Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 145 Shi Chang, the attendant kills He Jin, Dong Zhuo invades Luoyang [7/10, Guiqiu for full

late at night!

The imperial palace, the palace where the ten permanent servants are located.

I saw the ten standing attendants sitting together, seeming to be discussing something.

Their voices are very low, with a ghostly look.

At this time, Chang Shi Zhang Rang said in a deep voice: "I heard that Queen Mother Dong was killed by He Jinjiu at the Hejian Palace."

"Damn it, Queen Mother Dong is the mother of the country. He Jinji killed the mother of the country with bad intentions. He supported his nephew Liu Bian for this."

"He Jin wants to control power, just like Huo Guang and Liang Ji, but he is just a butcher, how good can he be? Now, it is better for us to act first and win He Jin."

As soon as this statement came out, the ten permanent attendants looked at each other, one of them showed a surprised look, and whispered: "He Jin’s relatives are deeply rooted. If I wait to get rid of He Jin, I’m afraid it’s not easy. Trouble is in the body.

Zhang Rang's eyes sank, and he pulled the male duck's throat and said: "For your majesty, my ten permanent attendant is to consult his life, and I have to kill him. You can't, it is better to claim the name of the queen, 19 please come in. In the harem, when the time comes, the ambush can be killed."

Everyone heard the words and said in unison: "When the time comes, rescue the ministers of the Zhonghan faction, and jointly shovel the exclusion of the Qi faction."


Immediately, the ten permanent attendants discussed it, and sent people to He Jin's mansion, fraudulently claiming the name of Queen He, and inviting him to the harem.

At the same time, the ten permanent attendant Zhang Rang and others came to the harem and could not help but hijack Nahe Queen and Young Emperor Liu Bian.

Empress He's expression changed suddenly, and she asked in surprise: "Zhang Rang, what are you doing? Do you dare to hijack Your Majesty?

Hearing this, Zhang Rang pulled the male duck's voice and said, "My Majesty Zhang Rang is only the emperor Liu Hong. Your brother has harmed your Majesty. Our ten permanent attendants are only deliberately surrendering to you. To kill you.

Empress He was shocked when she heard this, she looked at Shi Changshi in shock, and couldn't help but said, "Zhang Rang, I didn't expect you dog thieves to eat inside and out."

Zhang Rang said with a sneer, "Really? I'll wait for today to kill the people."

Empress He yelled and fainted. Young Emperor Liu Bian said in shock: "Mother Empress."

I wanted to see my mother, but was held tightly by two small yellow doors.

At this time, outside the palace, He Jin led Yuan Shao and other foreign ministers to the palace.

He Jin said solemnly: "The queen asked me to come late at night, why?" "The slave and maid don't know, but it seems to be asking the Han King Ma Chen."

"Han Wang Ma Chen?"

Hearing Ma Chen, He Jin gritted his teeth for a while, he said solemnly: "That said, please lead the way.

Turning to look at Yuan Shao and others, he said in a deep voice, "You are waiting here."

Yuan Shao and other foreign ministers said in unison: "No!"

Immediately, he waited outside the palace.

He Jin held a saber and strode away, Xiaohuangmen followed all the way, and when he was approaching the harem, he suddenly saw him rushing into the grass.

He Jin's expression changed abruptly, and he hurriedly used his sword to poke the grass away, only to see that the little yellow door had disappeared.

At this moment, He Jin showed a suspicious look, and there was no star in the quiet, dark sky.

The clouds were so dense that it was about to rain.

He Jin held a saber and looked nervous, he shouted in a deep voice, "Who!"

With a loud shout, I looked around and saw that many eunuchs appeared around.

They held crossbow arrows and looked at He Jin.

He Jin looked surprised, and said solemnly: "Ten Changshi, this general treats you very well, what do you want?

"Hmph, He Jin, you are persecuting your Majesty, killing the Queen Mother Dong, imprisoning the ministers of the loyal Han faction, and you are already full of evil. Today, my ten permanent attendants will walk the way for the sky and kill you.

Before the sound fell, Zhang Rang threw the head in his hand in front of He Jin.

He Jin was shocked when he saw this, and said, "Queen!"

It turned out that that was the head of Queen He.

Empress He fainted, Zhang Rang and others imprisoned the young emperor Liu Bian, and then killed Empress He.

They are physically disabled, so the methods are very cruel.

He Jin looked at the ten constant attendant in an incomparably anger, he shouted, picked up his sword, and killed him.

Zhang Rang and the others said in a deep voice: "Let the arrow go, let the arrow go.

Whoosh whoosh!

A burst of crossbow arrows shot from all directions, and even if He Jin had great abilities, he couldn't escape.

He was pierced to death by a crossbow arrow when he yelled.

Immediately, Zhang Rang cut off the head level, and the Shi Chang attendant took the head level and went to the palace gate.

Yuan Shao and others were waiting outside the palace when they suddenly saw something thrown inside the palace.

The foreign minister sent the minister Dingqing to look, but saw that it was the head of the general.

Upstairs at the palace gate, the ten permanent attendant said triumphantly: "He Jin has already come down, don't you surrender?"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shao was shocked in his heart, and then angrily said: "All the soldiers, follow me to the palace, and kill the ten constant attendants."

The foreign ministers sent the ministers in unison and responded: "Kill, kill the ten permanent attendants!

In the shout, kill to the palace gate.

The ten permanent attendants had been prepared, instead of using rolling woods and rocks, they shot with crossbow arrows, making the ministers sent by the relatives feel at a loss.

A minister beside Yuan Shao said solemnly: "It's better to let the Imperial Forest Army guarding the city gate come to help.

Upon hearing the words, Yuan Shao pondered for a moment, and then said: "Okay, please come to attack the gate."

But I thought in my heart: "If the main book comes, the general will be fine.

He didn't know that Chen Lin had already been killed by Ma Chen's Luo Cheng and ended up in a different place.

For a while, I saw the people in Luoyang City panicked.

Those imperial forest troops were dispatched by foreign ministers to outside the palace to attack the palace.

The shouts of killing 570 in the city also alarmed Dong Zhuo and Li Ru outside the city.

I saw the camp where one hundred thousand cavalry were stationed, and a probe horse came quickly.

"Report to the lord: there is a great chaos in Luoyang city."

"The ten permanent attendants killed Empress He, and the general He Jin, and the foreign minister sent the ministers to dispatch the Yulin Army to attack the palace."

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru, showing a touch of joy, and he said triumphantly: "Wenyou, how should this matter?"

Li Ru heard this and smiled to Dong Zhuo: "The lord, the gate tower of Luoyang city, there is no imperial forest army, the lord can get one hundred thousand iron cavalry, go into the city, and punish the eunuch."

Dong Zhuo heard the words and said in a deep voice: "Wenyou, how do you deal with the ministers of the foreign relatives and the Zhonghan faction?"

"My lord, it is not beautiful to let the ministers of the loyal Han faction live peacefully with the ministers of the relatives faction? At that time, both the lieutenant faction and the loyal Han factions will be grateful for the Lord's kindness and obey the Lord."

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo smiled triumphantly: "Wenyou, you are really an old man's think tank, well, one hundred thousand cavalry will gather to attack Luoyang and punish the eunuch!"


At this time, outside Luoyang City, one hundred thousand Xiliang cavalry began a close siege.

Because the Yulin Army was dispatched to the palace, under the crush of one hundred thousand cavalry, Luoyang city gate opened with a bang, and one hundred thousand cavalry poured into the city like a tide. .

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