Three Kingdoms: Liu Daer Was Forced Out of the Mountain at the Beginning

Chapter 1160 Chapter One Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Two Successfully Completed the Goal

The next morning, Bu Dugen met Bai Feng again.

"King Khan, I wonder how you and the tribal leaders are discussing the mutual trade?"

After meeting, Bai Feng and Bu Dugen exchanged greetings and then asked.

"Hahaha, naturally I agree to trade with Youzhou, and all the tribal leaders under me also agree to trade with Youzhou!"

"During the drought season in the grassland, the mutual market really helped us a lot, hahaha!"

Bu Dugen smiled at Bai Feng and said that the matter of mutual trading has been decided.

Bai Feng also smiled when he heard this, which was an expected result.

"King Khan really cares about the safety of all his people and the common people on the grassland!"

Bai Feng, who had achieved his goal at this time, did not hesitate to praise Bu Dugen.

In a pleasant atmosphere, Bu Dugen and Bai Feng settled the matter of mutual trading.

"King Khan, regarding preparations for mutual trade, Governor Liu of Youzhou has begun to mobilize grain, cloth and salt."

"The specific implementation time will be almost ready to start once I finish discussing it with King Suli Khan."

“The mutual trading will officially begin in August this year at the latest.”

"Before that, I hope King Khan will restrain his tribal leaders and tribesmen, hahaha!"

Then Bai Feng told Bu Dugen the approximate time when the mutual market would be launched.

There is also a warning to Bu Dugen not to allow his men to go to the border of Wei to plunder.

"Hahaha, please tell the Hanzhong Marquis to tell the Wei Emperor that you don't have to worry about plunder!"

"We, the prairie men, just want to have a full meal!"

Bu Dugen also readily agreed to Bai Feng's request.

After completing the negotiation with Bu Dugen, Bai Feng declined Bu Dugen's arrangement to keep him resting here.

In the afternoon of the same day, he took Liuli, Zhang Ning, Zhang Qiying and Wang Xun out of Bu Dugen's tent.

Wu Geli and other sixteen temporary guards, Bai Feng each rewarded them with one tael of silver, and warned them not to rob merchants traveling to and from the grassland in the future, and then let them go.

Wu Geli finally wanted to ask to be Bai Feng's bodyguard, but was directly rejected by Bai Feng.

Why does he need so many guards? It's completely unnecessary.

Wu Geli and other Xianbei cavalrymen, who received rewards from Bai Feng, had to return home with regret.

However, this experience of guarding the Great Wei Hanzhong Marquis will become a topic of discussion for them in the future.

It still took three days to return to Youzhou City.

After returning to Youzhou City, Liu Yan learned from Bai Feng that Budugenbu Xianbei had also agreed to the mutual trade.

"Now there is only one Suli Xianbei left."

Liu Yan finally said to Bai Feng.

Compared with the Xianbei of the Suli tribe and the Xianbei of the Kebi Neng tribe, they were all at a disadvantage in terms of population and war horses.

Therefore, Xianbei, the Suli tribe, raided the borders of the Wei Dynasty most frequently.

Because the best pastures on the grassland are basically under the control of Kebi Nengbe Xianbei and Budu Genbe Xianbei.

The Xianbei of the Suli tribe was not attacked and destroyed by the Xianbei of the Kebineng tribe and the Xianbei of the Budugen tribe, partly because they were at war with the Wei frontier army all the year round.

While neither the population nor the horses have an advantage, they can also rely on their battle-hardened cavalry to cope with the attacks of Budu Genbu and Kebinengbu.

"Yes, the reason why Sulibu put it last is precisely because of this."

Bai Feng also nodded when he heard this.

Regarding Sulibu, Bai Feng made two preparations.

If we can successfully reach a mutual agreement with Su Li, everyone will be happy.

If the mutual trade cannot be reached, then Bai Feng plans to let Su Li see it.

The military strength of the great Wei and Han Dynasty princes!

Because the tribe's population and territory are not large, the Suli Xianbei are more mobile and more warlike.

"Prefect, if we fail to reach a mutual agreement with Suli this time, then I plan to lead troops directly to destroy Xianbei, Suli's tribe."

Bai Feng said it in an understatement, but Liu Yan was shocked when he heard it.

"Although the Suli Xianbei tribe has the smallest population among the three Xianbei tribes during the Hanzhong period, it still has more than 100,000 people."

"If we cannot completely wipe out all the Xianbei tribe of the Suli tribe in one go, I am afraid that all counties in Youzhou will be plundered by the remnants of the Xianbei tribe of the Suli tribe from time to time in the future!"

What Liu Yan was most worried about was not that Bai Feng could not defeat Suli Xianbei, but that after breaking up Suli Xianbei, he could not be completely eliminated.

If Youzhou is plundered by the remnants of Xianbei of the Suli tribe, Liu Yanke will be busy again.

The Xianbei cavalry came to capture Rufeng, which was really difficult to deal with.

Especially small tribes with hundreds or dozens of people coming to the Youzhou border to plunder on a whim.

Even if they face the intimidation of the Youzhou cavalry, they will still cause serious panic to the people in the border counties.

By then, Youzhou, which has finally agreed to develop, will probably experience a slight decline again.

As the governor of Youzhou, Liu Yan absolutely did not want to see this situation happen.

Of course, Bai Feng also understood Liu Yan's worries.

Not only Liu Yan, but also Bai Feng himself did not want to send troops to Xianbei, which would end up causing the people on the entire Youzhou border to live in fear every day.

"The things that the prefect is worried about are also the things that I am worried about."

"So I won't send troops easily without a sure-fire strategy."

"If we send troops, we will definitely leave no consequences!"

Facing Liu Yan who looked worried, Bai Feng assured him in a deep voice.

After Liu Yan heard this, the worry on his face reduced a lot.

"I still hope that Suli can trade with Youzhou. After five or six years, he will be at the mercy of the Wei Dynasty."

Liu Yan said softly.

It would be best not to fight. After all, fighting is still a waste of people and money.

Even after the Xianbei tribe of Suli was eliminated, there was no way for the people of Youzhou to go to the grasslands to farm or herd cattle and sheep.

This is also one of the reasons why the Wei Dynasty did not take advantage of the situation to completely wipe out Xianbei after it unified the world.

People are not very interested in land that is inconvenient for farming.

But Bai Feng and Liu Yan still have somewhat different views.

In Bai Feng's view, it is necessary to make plans to trade with Dawei in case Sulibu disagrees.

We cannot wait until Sulibu Xianbei really refuses the mutual trade before we start preparations.

By that time, Su Li must have known that both Kebineng and Bu Dugen were trading with Youzhou.

Therefore, in order to guard against Kebineng and Budugen, Suli will definitely be prepared for war.

After Xianbei, the Suli tribe, was ready for war, it would not only be more difficult, but also more time-consuming.

If Ke Bineng and Bu Dugen had any evil thoughts during this period, then Bai Feng and Liu Yanke would be passive.

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