After Liu Yan wrote the letter, he ordered the guards to deliver the letter to Kebineng's tent on the grassland.

Bai Feng and Liuli stayed at Liu Yan's house, waiting for Ke Bineng's reply.

On the grassland.

Kebineng was hunting with his men.

Not much was harvested in one day, and the most harvested were hares.

When he returned to the big tent at night, Ke Bineng saw the guards of the Prefecture who had been waiting.

"King Khan, a letter from the Governor of Youzhou!"

The guard of the Prefect's Mansion personally handed the letter to Ke Bineng.

Kebineng reached out and took the letter, opened it and read it carefully.

After a while, Ke Bi Neng said to the guard of the Prefecture who came to deliver the message:

"You rest on the grassland for one night, and I will reply to the prefect tomorrow."

The guards of the Prefecture were taken to rest by the servants in the big tent.

Kebineng then called the tribal leaders who had not gone out to the big tent.

"This is the letter sent by the Governor of Youzhou today. Please take a look at it."

When the tribal leaders arrived at the big tent, Kebineng circulated Liu Yan's letter to the tribal leaders.

A quarter of an hour later, the letter passed through the hands of more than ten tribal leaders in the big tent and returned to Kebineng's hands again.

"If you have any opinions, please tell me!"

Kebi Neng said to all the tribal leaders in the big tent.

"King Khan, the mutual market mentioned in the letter from the governor of Youzhou has been of great help to us now!"

A tall tribe leader with curly temples spoke first.

Then other tribal leaders also spoke out, but there were some who were in favor of mutual trading and some who were not in favor of mutual trading.

"King Khan, the grassland is dry now. If we don't trade with Youzhou, this winter will be difficult!"

"But the governor of Youzhou wants our children to go to Youzhou as hostages. Da Wei wants us to surrender!"

"Yes, Emperor Wei's thoughts are too obvious!"

"If we refuse to trade with Youzhou, how should we spend this winter?"

"Go to Budugen or Suli and rob their cattle and sheep!"

"The letter says that the person who will be the envoy this time is Hanzhong Hou Bai Feng!"

"If we don't agree to trade with Youzhou, the Marquis of Hanzhong will probably send troops to attack us!"

The leaders of the tribe all expressed their opinions.

Kebineng listened to their opinions and observed their expressions.

It wasn't until a tribal leader mentioned Hanzhong Hou Bai Feng that the other tribal leaders became quiet.

Then all the tribal leaders looked at Kebineng in unison.

“Buying trade with Youzhou is really not good for us in the long run.”

"The Wei Dynasty just wants to completely control our Xianbei, otherwise he would not have offered to trade with us at the critical moment of the grassland drought."

"As for Hanzhong Hou Bai Feng personally coming as an envoy, it shows that the Wei Dynasty is very sincere in wanting to trade with us."

"Otherwise, it would be Bai Feng and the 120,000 Youzhou cavalry who are coming."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Kebineng expressed his opinion.

Regarding whether to finally agree to trade with Youzhou, although Ke Bineng did not express his decision on the spot.

However, Ke Bineng still preferred to conduct mutual trade with Youzhou. The key was that Bai Feng had to come to the grassland in person to preside over the mutual trade.

The name of Hanzhong Hou Bai Feng is known to everyone in the entire grassland.

Ke Bineng had to consider the consequences of offending Bai Feng.

After listening to Ke Bineng's words, the tribal leaders who were originally inclined to oppose trade with Youzhou did not speak again for a while.

"No matter what, I have to talk to Bai Feng personally."

"What's more, we are not the only ones on this grassland. If Bu Dugen and Su Li agree to trade with Youzhou."

"Then we must also trade with Youzhou."

After Ke Bi Neng finished speaking this time, regardless of whether they supported mutual trade with Youzhou, all the tribal leaders nodded in approval.

In Ke Bineng's view, trading with Youzhou to solve the problem of drought and food shortage in the grassland is like drinking poison to quench thirst.

But all the subsequent tribal leaders who read Liu Yan's letter knew what the Wei Emperor had planned behind his request for mutual trading.

Naturally, Cao Cao would not be secretive about the Xianbei tribe.

Moreover, Cao Cao clearly sent two signals to the Xianbei people through mutual trading.

Accept the mutual market and become part of Dawei, then your life will be guaranteed.

There is no problem now if they don't accept mutual trade, but after the Wei Dynasty recovers its population, it will be settled in the future.

It seems that what Ke Bineng is facing is the issue of mutual trading, but it is actually the issue of the future of the Xianbei people.

"As for the issue of mutual trading, we will have a conclusion after I meet Hanzhong Hou Bai Feng."

Kebi could see that no tribal leader expressed his opinion again. After speaking, he waved his hand to indicate to the tribal leaders in the big tent to do whatever they wanted.

The tribal leaders who left Kebineng's tent all looked thoughtful.

Regardless of mutual trading or not, the sky on the grassland is about to change.

After all the tribal leaders left the tent, Kebineng rubbed his brows and closed his eyes in deep thought.

Kebineng, who has been studying the culture of the Central Plains, knew that this was Cao Cao's conspiracy.

Moreover, Hanzhong Hou Bai Feng was still responsible for handling the mutual market matters.


Ke Bi Neng sighed softly.

There is a severe drought in the grassland this year. I did not expect that the emperor of Wei would seize this opportunity to attack Xianbei.

But could Kebi have imagined that this mutual trading strategy was proposed to Cao Cao by Bai Feng, who was about to come to the grassland?

If Kebi could know about this, he would probably no longer have any hope for the Xianbei people to unify the grassland again.

Kebineng, Budugen and Suli, the leaders of the three Xianbei tribes.

They all want to unify the grasslands again.

However, after the issue of mutual trading was raised, the Wei Dynasty would inevitably interfere more deeply in the affairs of the grassland.

This is exactly the situation Ke Bineng least wants to see.

Originally, this severe drought was a disaster for all Xianbei tribes on the entire grassland.

But in Ke Bineng's view, this was also his opportunity to unify the grasslands.

After learning the art of war in the Central Plains, Ke Bineng believed that the Xianbei cavalry under his command was stronger than Bu Dugen and Su Li.

This has also been verified in practice during several confrontations.

Otherwise, the Kebineng tribe would not have become the most powerful among the three major tribes on the grassland because of its largest population.

Therefore, Kebineng originally planned to launch another attack on Budugen and Suli when the drought reached its peak.

He seeks wealth and wealth in danger, and this severe drought is the opportunity given by the Immortal God to unify the grassland.

But this opportunity, with Bai Feng's participation, has become out of reach again.

Thinking of this, Ke Bineng's eyebrows have already wrinkled into the word "Chuan"

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