"Nowadays, the shipbuilding workshop has produced battleships, but the speed is still too slow. Only one ship can be manufactured in half a year. The main reason is that the wood is insufficient in the early stage, and the craftsmanship is too low, so the production speed is I can't mention it. Now after more than a year, the wood we collected at the beginning has been completely dried and can be used in the dock. There is no problem with the raw materials, but the craftsman is still not enough, so..." Zhou Ran Explained to Huangfu Chaobo;

"Insufficient craftsmen, do you mean that there are not enough advanced craftsmen?" Huangfu Chaobo heard his meaning and asked;

"Wang Shang Shengming!" Zhou Ran flattered quietly.

After thinking about it, Huangfu Chaobo said: “Let’s do this, now the Shuanghe City Dockyard has been relocated to Changshan Island City, and the Qingdao City Dockyard has been gradually reducing the number of ships manufactured. If the Qingdao Dockyard ceases production, it would have been prepared to use its craftsmen. All were arranged to go to the dock of Changshan Island City, but the conditions on Changshan Island are really limited. Well, I can pass orders to Qingdao City to temporarily hand over the craftsmen there to Zongyang Dockyard, but you must tell Gu, If there are sufficient personnel, how long will it take to compile and train all the 10,000 naval forces in the two schools?"

Hearing what Huangfu Chaobo said, Zhou Ran was overjoyed and said without hesitation: "Please rest assured, the king, as long as the ship can be in place on time, he will definitely be able to train 10,000 elite naval forces for the king this year, although it cannot be compared with the older brother. General Jiang’s two armies are elite, but they will certainly not lose to General Pan’s Fubo Camp."

Hearing what he said, Huangfu Chaobo couldn't help but laugh. No matter when it was, the army was the strongest, and the Tang Dynasty naval army was also the same. Now among the fourth naval battalions, Zhou Tai’s Hengjiang camp and Jiang Qin The two battalions of the Nutao camp are comparable, and they are the two most elite of the navy. Although Pan Feng’s Fubo battalion is the longest in the army, it is obviously weaker than the Hengjiang and Nutao battalions in terms of combat power. Zhong Lang compares Zhou Yi's Zhenhaiying.

Zhou Ran was also cunning, not mentioning the Zhenhai Camp of Huangfu Chaobo’s confidant Zhou Yi, but dared to compare Pan Feng’s Fubo Camp. I have to say that in time, Pan Feng’s Fubo Camp was in the Tang State navy. Will be the bottom of the existence.

"You can rest assured that the ship is in place as soon as possible, but you really need to be more careful about the training of navy soldiers."

"The king can rest assured, the Weichen will definitely not be entrusted by the king, but in the matter of shipbuilding, he also asked the king to ask the ship to build a ship first, so that the soldiers can have the ship to use..."

"Hmm..." Huangfu Chaobo nodded noncommittal: "I'll talk about it later, let's go, let alone take a look at the situation of the school's navy that you have trained!"

"No!" Zhou Ran clasped his fists to promise, and then immediately invited Huangfu Chaobo and his party to the podium of the water village, and he ordered the gathering of soldiers.

Soon the five thousand navy soldiers ran out of the camp amidst the rumbling drums of war, and quickly ran towards their ship. After boarding the ship, soon all the sails of the warships were raised.

Immediately after, warships filed out of the water village, and lined up hundreds of steps outside the water village. According to the establishment of the Tang army, the standard establishment of the first navy is 5000 soldiers and 1000 sailors. Among them, the warships are 1 stork, 5 battleships, 10 red horses, 20 sudden wars, 30 squadrons, and walkers. 40 ships, a total of 106 warships. However, because the Lujiang navy did not have a ship, the ship with a thousand soldiers was changed to two battleships capable of carrying five hundred soldiers, so there are a total of 106 warships on the lake today.

Following Zhou Ran’s orders from the main ship last year, more than a hundred warships performed various naval tactics on the lake. Standing on the podium of the water village, Huangfu Chaobo could clearly see the navy. The warships were constantly splitting and recombining on the lake, performing various tactics. At least from the situation of the exercises, the cooperation between these soldiers was very good, but I didn't know what would happen on the battlefield.

However, these still need time to verify. Today's Lujiang navy, because Huangfu Chaobo does not want to excessively stimulate Wu, so large ships such as warships are not allowed to appear on the river, not even the Chima ship. All ten ships can go out at a time, so although Wu Guo knew that Tang had a warship in Lujiang, he didn't know that in just one year, even five hundred people's warships were already fully equipped.


After staying in Zongyang for a day, Huangfu Chaobo left here, accompanied by the people of Kong Xin, to the next destination-Yuqiancheng, which was where Yuan Yao stayed after the people of Ji Ling broke out. However, Huangfu Chaobo felt that the name was really an island country, so he changed it to Yuexi County. After Yuan Yao surrendered this city, Zuo Zucheng sent an official to take over it, and it has now become a county seat of Lujiang County.

From Wan County along the diving road to the northwest for more than 30 miles, then turn to the north, walk for about 50 miles, and arrive at Yuexi. When I saw the scale of Yuexi County, Huangfu Chaobo couldn't help but stunned his tongue. If it weren't for Yuan Yao and the others to build the city here, no one would have thought that there would be such a large valley in this mountain, enough to hold tens of thousands of people here. life.

After Yuexi County was brought under the rule of Lujiang County, Zuo Chengzu began to arrange for the construction of an official road that could accommodate a large number of trucks in parallel. This arrangement was due to the existence of a large number of various mineral deposits around Yuexi. The mined products cannot be smelted as quickly as possible by the craftsmen of Yuexi County, so the best way is to transport them out of the mountains and transport them to the county town for refining.

After leaving Yuexi, Huangfu Chaobo went all the way west to Xunyang County, the westernmost county of Lujiang County. This was the only land passage between Jiangxia in Jingzhou and Lujiang County in Yangzhou through which the army could pass. Yang blocked the passage of Jiang Xia army’s eastward entry into the Lujiang River, so Huangfu Chaobo didn’t pay attention to it. He also specially arranged Han Xian and the first school soldiers here, plus the three thousand defenders in the county. There are 8,000 troops stationed here. With the abilities of the Jingzhou Army and Huang Zu, Huangfu Chaobo believes that Xunyang can be under the siege of forty to fifty thousand troops, and there is no problem in supporting it for three to five months.

This is also impossible. Although the Jingzhou Army has not yet attempted to advance eastward, once the war goes to the north, it is difficult to guarantee that Liu Biao or Huang Zu will have some different thoughts. You must know that Liu Biao was once marked by the sword spirit last year in Wuling County idea. If he knew that he didn't have the energy to take care of Lujiang County, maybe Liu Biao would really dare to send troops to Lujiang.

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