Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 135 Stop kicking, and create another Jingguan [13/10, Guiqiu flowers]

The next day, Han Wang Ma Chen, led by more than 40,000 cavalry under his command, was about to arrive at Yuyang County.

The guard of Yuyang County heard this and sent someone to contact Ma Chen. He said that Wuhuan’s 100,000 cavalry was stationed outside Yuyang City and had no intention of entering troops.

Ma Chen heard the words and entered Yuyang County with the soldiers.

The guard of Yuyang County hurriedly greeted him: "King Han, the one hundred thousand Wuhuan cavalry is far away."

Accompanied Ma Chen, ascended the gate tower together, and looked out.

But see, the camp of 100,000 Wuhuan cavalry in the distance is endless.

Ma Chen smiled faintly, as if thinking of something, he looked at Xu Shu.

Xu Shu looked out of the city and told Ma Chen: "Master, the subordinates feel that they will send a black ice platform to investigate Wuhuan's reality.

Ma Chen nodded and ordered the Black Ice Terrace to go to Wuhuan Camp to find out the news.

At this time, Wuhuan, who was lurking in Yuyang County, saw a soldier and horse entering Yuyang County from the direction of Jicheng.

He hurried out and informed Ki Pao outside Yuyang County.

Kidton was in the camp, and Na Xizuo hurried over and said, "Major, a support army from Yuyang County came under the banner of Hanwang Ma Chen."

Hearing this, he stood up and laughed: 19 "How many soldiers and horses are there?"

"My lord, there are about tens of thousands of cavalry."

"Tens of thousands of iron knights? Haha, it is Ma Chen who has arrived. Come here, take the king's coat, I want to take Ma Chen.

Kicked and rubbed his palms and fisted, and the moment finally arrived, he was already impatient to wait.

Immediately, Kidun led fifty thousand Wuhuan cavalry, ready to leave the camp.

But seeing General Zhang Chun walking out of his camp, and seeing Kiedun wearing a battle armor and leading his troops out, he couldn't help asking, "Where are we going?"

Hearing the words, he smiled to Zhang Chun and said: "Ma Chen is here, this king is going to capture Ma Chen.

Zhang Chun pondered for a moment, and then said: "No, although Ma Chen has arrived, his horse is like a cloud, and he should not act rashly."

Hearing this, he shouted to Zhang Chun: "Zhang Chun, don't think that you are General Wuhuan, so you can do whatever you want. You must remember that this king will be Lord Wuhuan in the future."

Zhang Chun's expression changed, and he didn't expect Kidton to say such things in the public.

His eyes sank, and he said: "Okay, I wish you victory.

With a cold snort, he left for the camp.

It turned out that ever since Zhang Chun became Wuhuan General, he has competed with each other everywhere.

Even the military power that was intended to be kicked out was snatched away.

This matter made Kiedun quite wary. He knew that Zhang Chun's purpose was not pure.

This is also the reason why Kiedun and Zhang Chun had a grudge.

Seeing Zhang Chun leaving, he said in a deep voice, "All the soldiers, follow me and kill Yuyang County.



Immediately, Kidun led a fifty thousand Wuhuan cavalry and went straight to Yuyang County.

In a short while, he went outside Yuyang County.

But seeing Kick suddenly opened the battle and looked up to the city.

An extraordinary man in battle armor was in the city.

Kicked his heart and felt that this person was extraordinary, and he said in a deep voice: "Are you Ma Chen?"

Upon hearing this, Ma Chen sneered and said, "It turned out to be Wuhuan.

"Humph, Ma Chen, today I will take you down and kill you!"

Kicked and snorted. As soon as his voice fell, he saw the fifty thousand Wuhuan cavalry, heading straight to Yuyang City to kill.

Ma Chen smiled faintly, seeing these Wuhuan cavalry, using a ladder to attack the city, or crashing a car to hit the city gate.

Suddenly, from upstairs of the city gate, a lot of rolling stones were dropped, and there were cloth bags.

Those Wuhuan iron riders poked the rags of the cloth bags, and suddenly, with a bang, the white ash in the cloth bags scattered their faces.

Suddenly, I saw Wuhuan Tieqi and screamed.

They either rubbed their eyes or scratched their faces, even if they scratched their wounds, it was painful.

I saw some Wuhuan cavalry, scalded to death by the white ash, almost dead.

At the same time, thousands of Lieyang archers were riding upstairs of the city gate, shooting rows of crossbow arrows down the city.

The crossbow arrows were like rain, causing those Wuhuan cavalry to be shot and killed on the spot by the crossbow arrows amid the screams.

Suddenly, seeing Wuhuan kicking, he couldn't help but angrily said: "Damn it, Ma Chen is tricky, kill this king!"

Seeing tens of thousands of iron knights go to the city to kill, about 10,000 iron knights were killed by the rolling wood and stone and lime crossbow arrows.

They fell under the city and piled up like a mountain.

Those Wuhuan cavalry saw their companions being killed, and their hearts suddenly became anxious.

But the kick was furious, and he drove from behind.

In this way, kicking was inexhaustible, and he said in a deep voice: "I must kill Ma Chen."

He knows that if you don't kill Ma Chen, it's hard to get rid of the hatred.

At this moment, when the two sides shouted for killing, it was the generals such as Li Cunxiao, Luo Cheng, Liang Hongyu, and Qin Liangyu who led tens of thousands of cavalry and killed them.

But see, this group of cavalry is extraordinary, they shouted and killed, causing tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry to chaos.

He saw Wuhuan kicking and his expression suddenly changed, and the cavalry on both sides killed his Wuhuan cavalry about half.

Kicked was startled in his heart, and said: "How can this be?"

My heart suddenly became anxious.

Li Cunxiao was holding Yu Wangqu, Luo Cheng was holding a silver gun, Liang Hongyu was holding a flintlock, and Qin Liangyu was holding a white spear.

With a brushing sound, Qin Liangyu held a white spear in his hand, like a snowflake, and smashed towards it.

Kicking his heart was startled, he still reacted, and he felt Qin Liangyu's white spear pierced his shoulder.

Kicked and was shocked, and said angrily: "Do you dare to stab me?"

With a loud shout, he wanted to snatch the white spear.

I saw Liang Hongyu's musket, with a puff, hitting that stumbling chest.

The flintlock gun penetrated 557 in from the back and out of the chest.

With a screaming kick, he fell off his horse and died violently.

At this time, I saw the Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, Tiance Army, Daqin Iron Cavalry, White Robe Army, Lieyang Bow Cavalry and other troops, coming from all directions.

Just like a tide, tens of thousands of cavalry that Wuhuan will be killed, without leaving a living mouth.

So far, Wuhuan kicked and 50,000 Wuhuan cavalry, and died in Yuyang County without a lifetime.

Ma Chen looked up from the city gate, and said solemnly: "cast them into a Jingguan."



Tens of thousands of cavalry worked together, and soon, a towering Jingguan appeared outside Yuyang County.

Ma Chen is not worried that these Jingguan frightens ordinary people.

Because these temples will be eaten by scavengers such as jackals, tigers, leopards, falcons, hyenas, etc., just like the Xiongnu Xianbei temples.

At that time, there will be a lot of bones left.

At this time, Ma Chen ordered the soldiers to gather their troops and return to the city.

Na Wuhuan explored the horse, and saw Yidun and fifty thousand Wuhuan cavalry, cast into a Jingguan, hurriedly ran over, and said to the great general Zhang Chun: "The general, the big thing is not good, kick the king and the fifty thousand. Brother, outside of Yuyang County, it was cast into a Jingguan."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Chun was shocked in his heart, and said, "What?"

He groaned for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "Hang up the game-free card.


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