In the prefect's mansion.

After Bai Feng thought for a moment, he said to Liu Yan again:

"Prefect, in my opinion, if Suli doesn't agree to trade, there are only three things we can do."

"The first is to let Kebineng and Bu Dugen take advantage of the advantages brought by the mutual market to completely annex the Suli Department!"

"However, to achieve this result, it not only depends on the time when Kebineng and Budugen send troops, but also whether Kebineng and Budugen will expand to the northeast after annexing Suli."

At this time, Goguryeo and Fuyu still existed in the northeast of the Wei Dynasty.

The population and cultivated land of these two countries are equivalent to a state in the Wei Dynasty, and they also have the technology to build cities.

If the Xianbei people take over Goguryeo or Fuyu, their strength will definitely be greatly enhanced.

After all, they can rely on Goguryeo and Buyeo as their grain production bases.

"The second is that we take action and directly use the power of thunder to wipe out the entire Suli tribe and Xianbei!"

"This is not only a shock to Kebi Nengbu Xianbei and Budu Genbu Xianbei, but also a warning to them to be honest on the grassland."

When Bai Feng said this, Liu Yan couldn't help but nod along.

If the Xianbei of the Suli tribe can be eliminated in one go, this is naturally the best way to do it once and for all.

"The third is to hope that the drought will become more and more serious this time, forcing the Suli tribe Xianbei to come to the Wei border to plunder, and then we will prepare defenses in advance."

"No matter how many cavalry are sent by Xianbei of the Suli tribe, we will accept them all!"

"Through drought and war, the Suli tribe lost its foothold on the grasslands, and its strength dropped significantly. In the end, it was annexed by Kebi Nengbu Xianbei and Budu Genbu Xianbei."

This passive defense method was directly placed last by Bai Feng, and it was also the method he was least optimistic about.

It would definitely be more advantageous for the Wei Dynasty whether the war started on the grassland or in the border counties of Youzhou.

Through the three-point analysis given by Bai Feng, Liu Yan had to think that the second point was the best way to solve the problem.

The time is short, the effect is quick, and the cure is thorough.

But the only risk is whether the Suli tribe Xianbei can be directly eliminated in a short period of time.

"Hanzhong Hou, if we adopt the second method, how certain can we be to directly eliminate Xianbei of the Suli tribe?"

Liu Yan asked Bai Feng. He had gradually tended to eliminate Xianbei, the Suli tribe, if the mutual market negotiations failed.

"I'm probably about 60% sure!"

Bai Feng didn't speak too fully.

Because Xianbei of the Suli tribe is indeed somewhat capable, and whether Kebi Nengbu Xianbei and Budu Genbu Xianbei will provide help after the Wei Dynasty sends troops to Xianbei of the Suli tribe.

This is also a very important influencing factor.

"As long as we act fast enough, we can completely eliminate Sulibu Xianbei, Kebi Nengbu Xianbei, and Budu Genbu Xianbei before they have a chance to react, creating an established fact."

"The impact of the elimination of Xianbei of the Suli tribe can be kept to a minimum."

Finally, Bai Feng concluded to Liu Yan.

Liu Yan couldn't help but nod when he heard this.

Bai Feng has already explained the key to eliminating Xianbei of the Suli tribe very clearly.

The problem now facing Bai Feng and Liu Yan is how to eliminate Xianbei of the Suli tribe in the shortest possible time.

"In the Hanzhong period, Xianbei of the Suli tribe is closest to Liaodong County."

"In previous years, the Xianbei tribe of Suli also plundered the border towns in Liaodong most frequently."

"In my opinion, it is better for us to secretly stockpile heavy troops in Liaodong County!"

"Then after Hanzhong Hou has finished negotiating the mutual trade between you and Su Li, if Su Li agrees to the mutual trade, then everyone will naturally be happy!"

"If Suli does not agree to trade with each other, then you, the Marquis of Hanzhong, will personally lead the Youzhou cavalry and kill them directly back to Xianbei, Suli's tribe!"

"I wonder what the Hou Hanzhong thinks?"

After Liu Yan thought for a moment, he made such a suggestion to Bai Feng.

After hearing this, Bai Feng felt that Liu Yan's plan was feasible.

"Prefect, this plan is feasible!"

"The only thing is that when mobilizing the Youzhou cavalry to go to Liaodong County, the Xianbei people of the Suli tribe must not be aware of it."

Bai Feng believed that as long as he could quietly mobilize 30,000 Youzhou cavalry to stand by at the border of Liaodong County, he would be confident enough to annihilate the Suli Xianbei in one fell swoop without the Suli Xianbei being prepared. !

Seeing that Bai Feng approved his plan, Liu Yan said very happily:

"About the secret mobilization of Youzhou cavalry to the border of Liaodong County, please rest assured, Marquis Hanzhong!"

"Previously, in order to prevent the Xianbei people from plundering at the border of Youzhou, I had already mobilized a large-scale force. This also made the Xianbei people a lot more honest."

"Now there are 20,000 Youzhou cavalry in Liaodong County. I will mobilize 10,000 people to go there."

"If dispatched in batches, it can be completed in about three days!"

"I wonder how many days Hanzhong Hou plans to use to annihilate Xianbei of Suli tribe?"

Liu Yan wanted to determine the time when Bai Feng planned to send troops, so that it would be easier to allocate food and grass.

Now the entire grassland is in a state of drought. People can endure without food and grass for a while, but horses cannot.

After hearing this, Bai Feng thought for a moment and then replied to Liu Yan:

"If nothing else happens, it will take up to three days!"

"But just in case, please prepare five days of food and grass to ensure everything is safe!"

Originally, Bai Feng's plan this time was to strike with thunder. The longer it took, the more disadvantageous it would be for Wei.

Therefore, Bai Feng used 30,000 people to defeat Xianbei of the Suli tribe within three days, which was also a result obtained after calculation.

Liu Yan couldn't help but nodded and smiled when he heard this:

"So good!"

"If we just gather the food and grass needed for five days, we don't need to recruit a large number of civilians at all."

"In this way, we can also reduce Suli Xianbei's defensiveness!"

There must be some members of the Xianbei tribe of Suli who are doing smuggling business in Youzhou. They can also be said to be Suli's eyes and ears.

If Youzhou suddenly recruits civilians on a large scale to transport grain and grass, it will definitely not be hidden from the prying eyes of these Xianbei smugglers.

"Okay! Then please trouble the prefect to do the work of gathering food and grass first."

"I also want to write a letter to Your Majesty to explain the situation and see if Your Majesty agrees to send troops!"

After the two reached an agreement, Bai Feng said to Liu Yan.

Then Bai Feng came to Liu Yan's study and began to write letters to Cao Cao.

Liu Yan left the mansion and went to prepare food and grass.

Bu Dugen, Ke Bineng and Su Li were unaware that from this moment on, the entire Youzhou was like a crossbow with its bowstring gradually tightened.

Be ready to deliver a fatal blow to Sulibu Xianbei at any time!

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