In the prefect's mansion.

After Liu Yan was reminded by Bai Feng, he admired Bai Feng's understanding of the Xianbei people very much.

Especially after Bai Feng planned to start with Kebineng, the largest tribal leader of the Xianbei people, to carry out mutual trade between the Xianbei people and Youzhou.

Regarding Ke Bineng's experience, Liu Yan recalled it in his mind.

Kebineng was originally the tribal leader of a small tribe near Xianbei's border fortress.

Because Kebi was brave in battle, he always took the lead, and he never kept the spoils obtained by the tribe for himself.

And when there were disputes among the tribes, Kebineng's punishments were fair and just.

Therefore, Kebineng's tribe continued to develop and grow on the grassland.

Of course, Bai Feng decided to find a breakthrough in Ke Bineng to start trade with the Xianbei people. The reason was not just Ke Bineng's personality.

It is also related to an important experience of Ke Bineng.

This experience was that when Ke Bineng occupied Hebei under Yuan Shao, the people in Hebei could not bear the war, so they fled to the frontier.

Ke Bineng accepted the Hebei people who escaped from the disaster one by one.

And from these Hebei people who escaped from the disaster, they began to learn the Central Plains culture.

The Central Plains culture that Kebi could learn from it not only included the Four Books and Five Classics, but also the more advanced methods of arranging troops and formations in the Central Plains at that time.

Therefore, under the leadership of Ke Bineng, the Xianbei tribe began to continuously learn the advanced culture and military theory of the Central Plains.

And Ke Bineng is also a person who combines knowledge and action.

After learning the advanced Central Plains military theory.

When Kebi was hunting on the grassland, he trained his subordinates to hold high the military flag and use the sound of drums as orders to march and withdraw troops according to the style of the Central Plains army.

Therefore, Kebi Neng can be regarded as proficient in the Central Plains culture among the Xianbei people.

This is one of the reasons why Bai Feng placed his breakthrough point on Ke Bineng.

Secondly, during the 220th year of Jian'an, Kebineng, who studied the culture of the Central Plains, paid tribute to the imperial court at that time through Yan Rou, the then captain of Karasuma.

Prior to this, when Cao Cao was conquering the eleven princes in Guanzhong, Tian Yin and Su Bo rebelled in Hejian County.

When Yan Rou put down the rebellion of Tian Yin and Su Bo, Ke Bineng personally led 3,000 Xianbei cavalry to Hejian County to help Yan Rou.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Bai Feng, the Hanzhong Marquis of the Wei Dynasty, to meet Ke Bineng.

After recalling Ke Bineng's past experiences in his mind, Liu Yan believed that with Bai Feng's ability and Cao Cao's support.

And my full cooperation.

It is not too difficult for Tong Ke Bi Neng to take the lead in starting mutual trading.

The only problem to worry about is that the Wei Dynasty has now unified the world.

The attitude towards the Xianbei people in the court gradually changed from subjugation to annihilation.

After all, the Wei Dynasty has this strength, not to mention that people who are not of my race must have different minds.

But even if all the Xianbei tribes were wiped out, it would not be of much benefit to the Wei Dynasty.

The grassland is extremely vast.

If you want to completely wipe out the three Xianbei tribes of Kebineng, Budu Genbu and Suli, you must send out at least 300,000 cavalry.

These 300,000 cavalry also need reliable guides and sufficient supplies of food and grass.

The Wei Dynasty naturally has a lot of generals who can fight, such as Xiahou Dun, Zhang Liao, Deng Ai and so on.

However, after dispatching a large army to completely wipe out the Xianbei tribes, it is not easy to open up wasteland on the grassland.

After all, the Wei Dynasty is now in a period of population recovery.

There are not so many people who don't have access to the land, especially after Bai Feng provided grain seeds with a yield of thousands of kilograms per mu.

Therefore, the current attitude of the Wei court towards Xianbei is:

As long as you don't come to plunder Youzhou, Bingzhou and other border states and counties.

Then I will let you fend for yourself on the grassland.

"In Hanzhong, if Kebi can prevent Bu Dugen and Suli from trading with Youzhou after they trade with Youzhou."

"Then we can unify the grassland through the support brought by the exchange of trade with Youzhou. How should we deal with it then?"

Now Liu Yan no longer considers whether the mutual market can be carried out.

Instead, they are worried that Kebi will be able to unify the grassland and the tail will not fall off.

Bai Feng was also stunned when he heard this.

He really hadn't considered this issue before.

Because the three Xianbei tribes on the grassland, Kebineng, Budugen and Suli, have always been at odds with each other.

In order to unify the grassland tribes, wars often broke out between the three.

Therefore, Bai Feng planned to start a mutual trade with Ke Bi Neng first, and then talk to Bu Dugen and Su Li.

Bai Feng has already prepared his negotiation skills.

That is, Kebineng has already traded with Youzhou, but Budugen and Suli have not traded with Youzhou.

When the time comes for Kebi to strengthen its strength through mutual trading, you two will be in danger.

Liu Yan analyzed from the perspective that Kebineng would hinder the mutual trade between Dugen and Suli in Youzhou, which can be said to have given Bai Feng new inspiration.

"What the governor said does make sense."

Even though the Wei Dynasty could gradually control the economic lifeline of the grassland tribes through mutual trade.

But it takes a long time.

Unless the Wei Dynasty had already entered industrialization before Kebineng had the strength to unify the grasslands.

So if industry fights against nomadism, nomadism will definitely suffer a disastrous defeat.

Even though Kebineng had unified the grasslands, he faced heavily armed forces and even began to use muskets on a large scale.

The Wei army, which relied on trains to ensure food transportation, was still vulnerable.

This can ensure that Ke Bi can not become a threat to Youzhou's stability.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng no longer had any worries about the future.

Of course, Bai Feng couldn't tell Liu Yan that he had a system that could help Wei quickly enter industrialization.

"The current solution to the problem that the governor is worried about is to let the three Xianbei tribes of Kebi Neng, Budugen and Suli."

"Come to Youzhou for trade at the same time, so that even if Kebi Neng wants to prevent Budugen and Suli from improving their tribal strength through trade, it won't be so easy."

"After all, Wei's Youzhou Iron Cavalry is not a vegetarian."

"They come and go freely on the grassland, and they must be honest when they arrive in Youzhou!"

After Bai Feng told Liu Yan his thoughts, Liu Yan thought about it and felt that this was the best solution at the moment.

"In this case, Hanzhong Hou can rest for a few more days in the mansion."

"I will write to Kebi Neng first, and then Hanzhong Hou, you will leave for the grassland."

Then Liu Yan said to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng didn't expect that Liu Yan could still write directly to Kebi Neng now.

This saved Bai Feng a lot of trouble.

It turned out that Bai Feng was planning to go directly to the grassland to find Kebineng's tent.

"That's great!"

"Thank you, Governor!"

Bai Feng did not refuse and thanked Liu Yan immediately.

"Hahaha, Hanzhong Hou is too polite, this is just a small matter!"

As the governor of Youzhou, Liu Yan naturally had some channels and means.

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