Ten days later.

Bai Feng was at the gate of the R\u0026D center with Geng Zhuzi.

In front of them were blacksmiths, carpenters, students and other craftsmen.

These are the talents that Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi have discovered in the city these days to build steam engines and trains in the future.

The entire city of Hanzhong now has a population of about 300,000.

But there are not many master craftsmen among them.

At present, Bai Feng has not told Cao Cao that he will dispatch craftsmen to him.

Bai Feng's plan was to get the finished product of the steam engine out first and then send the manufacturing technology to Yecheng.

You should always keep some back-ups in your hands, right?

"Everyone will be the craftsmen of the R\u0026D center from now on."

"In the R\u0026D center, you are all working under Mr. Geng."

"Respect Mr. Geng as much as you respect me!"

After Bai Feng finished speaking to the craftsmen and students, he turned to Zhuzhu and asked:

"Is there anything you want to say to them?"

Hearing this, Geng Zhuzhu nodded to Bai Feng, indicating that he also had something to say.

So Geng Zhuzhu came to the place where Bai Feng had just stood, and continued to speak to the craftsmen and students below:

"When everyone comes to the R\u0026D center, the main work is not much different from before."

"If I say the only obvious difference, it is that all the parts you produce and process must be completed according to my requirements."

"Also, I will sort out the work requirements in the R\u0026D center and distribute them to everyone."

"If anyone violates the regulations of the R\u0026D Center in the future, he or she will have to leave the R\u0026D Center. In serious cases, he may even be imprisoned!"

As soon as the plowing pillar came up, the ugly words were first spoken to the front.

Because the various products and machinery produced by the R\u0026D center are among the most technologically advanced in the world at this stage.

Therefore, both Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi are very fond of the character of the craftsmen in the R\u0026D center.

The craftsmen who can now appear at the door of the R\u0026D center are craftsmen who have been selected by Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzhu and feel that their character and skills are good.

But now Geng Zhuzhu still told them the strict requirements of the R\u0026D center again.

After being reminded of the plowing pillars, all craftsmen will keep the strict requirements of the R\u0026D center in mind.

Although Gengzhuzi has not yet formulated the specific requirements for the R\u0026D center, the craftsmen all understand that they must work in the R\u0026D center.

Then you must obey the arrangements of the plowing pillar.

After finishing talking about Plowing Pillars, there was nothing else to say.

So Bai Feng stepped forward again and said:

"Okay, from now on you will all be members of the R\u0026D center."

Then Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi brought all the craftsmen and students to the R\u0026D center.

In order to allow all craftsmen to concentrate on their work in the R\u0026D center.

Bai Feng also specially expanded the cafeteria and dormitories for them.

Therefore, all craftsmen working in the R\u0026D center are provided with food and accommodation.

And each one's salary is one tael of silver.

This is also an important reason why none of these craftsmen were dissatisfied and wanted to leave when faced with the strict requirements of the R\u0026D center.

Now I can earn one tael of silver a month, and I also have food and accommodation included. There is no other place except Hanzhonghou.

The craftsmen looked at the still very spacious R\u0026D center where all the tools had been laid out, and they thought in their hearts that Hanzhong Hou was rich and powerful.

Li Tiedan was shocked by the scale of the R\u0026D center, but he was even more excited and looking forward to it.

He already understood that a steam engine could definitely be manufactured here, and that in the future, machinery more complex than steam engines might be produced in the R\u0026D center.

"The next life is really exciting!"

Li Tiedan thought silently in his heart.

Bai Feng then took the craftsmen to see the dormitory and canteen, and then asked the craftsmen to go home and pick up their luggage.

After Li Tiedan returned home, Lao Li and Li Tiedan's mother immediately stepped forward and asked:

"How is the R\u0026D center that Hanzhong Hou mentioned?"

"Hanzhong Hou said that the R\u0026D center provides food and accommodation, but I don't know what the place is like?"

Li Tiedan faced the questions from his father and mother, as well as his elder brother and younger sister.

He smiled and said to his family:

"The dormitory is very good, two people live in it, and the room is very big!"

"Hanzhong Hou asked us to come back today just to pick up our luggage."

Lao Li and Tiedan Niang were relieved upon hearing this.

"That's good, that's good!"

Tiedan Niang knew that Li Tiedan would spend most of his time in the R\u0026D center from now on.

But this is working for Hanzhong Hou, and the environment of the R\u0026D center is still very good.

Therefore, the sadness in Tiedan Niang's heart was not as great as imagined.

Li Tiedan's eldest brother Li Gangdan happened to stay at home and inherit Lao Li's blacksmith shop.

That night, Lao Li's family had a big meal at home, and then Tiedan Niang and his younger sister Cuihua prepared luggage for Li Tiedan.

Early the next morning, Li Tiedan and other craftsmen took the carriage provided by Bai Feng to the R\u0026D center with their luggage.

"Are you ready? Let's get started!"

In the R\u0026D center, Geng Zhuzi said to the blacksmiths beside him, including Li Tiedan.

It has been three days since they came to the R\u0026D center.

Finally, the manufacture of steam engines officially began.

Plowing Pillar had previously carefully asked blacksmiths who had experienced problems in building steam engines.

After discussing with everyone, Tongzhu improved the process of making a steam engine. Today is the first experiment.

Under everyone's gaze, the molten iron was slowly and carefully poured into the mold.

The next step is to wait until the molten iron in the mold has completely cooled before we can know the casting result.

During this period, Bai Feng also came to the R\u0026D center.

After seeing the R\u0026D center that was already operating normally, Bai Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Afterwards, Bai Feng and Geng Zhuzi made an explanation and told Geng Zhuzi that if he needed anything, he could just send someone to the Hanzhong Marquis Mansion to find him.

Geng Zhuzhu also promised Bai Feng that Bai Feng would be able to see the finished steam engine within a month at the latest.

So Bai Feng encouraged Geng Zhuzi and other craftsmen before leaving the R\u0026D center.

Bai Feng, who returned to Hanzhong Hou Mansion again, was preparing to go to Yamatai.

He had previously told Himihu and Li Cunxiao to carry out road construction work in Yamatai.

More than a month has passed now, and Bai Feng wants to see how the road construction in Yamatai is going.

After the steam engine is manufactured, Bai Feng plans to start the train experiment at Yamatai.

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