Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 146 Hold the emperor to make the princes [8/10, beg for full order]


The city gate of Luoyang opened wide, and one hundred thousand Xiliang iron horses poured in like a tide.

Yuan Shao and other foreign ministers who were attacking the palace were shocked.

So Dong Zhuo and Li Ru need to lead their troops.

Upstairs at the gate of the palace, the attendant Shi Chang saw Dong Zhuo's 100,000 cavalry, and his heart jumped with fright.

Dong Zhuo said in a deep voice: "The general was killed by the ten permanent attendant, and the old man came to avenge the general.

With a loud shout, he ordered one hundred thousand cavalry to attack the palace gate.

Yuan Shao and other ministers sent by relatives did not know what was going on. One hundred thousand cavalry immediately broke through the palace gate and rushed into the city.

The ten permanent attendants and eunuchs rushed to flee every day, but how could they compare with the one hundred thousand cavalry?

Suddenly, blood was flowing into a river, and the ten permanent servants and eunuchs were all punishable, and there was no one to survive.

After the eunuchs were killed, the sky was clear, Dong Zhuo and Li Ru sent them to prison and rescued the loyal to Han officials.

At this time, outside the Chengde Temple, tens of thousands of horses guarded the palace.

In the Chengde Hall, the left side is the foreign relatives faction, the right side is the loyal Han faction. Dong Zhuo is wearing a battle armor, looking at the ministers, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I didn't expect the Dahan to be so badly injured in a few days. Chaos."

The ministers of the foreign relatives and the Zhonghan factions looked at Dong Zhuo together, not knowing what he wanted to say.

At this moment, a few iron horses walked quickly and invited the trembling Young Emperor Liu Bian to the Great Hall.

The young emperor Liu Bian, who was originally weak in Confucianism, suffered major changes, and suddenly showed a look of horror.

Dong Zhuo held a saber and argued to the young emperor Liu: "Please, Your Majesty, please come to the throne.

Young Emperor Liu Bian was shocked, showing a panic expression.

On the contrary, the prince Liu Xie next to him said loudly: "When you see your majesty, why don't you worship?"

Liu Xie's words made the Manchu civil and military stunned.

Immediately, there was a jumble of bows.

At this time, everyone felt that Liu Xie was more stable than Young Emperor Liu Bian.

The young emperor Liu Bianzhan was trembling and slurred. Where is the emperor's appearance?

At this time, Dong Zhuo looked at the Manchu civil and military and sighed: "Your Majesty's new funeral, the imperial court is unstable. Now, I am waiting to kill the Ten Standing Attendants, so that the big man will soon Haiyan Heqing, and the ministers have worked hard. Today, let us return to each other for the time being. Fu, tomorrow morning~ Lu."

At this time, Dong Zhuo seemed to be the head of the ministers.

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at the Manchu Civil and Martial Arts, and the Manchu Civil and Martial Arts, the Zhonghan faction and the foreign ministers sent ministers together, looked towards Dong Zhuo.

At this time, I saw the ministers of the Zhonghan faction and the ministers of the foreign relations faction together and said: "Nuo Ruo!"


Immediately, the ministers filed out and left Chengde Hall.

When Dong Zhuo saw that Liu Xie, a brilliant light flashed in his eyes.

He seemed to have thought of something, so he nodded slightly and strode away.

After the foreign ministers sent back, Yuan Shao waited for a few confidantes and returned to Yuan Shao’s residence. did not expect."

Another foreign minister sent a minister, said in a deep voice: "Who said no? Humph, Dong Zhuo, a foreign minister, claims to be the head of the ministers, what do you think at the beginning?

At this time, most of the ministers sent by foreign relatives were aristocratic families.

Of course they looked down on Dong Zhuo and looked at Yuan Shao.

Upon hearing the words, Yuan Shao pondered for a moment, and said: "I would like to return to Bohai, not in Luoyang."

As soon as this remark came out, the ministers of foreign relations were all shocked.

"In the beginning, why is it so."

"Think about it, the general was killed, Dong Zhuo led one hundred thousand cavalry, and captured Luoyang. I was waiting to help the Han room, but I had more than enough heart. Besides, Dong Zhuo's ambition is not credible.

Hearing that, the ministers sent by the foreign relatives responded in unison: "The original statement is extremely true, since that is the case, I will also go back to the family."

Immediately, the relatives sent ministers to discuss, and they all agreed with Yuan Shao's words.

But in Wang Yun's residence, he saw Cai Yong, Huang Fu Song, Lu Zhi and other ministers gathered together.

Cai Yong said solemnly: "Dong Zhuo's behavior is obviously to control the big man. Now, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Lu Zhi sighed: "We are so weak that we can't compete with Dong Zhuo's 100,000 cavalry.

Wang Yun's eyes sank, looked at the crowd, and said solemnly: "Why don't you send someone to Bingzhou and tell King Han about this?"

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at Wang Yun and said in a deep voice: "The words are extremely true, the King of Han is in the state of merging, and I will inform the sword god King Yue and the spear god Tongyuan about this matter."

Before the sound fell, the guards came to report: "The sword god king Yue and the gun prodigy are here.

After hearing the words, everyone took a long breath and walked away quickly.

Sure enough, the more the Sword God King and the Gun Prodigy Tongyuan came over, they saw Wang Yun and the others in a deep voice: "Masters, I am going to return to Bingzhou and leave a small number of black ice platforms in Luoyang. I don't know the adults. Will you go together?"

As soon as this statement came out, Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi and others looked at Wang Yun and Cai Yong.

Wang Yun and Cai Yong were entangled for a while. They looked at the sword god King Yue and the spear god Tongyuan, and said in a deep voice: ".|I am a minister of the loyal and Han faction, forgive me that Dong Zhuo will not be so good, the two are here. It happens to be able to inform Hanwang about this matter."

Sword God King Yue and Gun Prodigy Tongyuan knew that Wang Yun Cai Yong was a minister of the loyal Han faction. They heard this and said: "If this is the case, we won't force it, and I will leave.

Immediately, the sword god King Yue and the gun god Tongyuan bid farewell to Wang Yun, Cai Yong and others.

They led the disciples of Hero Lou and left Luoyang, leaving behind a small number of black ice platforms.

After the sword god King Yue and the gun prodigy Tongyuan left, Wang Yun, Cai Yong and others were at the mansion and suddenly heard a kick at the door.

Afterwards, they saw thousands of Xiliang Iron Horses appearing at the mansion.

The leader is Li Ru, Dong Zhuo's adviser.

Li Ru saw Wang Yun, Cai Yong and others, and said solemnly: "My lord has an order, and I invite all the adults to go to the prison for a few days."

Hearing that, Wang Yun, Cai Yong, Huangfusong and Lu Zhi, and other ministers of the loyal Han faction, seemed to understand something, so they sneered in unison: "Okay, thank you Dong Zhuo for the payment (Li Zhao's)."

Li Ru's eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "Take it away."

Immediately, Wang Yun, Cai Yong, Lu Zhi and others were taken to the prison.

Later, Li Ru went back to his life and informed Dong Zhuo of the matter.

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo said solemnly: "Wen You, why didn't you kill Wang Yun and Cai Yong?"

"Master, these two are the father-in-law of Han Wang Ma Chen. Keeping them is very useful."

Hearing that, Dong Zhuo nodded slightly, but when he mentioned Han Wang Ma Chen, he was itching again.

He looked at Li Ru and said solemnly: "Wen You, tomorrow the old man plans to abolish Liu Bian and make Liu Xie the emperor. I think Liu Xie is easy to control."

Li Rulue groaned, and said: "The lord's words are extremely true, support Liu Xie, the lord can hold the emperor to command the princes.

Hearing that, Dong Zhuo smiled triumphantly, as if he had now controlled the big man in his hands.

In the Bingzhou office, Han Wang Ma Chen met his uncle from Luoyang!.

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