After leaving Lujiang County, Huangfu Chaobo patrolled the rest of the counties non-stop. Although he also wanted to carefully inspect the newly occupied counties, intelligence showed that the fighter plane was getting closer.

Not only in the direction of Bingzhou to the north, Lu Bu has led the cavalry into the grassland north of Yinshan Mountain. According to the information sent back by the players cavalry and lords who accompanied the trip, Lu Bu led fifty thousand cavalry and about five thousand players and their cavalry from Daijun set off and entered the range of Danhan Mountain. Then, within a range of more than 200 miles around Danhan Mountain, he annihilated three Xianbei tribes and killed nearly 10,000 Xianbei people.

After that, the army swept all the way to the west. It can be said that the gods are blocking and killing the gods, and the Buddhas are blocking the killing of the Buddha. Wherever they pass, almost no grass is born. All the Xianbei people are killed at once, and all the cattle, sheep and horses are taken captive. Empty. In just one month, they had wiped out the Xianbei tribe within two hundred miles north of Daijun.

According to other news, the Xianbei tribe had all moved to the north for more than a hundred miles, making the Xianbei tribe no longer exist within nearly three hundred miles to the north of Dai County.

In just less than a month, Lu Bu’s army had reached the grassland north of Yanmen. If Lu Bu wanted to achieve his goal, it would take less than four months, that is to say, Lu Bu had reached the grassland north of Yanmen. The army will return to Bingzhou at the end of August and early September.

At this moment, the battle report of Dunhuang County to the west was also passed. The Dunhuang prefect was not as powerful as Huangfu Chaobo expected. Under Ma Chao’s attack, the army was only supported for more than 20 days. After a big defeat, and then losing most of the elite Dunhuang County, he only persisted for less than two months before he was beaten by Ma Chao army.

Now Ma Chao is ready to lead his army back to Wuwei, and Ma Teng, who is in Wuwei City, is also starting to prepare. After Ma Chao returns, he will appear as the little emperor of Chang'an and ask himself to be the King of Liang.

If all goes well, once Ma Teng is crowned king, Han Sui will definitely ask him to send troops, and the two coalition forces will surely send troops eastward, and the war between the three princes of Guanzhong will start at once.

When receiving these two news, Huangfu Chaobo just finished his patrol from Xunyang and returned to Shu County. Several people immediately realized that the fighter plane was coming, and that it would arrive almost at the same time from both directions. Upon seeing two news, both Pang Tong and Guo Jia suggested to Huangfu Chaobo that they should end the inspection as soon as possible and return to Luoyang to prepare for the war. However, whether the target should be placed in Guanzhong or Bingzhou, they could not agree. .

Huangfu Chaobo had to put the problem down temporarily, and then hurried to Qiaojun under the guard of the guards. In any case, it is only June, and he has already ordered Hedong and Hanoi counties to start secret preparations years ago. Almost every day, grain weapons are gathered in the two counties. As long as the grain weapons are in place, the movement of soldiers and horses will be much simpler.

Qiaojun, as the place where Cao Cao started, Huangfu Chaobo was also very careful, so the officials and generals he arranged were all carefully considered.

The troikas of Qiao County were prefect Cheng Huan, Chang Shi Chen Rong, and Du Wei Zangquan. Cheng Huan and Chen Rong were all old officials, and they were first-class among the counties of the Tang Dynasty in terms of ability and skill. In particular, Cheng Huan started as a small official in the Jizhou Provincial Governor's House, step by step, and worked step by step. After joining the Huangfu Chaobo with Han Fu, he became the prefect of Weijun.

The Du Wei Tibetan Quan is the younger brother of the Tibetan tyrant, and his ability should not be condensed. As for the war barracks, the war barracks in Qiao County is Zhenwu Camp, which is a standard organization of 25,000 soldiers and horses in five schools with four steps and one cavalry. Its chief general is Huangfu Chaobo's elder brother and auxiliary general, Huangfu Li. When Huangfu Li was young, he fought with Huangfu Song in all directions. He was already a lieutenant colonel in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, commanding thousands of elites, and the deputy general Guan Hai was even more a powerful general.

In addition, behind Qiaojun are Huang Zhong's 40,000 elites, so Huangfu Chaobo can be said to have taken great pains in the situation of Qiaojun.

In fact, it wasn't just Qiaojun. Huangfu Chaobo almost broke his head when thinking about the counties that he had taken from Cao Cao. Not only the arrangement of officials, but also the arrangement of troops and the arrangement of the people, a lot of thoughts have been moved. You know, it took several months for the reorganization of soldiers and horses at the beginning, but the benefits are also visible. Now in the newly attached counties, because a group of people have been moved away, they have joined a large number of people when they moved with them. The family members of the soldiers have been mixed among the people of the counties, and the people's hearts in the newly attached counties have basically stabilized.

Huangfu Chaobo believes that in one or two years, the people in these counties will be able to return to their hearts, and if there is more war, for Tang Jun, the people's support should not be bad.

Today in Tang, the people’s recognition of the kingdom is led by the five counties of Sizhou, followed by Chenliu of Yanzhou, Yingchuan of Yunan of Yuzhou and Yingchuan of Yuzhou, and Yanbei county. This is also the main reason why Huangfu Chaobo is not willing to start the war lightly in the east. One of the reasons is that these counties were originally newly attached. If they were to become the front line of the battlefield again, it would be very detrimental to the attachment of the people.

To the north of Qiaojun is Peiguo. Although there are only a few cities, Huangfu Chaobo’s military arrangements are not bad. The post-war battalion is the Guangwu camp of the Tibetan tyrant. Although there are only three infantrymen, the Tibetan tyrant has 10,000. The Taishan Army also belongs to one of the special arms, which is one point better than the ordinary infantry in the battalion.

Farther north is Shanyang County. The Canglang Battalion led by Meng Gang is responsible for the garrison. Although there are only two steps and one rider, there are three soldiers and horses. Niuying has three steps and one cavalry, a total of four schools of soldiers are stationed. The distance between the two counties is not too far, and the infantry can arrive in a few days.

To the north is Chenliu County, where Zhang Yun’s Hubu Camp is stationed. Unlike other counties, Zhang Yun’s Hubu Camp was not stationed in the county city by himself, but was handed over to Hubu Camp’s deputy general, Min Chun, led by a school footman. In the county town, the chief general Zhang Yun led three school infantry and one school cavalry stationed in Puyang city, and formed a tight defense line with Jiyin and Shanyang counties. Moreover, among the three school infantry led by Zhang Xi, 10,000 of them are special arms-Euphorbia.

In this way, the defense of Tang's east line basically constituted a complete defensive chain. From Zhang Xi in the north to Kong Xin in the south, they would enable the Tang army to launch wars on the west line with confidence.

It was Huangfu Chaobo who made a quick tour all the way, and it was not until the beginning of August that he ended his tour of the counties and counties of the Central Plains. He originally planned to go to several islands and patrol again, but the current situation prevents him from leaving Sizhou easily. After finishing the inspection of Puyang, he hurried back to Luoyang under the guard of the Guards. As early as last month, at the beginning of the year, the two special arms of Iron Eagle and Yuanrong Crossbowmen, who went to Yanzhou counties to select soldiers, have already selected good soldiers and returned to Luoyang. Huyandu who went to Yanbei County to select soldiers has also returned to the Central Plains. On the way.

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