When Cao Cao, who was far away in Yecheng, was handling government affairs, he would check from time to time to see if there were any memorials or letters sent from Youzhou.

About ten days have passed since Bai Feng was given full authority to arrange the mutual trade between Youzhou and Xianbei.

Now Cao Cao has begun to look forward to the outcome of Bai Feng's mutual market negotiations in Youzhou.

While Cao Cao was waiting, a young eunuch holding a letter ran all the way to the door where Cao Cao was handling government affairs.

"Your Majesty! A letter from Youzhou!"

The little eunuch reported loudly outside the door.

"Send it in!"

After hearing this, Cao Cao was shocked and ordered the young eunuch to deliver the letter.

After receiving the letter from the young eunuch, Cao Cao discovered that the handwriting on it was written by Bai Feng.

"Hahaha, I was still thinking about when news would come from Youzhou, but unexpectedly I received a letter from Mr. Bai, hahaha!"

Cao Cao smiled and whispered happily to himself.

Then Cao Cao opened the letter and began to read it carefully.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

After he saw that Xianbei Kebi Nengbu and Xianbei Budu Genbu had agreed to trade with Youzhou, he said with great satisfaction.

After reading Bai Feng's report on Kebi Nobu Xianbei and Budu Genbe Xianbei.

Cao Cao felt that Bai Feng's proposal to allow only the children of the Xianbei tribe leaders who had studied in Youzhou to be eligible to inherit the tribe was very good!

In this way, the various Xianbei tribes can be controlled more deeply.

After two generations of tribal leaders, Cao Cao believed that at least some of the Xianbei tribal leaders were yearning for life in the Wei Dynasty.

If they could bring their tribesmen to settle down in Youzhou, Cao Cao would be even happier!

We are not afraid of the Xianbei people farming the land, but we are afraid of the Xianbei people riding on horses.

Then Cao Cao continued to read the letter.

Cao Cao frowned for the first time when he saw that Bai Feng and Liu Yan were not optimistic about the mutual market negotiations with Xianbei, the Suli tribe.

As for Suli Xianbei's plunder of the Youzhou border, Cao Cao had mentioned it to Liu Yan many times before in memorials.

The reason why Cao Cao did not send Youzhou cavalry deep into the grassland to annihilate Xianbei, the Suli tribe.

The first is that they are worried that the Xianbei of the Suli tribe are too cunning. If there is no way to eliminate them on the grassland in a short time, then the logistics of food and grass supply will be a big problem for the Youzhou cavalry who go deep into the grassland.

There are also Kebi Nengbu Xianbei and Budu Genbu Xianbei, who will not ignore the attack of the Wei cavalry by the Suli tribe Xianbei.

Although the three Xianbei tribes all had wars with each other, when facing the Wei Dynasty, the three Xianbei tribes were basically united.

After all, the Wei Dynasty is too powerful. If they don't unite, no matter it is Kebineng, Budugen or Suli.

All three of them were worried that they would be wiped out one by one by the Wei Dynasty.

"This Sulibu Xianbei is really like a cancer! Humph!"

Cao Cao's anger welled up when he thought that Xianbei of the Suli tribe often raided the border of Youzhou.

Although the Suli Xianbei who came to plunder basically would not massacre every time.

But after a year of hard work, the people on the border of Youzhou had all the food they had saved being plundered by Xianbei of the Suli tribe. They were really worse off than dead!

He could only survive by relying on the relief from the Youzhou government.

Now some of the villages on the border between Liaodong County and Liaoxi County have been abandoned due to the plundering of Xianbei of the Suli tribe.

"I will make them pay one day!"

Cao Cao planned to wait until the country became stronger again to expand the Youzhou cavalry to 150,000 people.

Then annihilate all Xianbei of Suli tribe in one fell swoop!

After calming down the anger in his heart, Cao Cao picked up Bai Feng's letter again and continued reading.

When Cao Cao saw Bai Feng relaying Liu Yan's plan in his mind, he couldn't help but smile.

"Hahaha, hahaha, that's what you should do! Liu Yanzhi's method is deep in my heart, hahaha!"

After Cao Cao read Liu Yan's plan to surprise Xianbei, the Suli tribe, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Since Bu Bu has been waiting for three to five years to develop the Youzhou Cavalry, now he has the opportunity to annihilate Xianbei of the Suli tribe in one fell swoop. That is really good news.

After reading the entire letter, Cao Cao began to reply to Bai Feng.

Then he ordered the young eunuch to send him to the inn and send him to Youzhou as quickly as possible.

Two days later.

At the governor's house in Youzhou City.

Bai Feng received Cao Cao's reply before the sun set.

"It was delivered so quickly?!"

Looking at the tired postman in front of him, Bai Feng said in surprise.

After telling the postman to go down and rest, Bai Feng came to Liu Yan's study with the letter.

At this time, Liu Yan was in the study, dealing with matters related to the collection of grain and grass.

After seeing Bai Feng come to the study, Liu Yan put down the letter in his hand and said softly:

"The grain and grass waiting for Hanzhong have been collected on the spot. In two days, we can collect the 30,000 troops for five days."

Bai Feng nodded and smiled when he heard this:

"The governor is really efficient!"

"This is your Majesty's reply. It became popular a day faster than I expected."

Then Bai Feng opened the letter and said to Liu Yan.

Liu Yan was also stunned when he heard this. Cao Cao's reply was indeed much faster this time.

Then he and Bai Feng read Cao Cao's reply.

Soon the two of them read the reply letter.

"Hahaha, it seems that this time no matter what the outcome of the mutual market negotiation with Sulibu Xianbei is, there will be a fight!"

Bai Feng saw that Cao Cao made it clear in his reply that Xianbei, the Suli tribe, should cease to exist.

Liu Yan was also very happy after seeing it.

After all, he was the one who handed over the memorials about the Suli tribe Xianbei plundering the Youzhou border.

It can be said that Suli gritted his teeth with hatred for Sulibu Xianbei.

This time Cao Cao personally ordered to solve the problem of Xianbei in the Suli tribe. Of course Liu Yan was very happy.

Even if the imperial court has not allocated food, grass, and salary, Liu Yan plans to wipe out the Xianbei tribe of Suli first and use his own pocket to pay the Youzhou cavalry!

Of course, the reason why Liu Yan did this was that it would take at least a month for the grain, grass and salary provided by Cao Cao to arrive in Youzhou.

"In that case, wait until three days later when the grain and army are assembled at the border of Liaodong County."

"I will set off for Xianbei, Sulibu!"

After Bai Feng put down the letter, he said to Liu Yan in a deep voice.

"Okay, I will mobilize both food, grass and troops within three days!"

"I'll leave the rest to Hanzhong Marquis."

"I'll ask Hanzhong Hou to have a good rest in the city for these two days."

When Liu Yan heard this, he also said to Bai Feng with excitement.

Bai Feng nodded in agreement and then left the study.

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