In the blacksmith shop, Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi saw Lao Li's warm reception, and both of them had smiles on their faces.

"Hahaha, no need to bother."

"Mr. Geng and I are here to see how the steam engine is being built."

Bai Feng said directly to Lao Li.

Lao Li thought that Hanzhong Hou was here to ask about this matter.

"Okay, Hanzhong Hou and Mr. Geng, please move over here."

Then Lao Li brought Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi to the backyard of the blacksmith shop.

The brothers Li Gangdan and Li Tiedan also hurried to the backyard at this time and greeted Bai Feng.

Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi came to the backyard of the Tiejia Shop, and looked at the pile of semi-finished steam engines in the backyard, and their faces showed surprise.

"Are these the steam engines you tried to build?"

Bai Feng couldn't help asking Lao Li.

He really didn't expect that this blacksmith shop was so obsessed with building steam engines.

"Reporting to the Marquis of Hanzhong, these are the results of our continuous attempts over the past few days."

"But we still haven't been able to build a steam engine that is the same as the one on the drawing you gave us."

Old Li replied to Bai Feng, fearing that Bai Feng would be dissatisfied.

"Hahaha, well done!"

"Tell me what difficulties you have encountered?"

Bai Feng encountered a surprise at the first blacksmith shop he came to, so he asked Old Li happily.

Old Li saw that Bai Feng not only did not blame him, but also looked very happy, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

After hearing Bai Feng's inquiry, Old Li signaled his youngest son Li Tiedan with his eyes.

At the beginning, Old Li and his youngest son worked together to study and build a steam engine. In the last half a month, it was basically Li Tiedan who was studying by himself, and his eldest brother Li Gangdan helped him.

After seeing his father's signal, Li Tiedan came to Bai Feng with the steam engine drawing.

"Hanzhong Hou, we are now using casting to build a steam engine. The main problems we encounter are..." After listening to Li Tiedan's questions, Bai Feng realized that with the current technology, there are really many problems in building a steam engine. If Bai Feng is not so anxious, a blacksmith will definitely be able to build a steam engine in a year or two. But now Bai Feng is anxious about the mass production of steam engines, and he is not satisfied with the efficiency of fine processing. If trains are to run all over the world, steam engines must be mass-produced. After Li Tiedan and Bai Feng finished talking about the problems encountered in building steam engines, they stopped talking. Li Gangdan has been standing silently by the side without saying anything, and Lao Li is also waiting for Bai Feng's opinion. "Very good, it seems that you have really put a lot of effort into studying the construction of steam engines." Bai Feng looked at the steam engine drawing in Li Tiedan's hand, which had been burnt at a corner and the paper had turned yellow, and said with satisfaction. Then Bai Feng asked Lao Li:

"Is the boy just now your son?"

"Yes, this is my youngest son Li Tiedan, and that is my oldest son Li Gangdan."

Lao Li answered Bai Feng, and was very satisfied with his youngest son's performance.

Bai Feng turned to Geng Zhuzi and said:

"Li Tiedan is good, I think he can go to the R\u0026D center to assist you in the manufacture of steam engines."

"Well, I agree with you!"

Geng Zhuzi nodded when he heard this.

He believed that Li Tiedan's spirit of research and efficiency of practice could be of great help to him in the manufacture of steam engines.

Seeing that Geng Zhuzi also recognized Li Tiedan's ability, Bai Feng smiled at Lao Li again:

"Li Tiedan, I plan to let Tiedan go to the R\u0026D center to help Mr. Geng manufacture steam engines, and the treatment will be favorable. What do you think?"

When Lao Li heard this, he showed joy on his face, and then looked at his youngest son Li Tiedan.

Li Tiedan was not interested in making kitchen knives, hoes and iron pots in the blacksmith shop.

Going to the R\u0026D center to build steam engines was an interesting thing in his opinion.

After seeing his father's eyes, Li Tiedan nodded gently.

"Thank you, Hanzhong Hou, for supporting Tiedan!"

"Tiedan! After you go to the R\u0026D center, you must work hard with Mr. Geng!"

"Otherwise, you will be beaten!"

After thanking Bai Feng, Old Li said to his youngest son.


Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi couldn't help laughing after hearing Old Li's threat to Li Tiedan.

Li Gangdan, Old Li's wife and younger sister Cuihua, who had been listening to Bai Feng's conversation outside the yard, also smiled.

Their small blacksmith shop will definitely have a much better life in the future because Li Tiedan has entered the R\u0026D center.

Then Bai Feng and Li Tiedan agreed to go to the R\u0026D center in ten days.

The reason for waiting for ten days is that Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi will personally visit all the blacksmith shops in Hanzhong City next.

In addition, the various tools and equipment needed by the R\u0026D center also need time to be prepared.

Because the R\u0026D center occupies a very important position in Bai Feng's future planning, he will definitely personally check all matters in the early stage.

Only after the R\u0026D center was on the right track, Bai Feng was able to gradually delegate power.

After leaving Lao Li's blacksmith shop, Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi went to the next blacksmith shop.

In one afternoon, Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi went to three blacksmith shops in total.

It is a pity that no one like Li Tiedan was found in the remaining two blacksmith shops.

But this is normal.

After returning to the Hanzhong Hou Mansion in the evening, Bai Feng saw that Cao Jie and Liu Li had also returned to the house.

"Jie'er, let me introduce to you. This is Geng Zhuzi who came to help me in charge of the R\u0026D center. From now on, everyone can call him Mr. Geng."

Bai Feng introduced Qigeng Zhuzhu to Cao Jie and Liuli.

Cao Jie first stepped forward and smiled at Geng Zhuzhu:

"Mr. Geng, welcome!"

Liu Li, Zhang Qiying, Diao Chan and others also stepped forward to welcome Geng Zhuzhu.

Geng Zhuzhu greeted everyone with a smile.

And he was still thinking in his mind:

"I didn't expect that my husband would have so many beautiful wives and concubines in his family. It seems that we won't be able to have more in the Hanzhong Marquis Mansion in the future."

At the dinner, Bai Feng told Cao Jie and the others in detail the life story he had compiled with Geng Zhuzi.

Then he informed everyone about the arrangements for the R\u0026D center in charge of Geng Zhuzhu.

"Mr. Geng is actually proficient in mechanism skills!"

Cao Jie said in surprise, and he understood why Bai Feng arranged Geng Zhuzi as the person in charge of the R\u0026D center.

Bai Feng also laughed and said:

"I didn't expect to be able to get help from Mr. Geng. I guess we will have some clues about the train in the next two years! Hahaha!"

What Bai Feng really likes is trains and ships.

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