Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 136 One hundred thousand soldiers in Wuhuan killed Yuyang City [14/10, begging for full orde

At this time, Ma Chen's soldiers beheaded Kiedun and fifty thousand Wuhuan cavalry, and then they returned to Yuyang County.

Yuyang City, County Guard House.

Ma Chen sits separately from the soldiers, and Yuyang County sits under the head of Ma Chen with a look of worship.

"This time, I broke through fifty thousand Wuhuan cavalry, beheaded and killed the two female generals Liang Hongyu and Qin Liangyu.

Qin Liangyu and Liang Hongyu heard that the two female players said to Ma Chen cupped fist: "Thank you, lord.

At this time, I saw Li Cunxiao and other military generals, thinking in my heart: "Two female generals, it's really a scare cap.

Ma Chen looked at Xu Shu and asked, "Are there any strategies?"

Xu Shu stood up and said to Ma Chen: "Master, the subordinates think that this time the beheaded and kicked, that Zhang Chun will be frightened by the wind, and the tortoise will not shrink. I would rather attack the camp at night and kill Zhang Chun. ."

Before the sound fell, he saw a black ice platform approaching and said: "Master, Zhang Chun was frightened when he learned that Kickton had been killed, so he hurriedly hung up the game-free card.

Hearing this, Ma Chen smiled and said, "So, according to Yuan Zhi's plan, we will attack tonight."

"My lord, Zhang Chun's Wuhuan camp is based on the grass and can be attacked by fire.

Hearing this, Ma Chen nodded and said: "Okay, let's use fire to attack.

Li Cunxiao, Luo Cheng and other generals responded in unison: "No!"

Immediately, everyone became busy.

Ma Chen and Xu Shu boarded the gate tower and saw a black ice platform coming to the Beijing Newspaper: "The lord, Gongsun Du of Liaodong, Gongsun Zan of Youbeiping County, learned that Wuhuan attacked Yuyang County. do not know."

Upon hearing this, Xu Shu said solemnly: "They eat the royal salary, but they are Damn it."

Ma Chen faintly smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Gongsun Zan was in Shanggu County, and he had hatred with me. He did not come, but it is forgivable. However, Gongsun Liaodong did not come. I am afraid that he has ulterior motives. Heibingtai, head to Wuhuan. Wang Ting, if this king kills Zhang Chun, Qiu Liju will definitely be shocked and will definitely contact Gongsundu. Then, let’s see how Gongsundu is~/."


Hei Bingtai agreed and walked away quickly.

Xu Shu looked at Ma Chen and asked, "Master, why do you think Qiu Liju will definitely ask Gongsundu for help?"

Hearing this, Ma Chen chuckled and said: "There is a swear word, flies don't bite seamless eggs, so Qiu Liju and Gongsun Du are the same raccoon dog."

Upon hearing this, Xu Shu said in a deep voice: "The lord's words are extremely true."

Unconsciously, it was late at night.

At Wuhuan Camp, Zhang Chun was frightened and angry at the thought of being killed.

He didn't expect Kidton to be so reluctant to listen, and also ruined fifty thousand Wuhuan cavalry.

Now, with the remaining fifty thousand Wuhuan cavalry, it is still unknown whether Ma Chen can be defeated.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chun was shocked and uneasy.

Although the game-free card was suspended, he was still in fear.

At this time, it was late at night.

Zhang Chun was tired and fell asleep.

At this time, Li Cunxiao, Luo Cheng, Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu and other generals, led by tens of thousands of cavalry, quietly came to the Wuhuan camp.

Seeing Li Cunxiao's order, tens of thousands of cavalry surrounded the Wuhuan camp.

Immediately, the generals' eyes sank, and they heard endless swishes, and rockets rushed into Wuhuan's camp.

This is a rocket watered with kerosene, and even the edge of the camp has been watered with kerosene.

But seeing the camp in Yicao, when it encounters a fire, it burns like a fire.

There was a sea of ​​fire everywhere.

At this moment, I saw Wuhuan Iron Knight who was sleeping, and he was awakened immediately.

Some wanted to run out, but were killed by the rocket, looking like a fireman.

Some were engulfed by the fire, and the screams continued.

Some escaped, and some were burned to death in their sleep.

For a time, the Wuhuan camp burned to the camp, and the screams continued.

Zhang Chun was awakened from his sleep. He was shocked in his heart. He strode out, but saw the raging fire everywhere. He was shocked: "No, we are trapped."

Panicked in my heart, completely out of ideas.

At this moment, only a scream of killing was heard.

Li Cunxiao, Luo Cheng, Qin Liangyu, Liang Hongyu and other generals under Ma Chen led tens of thousands of cavalry into the camp.

Those Wuhuan cavalry had already panicked, and immediately they were shocked and fled.

Those who fled, before they ran out of the camp, were shot and killed by crossbow arrows and died on the spot.

At this time, Zhang Chun led an iron cavalry to blaze a trail of blood, wanting to escape every day.

However, Li Cunxiao rushed forward. As soon as King Yu went forward, he heard Zhang Chun yell and died unexpectedly.

The remaining Wuhuan cavalry, panicked, all died in the hands of Ma Chen's cavalry.

At this moment, I saw the entire Wuhuan camp, a sea of ​​flames, unknowingly, it was burned to ashes.

Since then, Wuhuan’s 100,000 horsemen have lost their lives outside Yuyang County.

And Kidton and Zhang Chun also died of misfortune.

Soon, the Jingguan with a hundred thousand Wuhuan cavalry appeared in front of Yuyang County.

Ma Chen deliberately let go of a detective horse. Wuhuan was surprised and hurried to the Wang Court to inform Mr. Wuhuan Qiu Liju about the incident.

Qiu Liju was sleeping in the king's court, and suddenly felt two bloody figures behind him, and he couldn't see clearly.

He was shocked in his heart and suddenly woke up from his sleep.

He sat up and asked outside the door: ".|How much more days is it?"

"My lord, it's dawn.

Hearing this, Qiu Liju wiped the sweat from his forehead, put on a dress, and walked out of the royal court.

The royal court in the early morning was slightly misty with a moist breath.

Qiu Liju breathed a long sigh of relief, and thought, "I wonder if Kiedun and Zhang Chun will win Yuyang County?"

Before thinking about it, I saw a fast horse coming in the distance.

Na Tanma saw Qiu Liju, turned over and dismounted, and said anxiously: "The king, the big thing is not good, one hundred thousand brothers, and King Kidun, General Zhang Chun, all died outside Yuyang County without a lifetime."

(Li Li Zhao) As soon as this remark came out, it was like a bolt from the blue, causing Qiu Liju to almost fall to the ground.

He looked at the horse in astonishment, and said in surprise, "What did you say?"

When Tan Ma heard the words, he stated it again, Qiu Liju was taken aback, and said, "How can this be?"

He suddenly felt frightened and uneasy, and hurriedly summoned the military advisers of the royal court to come to discuss.

The military commanders and counselors heard that Yu Dun and Zhang Chun and one hundred thousand Wuhuan cavalry had been killed, and they had no survivors. They were all shocked.

Naqiu Liju looked to the left and right, and asked: "Now that a hundred thousand cavalry are killed, Ma Chen will definitely lead his army to the king's court, everyone, how can you do it?'

He showed a very anxious look, and looked at the counsellors.

One of the counsellors said to Naqiuli: "Shan Yu, I think I can contact Gongsun Du of Liaodong and ask him for help."


Qiu Liju heard this, with a look of surprise in his eyes. .

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