Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 137 Hongmen banquet without a single soldier [15/10, begging for a full order]

At this moment, Qiu Liju looked at the counselor, his eyes sank, and asked, "Is it too late for the grandson of the Alliance?"

He was afraid of Ma Chen, and he was also afraid of Gongsun Du's disagreement.At that time, if he was attacked by two sides, wouldn't Wuhuan be annihilated?

What's more, Gongsun Du was originally a Han vassal, and he looked after the emperor's salary and loyalty to the emperor.

Upon hearing this, the counselor told Qiu Liju: "Shan Yu, now, only this plan is feasible."

Qiu Liju hesitated for a moment, and sighed to the counselor: "Well, according to your opinion, you will go to Liaodong with this king."


Immediately, Qiu Li ordered tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry to guard the court of Wuhuan King. He then took a few advisers and military commanders to Liaodong.

That Gongsundu's detective horse had already kicked and killed Zhang Chun, as well as one hundred thousand Wuhuan cavalry, and informed Gongsundu.

When Gongsun Du heard the words, he couldn't help but sneered, and said in a deep voice: "Kang'er, you will be able to get Wuhuan in the west of Liaoning soon for your father."

As soon as this remark came out, Gongsun Kang looked stunned. He looked at his father and seemed to think of something.

I saw Gongsun Kang telling Gongsundu: "Does my father think?"

He also knew that Kickton was killed and Wuhuan's current strength was damaged.

Hearing this, Gongsun Du said in a deep voice, "It's easy for me to take Wuhuan."

Before the sound fell, I saw a report from Malaysia: "Reported to the lord at 570, Wuhuan Dan Yuqiu Liju led dozens of people to Liaodong."

Hearing this, Gongsun Kang asked his father with a surprised look: "Father, why is this?"

When Gongsun Du heard the words, he smiled faintly, and said: "Kang'er, this is a great opportunity, hurry up and meet Qiu Liju."

Gongsun Kang looked at him for a moment, then he understood, and said in a deep voice, "No!"

Immediately, Gongsun Kang took a few guards and went outside the city.

Sure enough, not far away, I saw Master Wuhuan Qiu Liju, leading dozens of people, hurriedly coming.

Seeing Gongsun Kang, he asked, "I don't know where is General Gongsun now?"

Hearing this, Gongsun Kang saw that this person was Wuhuan Master Qiu Liju, and said: "My father is at home."

"That's very good, please lead the major general.

"King Wuhuan, please!"

Immediately, I saw Gongsun Kang asking Qiu Liju to go to the city.

In the city, the mansion of Gongsun Kang.

I saw Gongsun Du coming in stride and saw Qiu Liju, smiling: "What wind brought King Wuhuan? This general has missed a long way to welcome him."

When Qiu Liju saw Gongsun Du, he said: "This king took the liberty to stop here and disturb the general."

Gongsundu waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be polite, King Wuhuan, please!"

Immediately, he invited the Wuhuan King Qiu to live in and enter the mansion.

When I arrived at the mansion, I saw that Gongsun Du had already set a banquet.

Qiu Liju sighed, "I didn't expect the general to be so careful that I was flattered.

Gongsun Du smiled and said, "King Wuhuan, your words are too far-fetched.

Qiu Liju was taken aback when he heard the words and looked at Gongsundu.

His eyes were filled with gratitude.

Three rounds of wine.

Gongsundu looked at Qiu Liju and asked, "I don't know King Wuhuan, why is he here?"

Qiu Liju heard the words and sighed: "The general didn't know, Ma Chen, the king of Han, killed me a hundred thousand Wuhuan cavalry."

Gongsun said in surprise: "What? One hundred thousand cavalry? Is this Ma Chen really so strong?"

Qiu Liju sighed after hearing the words: "Even, my general Zhang Chun, Wuhuan, my son was stunned and all died in Yuyang County.

As soon as he said this, Gongsundu's eyes flashed coldly. He seemed to have thought of something, but he didn't say it.

But when he saw Gongsun Kang heard this, he asked Na Qiu Liju: "I don't know why King Wuhuan is here this time?"

Hearing this, Naqiu Liju said solemnly: "I'm here to form an alliance with General Gongsun and fight Han Wang Ma Chen together."

At this time, Gongsun Du was holding the Jiujue, and upon hearing this, his Jiujue suddenly fell to the ground and said with a smile: "That's how it is.

As soon as this statement came out, I saw the soldiers in ambush all around, suddenly rushing out.

They didn't wait for Qiu Liju's soldiers to react at all, and they killed all those soldiers like a new mess.

At this time, only Wuhuan Wangqiu Liju was left!

Qiu Liju's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at Gongsun (bjef) in shock.

He was surprised: "General Gongsun, why is this?"

When Gongsun Du heard the words, he looked at Na Qiu Liju and sneered: "Kill you, and this general will get Wuhuan in West Liaoning."

Qiu Liju pointed to Gongsun Du in shock, and said in surprise: "You, you are unexpectedly."

Before Qiu Liju finished speaking, he saw Gongsun Kang picking up a big knife and beheaded Qiu Liju with a single blow.

Qiu Liju looked at Gongsundu in disbelief, and flew straight out with a head.

After killing Qiu Liju, Gongsundu said triumphantly: "Okay, you really deserve to be my Gongsundu's son. Kang'er, take down Liaoxi Wuhuan with his father."


Gongsunkang's eyes sank and he agreed.

Immediately, the father and son, led by about ten thousand cavalry, went straight to the west of Liaoning.

When Gongsun Dugongsunkang and his son were leaving, they saw a dark shadow and hurried away towards Yuyang County.

This person is the black ice platform under the command of Ma Chen.

The black ice platform is pervasive.

This is the Black Ice Platform lurking in Liaodong. They hurried away when they heard the news.

Soon, arrived at Yuyang County.

"Reported to the lord, Wu Xianghuan Wangqiu Liju intended to alliance Gongsundu, but did not want to. Gongsundu set a Hongmen banquet, resulting in the death of Wuhuan Wangqiu Liju in western Liaoning."

"Now, Gongsundu, Gongsunkang and his sons are heading to Wuhuan, trying to take over Wuhuan."

Hearing that, Ma Chen's eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "This king killed Zhang Chun and a hundred thousand Wuhuan cavalry. Unexpectedly, Gongsun Du was planning to pick up the ready-made ones? Haha.

Hehe smiled, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Xu Shu next to Ma Chen heard the cupped fist and said: "Lord, if this is the case, I will also go to Wuhuan, let's see how Gongsundu is."

In fact, Ma Chen has this intention.

He looked at Xu Shu and said in a deep voice: "Okay, what Yuan Zhi said is right. If so, let Li Cunxiao, Luo Cheng, Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu and other generals lead tens of thousands of cavalry to follow this king to Wuhuan in western Liaoning.



However, Li Cunxiao, Luo Cheng, Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu and other generals responded in unison.

That night, Ma Chen led all his soldiers to Wuhuan in western Liaoning.

And Gongsundu and Gongsunkang soon took the first level of Qiu Liju and came to the court of Wuhuan King.

Na Gongsun Du looked at the tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry gathered in the king's court, and said in a deep voice: "Qiu Liju was killed by this general, and Wuhuan in western Liaoning has been under this general from now on."

The tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry looked stunned, and then saw Qiu Liju's head.

Everyone looked at Gongsun Du and said together: "I will wait to see the lord."

"I'll wait to see the lord."

Hearing this, Gongsundu smiled triumphantly, and since then he got Wuhuan in the west of Liaoning.

At this moment, he saw a horse rushing forward, and the scout immediately said: "The Lord's major matter is not good, Han Wang Ma Chen is about to come to the White Wolf Mountain!".

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