In the Yecheng Palace, Cao Cao and others were completing Bai Feng's plan to conquer Xianbei.

Bai Feng has arrived at the border of Youzhou and is about to enter the grassland to become popular.

"The scenery of wind-blown grass and cows and sheep is gone now!"

Bai Feng rode a tall bay-red horse and couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the grassland that had become green and yellow due to drought.

Behind Bai Feng are the three girls Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying.

Zhang Ning and Liuli rode a brown horse together, while Zhang Qiying, like Bai Feng, rode a bay-red horse.

When Bai Feng said he wanted to go to the grassland to see the drought situation first, Youzhou Governor Liu Yan not only did not stop him again.

Horses and dry food were also prepared for Bai Feng and his party.

Zhang Qiying was riding on a maroon horse and looking at the grassland scenery in front of her, her heart felt vast.

But the grassland now feels more desolate to her.

"Sir, this is not suitable for grazing at all. I think it will not be easy to find the Xianbei tribe here."

Zhang Qiying rode up to Bai Feng's side and said to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng nodded after hearing this.

This has not yet penetrated into the grassland, and the Xianbei tribe did not dare to graze so close to Youzhou.

"No hurry, let's take a walk around now."

At this time, Bai Feng was not in a hurry to go deep into the grassland to find the Xianbei tribe.

He still has to wait for Cao Cao's reply.

In the previous memorial to Cao Cao, Bai Feng only wrote down his own strategy and the general direction of conquering the Xianbei people.

Specifically, how to set up a mutual market, arrange for Xianbei tribe leaders to come to Youzhou to go to school, etc.

It still depends on Cao Cao's final arrangement.

In Bai Feng's opinion, this matter should be a sure thing.

After all, the drought on the grassland is not one or two points worse than that in Youzhou.

Now all Xianbei tribes should graze in pastures near water sources.

If Bai Feng and his party go deep into the grassland now, the trip back and forth will not be too short.

Liuli and Zhang Ning naturally had no objection to Bai Feng's arrangement.

Although Zhang Qiying feels that the current grassland is very desolate, compared with the humid and dark Nanzhong Mountains.

It feels much better to stay on the grassland.

So under the leadership of Bai Feng, Liuli and the others continued to stroll on the grassland.

It is now ten o'clock in the afternoon and the weather is hot.

After Bai Feng and others found a shady place, they dismounted and rested.

Feed the horse water and beans at the same time.

After letting the horses eat and drink enough, Liu Li and Zhang Ning took out the dry food and snacks specially prepared by Liu Yan's cook for Bai Feng and the others.

The four of them started having a picnic on the prairie.

Bai Feng has a different feeling every time he has a picnic on the grassland.

Before he came to Dawei, Bai Feng had read a lot of travel guides about the grassland from various travel guides.

What Bai Feng experienced now was a truly authentic prairie.

There is quite a feeling of innocence and wildness.

Liuli took a piece of snack and put it in her mouth to taste.

"Well it tastes pretty good!"

The chef at Liu Yan's house seems to be of good quality.

Because it is inconvenient for four people to bring a stove for cooking, they basically eat various snacks, dry food and bacon.

Bai Feng picked up a piece of bread, cut off a piece of bacon, sprinkled it with fine salt and put it into his mouth along with the bread.

The aroma of bacon and the sweetness of wheat emerged in Bai Feng's mouth.

"Yeah! Delicious!"

Looking up, you can see the blue sky and white clouds, and there is a breeze blowing beside you.

If it weren't for the fact that the grassland was half yellow and half green, Bai Feng felt that it was a rare moment of relaxation and enjoyment.

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying learned how to eat Bai Feng.

Each cut the bacon, sprinkled fine salt on the bread, and ate it with gusto.

As for the snacks, they basically went into Liuli's stomach.

"If there was no drought on the grassland now, the scenery would be very beautiful!"

Zhang Ning had a small appetite and was full after a while. Now he was thinking about the usual scenery of the grassland.

"That's natural!"

Bai Feng said to Zhang Ning while stuffing bacon noodles into his mouth.

Then Bai Feng took a sip of water to moisten his dry throat, and then said to Zhang Ning:

"We'll take a walk on the grassland next summer."

"Let you experience the real grassland scenery!"

Zhang Ning, Zhang Qiying and Liuli all yearned for the grassland scenery when the water and grass were luxuriant as Bai Feng said.

"Very good!"

After Liuli stuffed more than half of the snacks into her belly, she clapped her hands and laughed.

She doesn't like to stay in one place all the time, it's too boring.

Liuli's happiest thing is to follow Bai Feng to different places every time and enjoy all kinds of beautiful scenery.

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying also smiled, quietly enjoying this comfortable leisure time.

After the four of them had eaten and drank enough, they rested in place for a while.

After the horses regained their strength and the sun was no longer hot, the four of them left the shade together.

Bai Feng rode a bay-red horse and strolled on the grassland again.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to gallop.

"Qiying, how about we compare our speed?"

Then Bai Feng asked Zhang Qiying, who was walking side by side with him.


Zhang Qiying immediately agreed upon hearing this.

If she hadn't taken care of Zhang Ning and Liu Li, who were both good at equestrians, she would have wanted to gallop to her heart's content.

Seeing Zhang Qiying's agreement, Bai Feng turned back to Liuli and Zhang Ning behind him and said:

"Qiying and I are going to have a competition. You just go forward."

"We'll be waiting for you in front."

Zhang Ning and Liuli also wanted to participate after hearing this, but unfortunately their equestrian skills were average, so they had no choice but to give up.

"Okay! But you two don't run too far."

Liuli said to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng waved his hand to express his understanding, and then looked at each other with Zhang Qiying.

Both of them noticed the eager look in each other's eyes.

Then Bai Feng and Zhang Qiying waved their riding whips.

The two bay-red horses that had been walking seemed to be bored by the slow pace like Bai Feng and Zhang Qiying.

Horses must run as fast as they can on the grassland!

Without Bai Feng and Zhang Qiying waving their whips vigorously, the two bay-red horses gradually accelerated.

Bai Feng felt the wind whistling in his ears, and the scenery on both sides of his peripheral vision quickly retreated.

The bay-red horse under his seat is a war horse, and it does not make Bai Feng feel very bumpy when running.

What's more, Bai Feng's own martial arts skills are extraordinary, and he has now reached the state of unity between man and horse.

Although Zhang Qiying's riding and martial arts skills are not as good as Bai Feng's, her advantage is that her body is light and the horse is less burdened when running.

So for a moment, the speed of the two was evenly matched.

It wasn't until both bay-red horses were sweating all over their bodies that Bai Feng took the lead over Zhang Qiying.

The two people who had decided the winner showed cheerful smiles and gradually slowed down to wait for Liuli and Zhang Ning.

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