"Loading tens of thousands of stones, running day and night, running faster and faster?!"

On the carriage, Geng Zhuzhu repeated Bai Feng's last words.

In my mind, I began to imagine what the train would look like when it started moving.

The more he imagined it, the more shocked he became!


Bai Feng said affirmatively upon hearing this.

"Sir, who invented this kind of mechanism? Even my teacher Mozi didn't have such a fantastic idea!"

I already had the rough outline of the train in my mind, and I couldn't help but sigh.

"Hahaha, the invention of this train was not accomplished by one person. It took the wisdom of several generations to actually build it!"

Bai Feng did not explain too much to Geng Zhuzhu, because he was not very familiar with the history of the invention and use of trains.

Those have been returned to the school's history teacher.

Hearing this, Gengzhu couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

He could transcend a hundred years and become young again, and come to work under Bai Feng.

The appearance of the train does not seem so mysterious anymore.

Next, Geng Zhuzi began to ask Bai Feng for more details about the train.

He is now full of motivation and wants to manufacture the steam engine in the R\u0026D center as soon as possible.

In this way, the train in this era will definitely be made by his hands!

Inside Hanzhong City.

All the blacksmiths who came to the R\u0026D center and received the steam engine blueprints from Bai Feng.

No one has ever built a steam engine.

The first one to build a steam engine can receive a reward of one hundred taels of silver from Bai Feng.

Nowadays, it is no longer possible to arouse the enthusiasm of the blacksmiths in Hanzhong City.

Because the principle of the steam engine is not very complicated.

But in this era, it is necessary to create a steam engine that truly functions and looks like later generations.

It is no less difficult than making a piece of art out of steel.

Therefore, most of the blacksmiths in Hanzhong City gave up continuing to research and build steam engines.

After all, it is easier and easier to make money by making some hoes, kitchen knives, and iron pots.

Except for the blacksmith shop in the east of the city.

Inside this blacksmith shop.

The old blacksmith, his eldest son and his youngest son were making an iron pot for the guests who came to the door.

Beside the blazing fire, the tall, muscular eldest son was swinging a hammer, sweating profusely while building an iron pot.

The old blacksmith was chatting with his guests, who were also common people near the blacksmith shop in the city.

The younger son helped his elder brother control the temperature of the charcoal fire in the blacksmith's furnace while studying a drawing of a steam engine that had one corner burned and covered with sweat stains.

"Old Li, what kind of steam engine did Hanzhong give you? It hasn't been built yet?"

Lao Wang, who came to make iron pots, looked at the young blacksmith who was studying the steam engine drawings and asked the old blacksmith.

"Hello, this steam engine is an item that Hanzhong wanted, and it can be made so easily anywhere!"

"There are more than ten blacksmith shops of various sizes in Hanzhong City, but I haven't seen any blacksmith build a steam engine. Go to Hanzhong Hou to receive the reward of one hundred taels of silver!"

Blacksmith Lao Li couldn't help but said loudly after hearing Lao Wang's inquiry.

How could they, laymen who didn't know how to blacksmith, know how difficult it was to build a steam engine!

Blacksmith Lao Li thought silently in his heart.

"That's right, otherwise the Hanzhong Marquis wouldn't have given him a reward of one hundred taels of silver."

"But I think your little son is someone who can study seriously. Maybe the reward of one hundred taels of silver from Hanzhong Marquis will be yours!"

After Lao Wang realized that blacksmith Lao Li didn't like what he said, he began to praise blacksmith Lao Li's youngest son.

You might as well open your mouth when bargaining with blacksmith Lao Li later!

When blacksmith Lao Li heard Lao Wang praising his youngest son, he couldn't help but feel happy in his eyes.

"Tiedan really put a lot of effort into building this steam engine!"

It's just that the blacksmith Lao Li didn't follow Lao Wang's flattery in the end. Although he knew that his youngest son had talent, he still lacked some skills and couldn't praise him casually.

And Lao Wang’s little thoughts, wouldn’t Lao Li, who has been forging iron for so many years and running a blacksmith shop for so many years, know?

Want to bargain? Not that easy!

Li Tiedan, the youngest son of the blacksmith Lao Li, did not notice that his father and the customer had started a confrontation with him.

He was still studying the steam engine drawing in his hand.

"When there are no guests at night, I will conduct another experiment!"

After Li Tiedan added two pieces of charcoal to the stove, he pulled the bellows a few times and thought silently in his heart.

His experiments are also inseparable from his eldest brother, Li Gangdan.

Li Gangdan is tall and strong, but he doesn't want to use his brain.

However, after practicing his blacksmith skills with Lao Li, he was able to support the entire blacksmith shop.

Seeing his younger brother Tiedan still studying the steam engine drawings, Gangdan knew that he would have to eat three more steamed buns tonight.

After Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi returned to Hanzhong City, they went back to the Hou Mansion to have lunch.

Cao Jie, Liuli and the others were still playing in the city and did not come back for dinner.

After the two had lunch at the house, Bai Feng asked Geng Zhuzhu to rest first and then go to the blacksmith shop in the city together in the afternoon.

Bai Feng's plan is to select some suitable blacksmiths from these blacksmith shops to assist Pengzhu in starting to manufacture steam engines in the R\u0026D center.

Time came to the afternoon in a blink of an eye.

The sun is shining and the breeze is blowing.

This time Geng Zhuzhu refused to take the carriage, but wanted to walk around the city and learn more about the city where he would live in the future.

Bai Feng naturally agreed to Geng Zhuzhu’s request.

Think of walking as exercise.

After the two people left Hanzhong Houfu, the first place they went to was the blacksmith shop closest to Hanzhong Houfu.

This blacksmith shop happens to be the blacksmith shop of Lao Li's family.

Before Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi reached the blacksmith shop, Lao Li, who still had good eyesight, spotted Bai Feng.

"The Hanzhong Marquis is coming this way, hurry up and prepare some tea!"

"I want the catechu brick that Lao Zhang gave me last year for the Chinese New Year!"

Blacksmith Lao Li ordered his mother-in-law to make good tea, and called his eldest son Li Gangdan and second son Li Tiedan out of the house who were resting.

After Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi walked into the blacksmith shop, they saw Lao Li welcoming them warmly.

"The visit of the Marquis of Hanzhong and this gentleman to my humble abode really makes the humble abode shine! Please come in quickly!"

While recalling the words used by the scholar next door to greet his friends, Lao Li greeted Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzhu with a smile.

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