Half an hour later, Zhang Ning and Liuli appeared in the eyes of Bai Feng and Zhang Qiying.

Liuli and Zhang Ning, who came to Bai Feng and Zhang Qiying, looked at their hair that was blown by the wind and couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing softly.

Only then did Bai Feng and Zhang Qiying realize that their hairstyles were very "elegant" at this time.

After the two of them fixed their hair, Liuli said:

"I didn't expect you two to run so far!"

Zhang Ning also pretended to be angry behind Liuli.

When Bai Feng and Zhang Qiying saw Liuli's bulging little face, they looked at each other and smiled awkwardly at the same time.

There was no way that the two of them could not tell the winner for a moment.

The bay-red horse under the seat also ran freely.


Bai Feng rode up to Liuli and Zhang Ning's brown horse, stretched out his hand and rubbed Liuli's little head.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry."

"Let's go back to the prefect's mansion now and let the chef prepare a feast according to your taste!"

Bai Feng smiled at Liuli.

After hearing this, the angry look on Liuli's face was replaced by a smile.

In fact, Liuli wasn't angry at all, she just wanted to tease Bai Feng.

So the four of them slowly returned to Youzhou City.

When the setting sun coated the clouds on the horizon with a layer of golden red, Bai Feng, Liuli and the others finally returned to Youzhou City.

At this time, there was a hundred-man team of Youzhou Iron Cavalry in the city getting ready to go.

If Bai Feng and the others don't come back, Liu Yan will send this hundred-man team of Youzhou Cavalry to the grassland to pick them back up.

After all, Liu Yan was really worried about Bai Feng and the others spending the night on the grassland.

If they encounter the Xianbei cavalry, it will be terrible if they run darkly into the depths of the grassland.

After Bai Feng and the others arrived at Liu Yan's house, they found Liu Yan walking around in the garden.

Liu Yan also held an imperial edict in his hand.

"Hanzhonghou, you are finally back!"

Liu Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Bai Feng and the others coming in.

It would be best if nothing happened.

Liuli, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qiying were not prepared to participate in the conversation between Bai Feng and Liu Yan.

After the three of them handed over the horses to the servants of the Prefect's Mansion, they went to the hot springs together.

There is too much wind and sand on the grassland, which is not good for your skin, so you should quickly take a hot spring bath to moisturize your skin.

"Hahaha, the prefect is worried."

After Liuli and the others left, Bai Feng smiled at Liu Yan.

Then Bai Feng looked at the edict in Liu Yan's hand.

"Is the edict in the hands of the prefect sent by His Majesty Yecheng?"

After Liu Yan heard Bai Feng's inquiry, he handed the edict directly to Bai Feng.

While Bai Feng took the edict and read it, Liu Yan said from the side:

"Yes, this edict was delivered to my house from Yecheng at noon today."

"Your Majesty has approved the strategy proposed by you, Hanzhong Hou, and is preparing to open mutual markets outside Youzhou City!"

"And His Majesty also praised the Hanzhong Hou for his wonderful strategy!"

Bai Feng quickly finished reading the edict in his hand.

Just as Liu Yan said, Cao Cao fully supported Bai Feng's plan to trade between Wei and Xianbei.

Moreover, Cao Cao also made some additions and requirements to the entire mutual market arrangement.

"Hahaha, now helping the prefect solve the hidden dangers of the Xianbei people, it seems there is no problem anymore!"

Bai Feng closed the edict and smiled at Liu Yan.

Liu Yan also looked happy when he heard this.

On the one hand, it is because the problem of Xianbei people plundering Youzhou can be basically solved after opening mutual trade with Youzhou.

On the other hand, Cao Cao also praised Liu Yan.

"Hahaha, it's all thanks to you, Tuhanzhonghou!"

"Next, regarding the communication with the Xianbei people, I don't think there is any need for you, Hanzhong Hou, to take risks yourself, right?"

Liu Yan was still a little worried if Bai Feng went to the grassland.

If the leader of the Xianbei tribe took it away and used it as a bargaining chip to blackmail Wei, then the gain would outweigh the loss.

What was originally a good thing has turned into a bad thing.

Therefore, Liu Yan believed that it would be safer to send an envoy over to clarify the situation of the mutual market.

Naturally, it was impossible for Bai Feng to agree to Liu Yan's request.

If Liu Yan's request is agreed to, there will be no way to complete the tasks issued by the system.

"I know the prefect is thinking about my personal safety."

"But the governor doesn't have to worry too much."

"Since I plan to personally go to the grasslands to find the tribal leaders of the Xianbei people and promote mutual trade, I am naturally prepared."

Bai Feng said confidently to Liu Yan.

When Liu Yan saw Bai Feng looking so confident, he felt a little more at ease.

Liu Yan still believed in Bai Feng's words. After all, Bai Feng, the Hanzhong Marquis, only received the reward after accumulating real merit.

In Liu Yan's view, Bai Feng, who had made great contributions to the unification of the Wei Dynasty, was given the title of Marquis of Hanzhong. It was low.

At the very least, it would be reasonable to create a prince!

However, Liu Yan was still curious as to why Bai Feng was so confident that he could definitely promote mutual trade between the Xianbei people and Youzhou.

"Of course I completely believe what you said, Hou Hanzhong."

"I just don't know if you have any clever ideas to directly get the Xianbei people to agree to trade with Youzhou?"

Liu Yan finally asked the doubts in his heart.

Bai Feng smiled on his face after hearing Liu Yan's inquiry.

"Does the governor know who the three largest tribal leaders of the Xianbei people are now?"

Without answering Liu Yan's question immediately, Bai Feng asked Liu Yan first.

As the governor of Youzhou, Liu Yan naturally knew who the leaders of the two largest tribes of the Xianbei people were.

One is Kebineng, one is Budugen, and the other is Suli.

The Xianbei tribe under Ke Bineng had a population and horses slightly larger than Bu Dugen's.

However, Suli's troops were still under Ke Bineng and Bu Dugen.

It can be said that Kebineng and Bu Dugen account for 80% of the lush grassland on the entire grassland.

The remaining 20% ​​was occupied by Su Li.

"Of course I understand this. The three largest Xianbei tribe leaders on the grassland are Bu Dugen and Ke Bineng."

When Liu Yan said that Ke was capable, he suddenly realized something.

"Could it be that the Marquis of Hanzhong plans to contact Kebineng's tribe first and mention the mutual trade between the Xianbei people and Youzhou?"

Then Liu Yan asked Bai Feng quickly.

"The prefect really knows the Xianbei people very well!"

"Next time I go to the grassland, I will start from Kebineng's tribe to propose mutual trade between Xianbei and Youzhou!"

Seeing that Liu Yan had figured out why he was so sure, Bai Feng immediately admitted it to Liu Yan.

"I see!"

"The Marquis of Hanzhong said that I know the Xianbei people very well. I am really ashamed of myself, hahaha!"

"I have just figured out the joints. If I talk about my understanding of the Xianbei people, Hanzhong Hou you are definitely not inferior to me!"

Liu Yan, who understood the reason why Bai Feng was confident in opening a trade with the Xianbei people, no longer planned to send another envoy to the grassland.

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