Xianbei people send their sons to Youzhou to go to school.

In Cao Cao's view, this is not just to take the sons of these Xianbei tribal leaders as hostages.

It is also to gradually integrate the entire Xianbei into the Han culture of Wei in a subtle way.

Cao Cao's view on the trade market is far more than that.

"After the opening of this trade market, the economic lifeline of the Xianbei people can be gradually controlled by Wei."

"At that time, Wei wants the Xianbei people to have food to eat and clothes to wear so that they can eat and wear new clothes."

"Sooner or later, the entire grassland will be completely ruled by Wei!"

"And this trade market is just the beginning!"

After thinking of this, Cao Cao was more satisfied with the memorial submitted by Bai Feng.

After reading it once, Cao Cao was still not satisfied.

Cao Cao then ordered the eunuch to call Xun Yu, Xun You and Cheng Yu to the palace.

Xun Yu, Xun You and Cheng Yu followed the eunuch to the palace.

They saw Cao Cao reading a memorial carefully with a clear smile on his face.

"Your Majesty!"

Xun Yu and the other two greeted Cao Cao.

"Come on, come on, there is something good to show you three!"

Cao Cao smiled at the three of them after seeing Xun Yu, Xun You and Cheng Yu all coming.

The three came to Cao Cao, and Xun Yu took the memorial from Cao Cao.

Xun You and Cheng Yu also gathered beside Xun Yu and read the memorial together.

After a while, the three of them smiled with surprise at the same time.

"The two methods proposed by Hanzhong Hou are very practical!"

Xun Yu, who finished reading the memorial first, said first.

Then Xun You and Cheng Yu also spoke in agreement.

"In this way, we don't have to worry about Xianbei looting anymore."

"With the son of the tribal leader as a hostage in Youzhou, I don't think they dare to act rashly!"

"That's right!"

"Horses and cattle and sheep traded through the mutual trade."

"Inferior horses and sheep can be sold to merchants."

"Good horses can be trained as war horses, and cattle can be used to plow the land."

The three people all agreed with Bai Feng's strategy.

In fact, it's not that Cao Cao, Xun Yu, Xun You, Cheng Yu and other quick-thinking people can't think of Bai Feng's strategy.

It's just that in their eyes, the role of the Xianbei people before was too single.

Basically, the Xianbei people were either the cavalry force of the Wei Dynasty.

Or in the process of confronting the Wei Dynasty.

So the problem that Cao Cao and others thought about before was how to completely eliminate the Xianbei people.

What use is a group of barbarians who are ready to plunder and rebel at any time?

Now the mutual trade proposed by Bai Feng makes the Xianbei people a cattle and sheep supplier for the Wei Dynasty.

It really gave Cao Cao and others a new idea to solve the Xianbei problem.

Following this line of thought, Cao Cao and his men can come up with more and more effective means than Bai Feng.

"Since everyone thinks that Hanzhong Hou's strategy is feasible, is there anything else that needs to be improved?"

After listening to Xun Yu, Xun You and Cheng Yu, Cao Cao asked the three again.

"There is definitely no problem in the general direction. Being able to influence the living conditions and lifestyle of the Xianbei people through mutual trade is very conducive to the Wei Dynasty's control of Xianbei."

"This place of mutual trade must be set up in Youzhou."

"After all, in terms of safety, Youzhou Iron Cavalry is the most reassuring."

Xun Yu first made two small suggestions.

Xun You continued what Xun Yu said:

"Also, we cannot allow the sons of tribal leaders who come to Youzhou to go to school in the future to be in the same school."

"After the mutual trade is established, we will also intensify our crackdown on traders who smuggle salt, iron, cloth, and grain into Xianbei!"

"And this mutual market will also be taxed!"

Finally, Cheng Yu also added:

"The mutual market needs to be under the control of Wei, and the share of merchants in it cannot exceed 30% at most."

"After all, businessmen are chasing profits, and I'm afraid it could spoil things at a critical moment!"

After being supplemented by Xun Yu, Xun You and Cheng Yu, Bai Feng's plan to conquer Xianbei suddenly became more complete.

"Hahaha, what you all said makes sense!"

Cao Cao kept in mind all the suggestions put forward by Xun Yu and the others one by one, and planned to inform Bai Feng and Liu Yan when he replied to the letter.

Regarding Liu Yan being able to participate in the planning of the strategy, although Cao Cao did not believe that this strategy was proposed by Liu Yan and Bai Feng together.

But for the smooth execution of this strategy, it was inevitable to praise Liu Yan.

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