After Bai Feng bought the mansion in the north of the city, he ordered people to purchase various raw materials for making soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Bai Feng asked the blacksmith in the R\u0026D center to help build a batch of equipment used to make soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Compared with steam engines, equipment for making soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste is much simpler to build.

After everything was ready, Bai Feng began to recruit people.

Soon thirty craftsmen had been recruited and were waiting for Bai Feng's training in the mansion in the north of the city.

Now this mansion has been completely transformed into a workshop by Bai Feng.

The craftsmen who came to the workshop never thought that Hanzhong Hou would come to train them in person.

The group of craftsmen chosen by Bai Feng are not very old, most of them are around eighteen to twenty years old.

In three days, Bai Feng handed over all the methods of making soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes to the craftsmen in these workshops.

The craftsmen are all young people and learn quickly.

And after the soap was successfully manufactured, Bai Feng generously gave ten yuan to each craftsman.

Now in the entire Hanzhong Hou Mansion, all cleaning supplies have been replaced by soap.

In addition to the scent of clove, Bai Feng also asked craftsmen to try a variety of scents.

Soon, the workshop in the north of the city, like the R\u0026D center, gradually got on track.

After Bai Feng finished solving the soap workshop, he waited for the results of the steam engine.

Inside the R\u0026D center.

Geng Zhuzhu and Li Tiedan were conducting a detailed inspection of the newly cast steam engine parts.

"Mr. Geng, the newly cast steam engine parts are almost the same as those on the drawings in terms of performance and size."

After Li Tiedan put down the steam engine parts in his hand, he said to the plowing pillar with excitement.

He was inspecting other parts of the plowing pillar. Hearing this, he nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Not bad! Next we can try to assemble the steam engine!"

Other craftsmen on the side also burst into excited cheers.

After more than ten days of hard work and the centralized command of everyone in the R\u0026D center, a major breakthrough was finally made in the manufacturing of steam engines.

So all the craftsmen began to assemble the steam engine.

The assembly didn't go particularly smoothly.

This is because there are still differences between the dimensions of the cast parts and the drawings.

There are no magnifying glasses or microscopes now, and the means of measuring dimensions are relatively simple.

It can be said that most of it relies on the experience of old masters.

So most of the parts were dismantled again and re-polished.

In this way, another three days passed.

During these three days, the first batch of one thousand soap bars in the north city workshop was also completed.

Not many toothbrushes and toothpastes were manufactured.

And the newly manufactured toothbrushes and toothpastes have been given priority to the Hanzhong Marquis Mansion for use.

Nearly ten years have passed since Bai Feng came to Dawei. Now he can finally use soap, toothbrush and toothpaste.

Finally, there is a bit of a shadow of the past life.

Bai Feng, who was teaching Cao Jie to brush his teeth in the morning, remembered that the current bronze mirror was still not bright enough, and the things reflected were still a little yellow.

"Well, now that I have a method for making glass, it seems like I should make a mercury mirror."

Bai Feng thought in his heart.

Cao Jie uses a toothbrush and toothpaste, which feels really different from willow branches and refined salt.

The effect of a toothbrush on cleaning teeth is obviously many times better than that of a willow branch.

"Husband, when will this toothbrush and toothpaste start to be sold like soap?"

Admiring his white and neat teeth in the bronze mirror, Cao Jie asked Bai Feng softly.

"Right now, we should focus on the production of soaps first. After soaps can be mass-produced on a large scale, we will gradually increase the production of toothbrushes and toothpastes."

Bai Feng said to Cao Jie.

The production of toothbrushes mainly relies on animal hair, and now Bai Feng uses pig hair.

But at this stage, there are not many people raising pigs in Hanzhong City.

After all, the people have just lived a good life with enough food for a few years, and now they don't have enough grain to raise more livestock.

Chickens, ducks and farm cattle are the most common poultry and livestock raised by Hanzhong people at this stage.

Therefore, the shortage of raw materials has also had a certain impact on the production of toothbrushes.

The output of toothbrushes is not high, so no matter how much toothpaste is produced, it will have little effect.

The output of soap is relatively much higher than that of toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Animal fat is still easier to purchase than fur.

After hearing Bai Feng's answer, Cao Jie nodded slightly.

Although she didn't quite understand why Bai Feng made soap the main product he currently produces, she must have had Bai Feng's considerations in mind.

Bai Feng has handed over the accounts of the workshop to Cao Jie, which is one of the reasons why Cao Jie is concerned about the output of the workshop.

Thanks to the output of the workshop, now in the entire Hanzhong Marquis Mansion, not only Cao Jie and Bai Feng can use soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Liu Li, Zhang Ning, Zhang Qiying, Diao Chan, Xiao Qiao and other maids and servants in the Hanzhong Marquis Mansion have already used soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste as daily necessities.

"Madam, this soap is much better than bath beans. It's fragrant and smooth!"

During breakfast, Diao Chan told Cao Jie about her experience of using soap.

"There is also a toothbrush and toothpaste. After cleaning your teeth, you will feel the refreshing taste of mint in your mouth!"

Sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao also said happily.

Cao Jie nodded and smiled when he heard this.

Bai Feng thought to himself, "Where are you going? I want you to see the achievements of the chemical industry in modern society and the development of the beauty industry."

I'm afraid you all feel that women living in ancient times really lost too many opportunities to become beautiful.

After breakfast, Bai Feng took Cao Jie to the workshop in the north of the city.

In the workshop, craftsmen are putting a batch of soap they have just made into molds and solidifying them in a cool and ventilated place.

After the two counted the soap reserves in the workshop, Bai Feng decided that the soap could now be put into the Hanzhong market for sale.

"Jie'er, how about I leave the soap sales to you?"

"give it to me?"

When Cao Jie heard that Bai Feng wanted him to sell soap, he immediately said in confusion.

Should I still let myself go to the street to shout?

Cao Jie imagined the scene in his mind of selling soap on the street with a basket of soap, and he immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

Then Cao Jie rolled his eyes at Bai Feng angrily, not knowing what he was thinking.

Bai Feng saw Cao Jie's reaction and knew that she had misunderstood him.

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