Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 147 Chuan Guoyu Yuxi, King Han, you are the son of Emperor Huan of Han [9/10, begging for fu

At this time, I saw the emperor's uncle coming in stride outside the city of Bingzhou Zhisuo.

Ma Chen heard about it, and led all his soldiers to greet him outside the city.

After all, this person is the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

"Ma Chen meets the emperor."

"I'll wait to see the emperor!"

Outside the city, Ma Chen and the soldiers under his command cupped fist in unison.

The emperor Han looked at Ma Chen with a smile, and he kept muttering in his heart: "Like, really like."

He couldn't help showing a touch of joy. He touched the wrapped thing in Momo and looked at Ma Chen.

The emperor said with a smile: "King Han, you and I are a family, so don't be polite."

Hearing this, Ma Chen's expression was taken aback, and then he showed a look of surprise.

Although I don't know what the emperor said, Ma Chen knew that the emperor must have something important to come this time.

Immediately, he said solemnly: "Uncle Emperor, please!"

When the emperor heard this, he smiled to Ma Chen: "Thank you, King Han."

He looked at the soldiers under Ma Chen, they were really like clouds and fierce generals like rain. He couldn't help but praised: "King Han, gratifying and congratulating, the world's talents, all under your control."

Ma Chen smiled faintly: "Uncle Emperor, the talent that this king has gained is far from enough.

Upon hearing this, the emperor uncle saw the 60,000-70,000 cavalry under the command of 587 Ma Chen, and he couldn't help but be shocked: "This cavalry, no wonder the Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Wuhuan can be swept over by such a cavalry. The King of Han is truly the hero of the world."

Hearing this, Ma Chen smiled faintly and said, "Thank you for the praise of King Han."

Unconsciously, the two entered the mansion and came to the chamber.

At this time, Diao Chan, Cai Yan, Liu Yingying and other women were all in another mansion arranged by Ma Chen.

But seeing the emperor's uncle look at Ma Chen, he smiled and said, "I saw the King of Han today, which made the old man think of an old man."

At this time, there were only Ma Chen and the emperor's uncle in the chamber.

Ma Chen heard the words and asked, "I don't know who is the uncle's deceased?"

"That's my brother, Emperor Han Huan."

As soon as this statement came out, Ma Chen looked blankly and couldn't help looking at the emperor's uncle.

He showed a very surprised look. He always felt that the emperor had something in his words, but he was hiding something.

Immediately, he asked: "Uncle Emperor, if you want to be honest, this king doesn't like roundabouts."

When the emperor heard this, he said to Ma Chen solemnly: "King Han, do you know why your Majesty canonized you as the King of Han? Today, even your Majesty cannot canonize you with a different surname. This is the ancestral precept of the Han, but your Majesty canonize the King of Han. Can you tell why?"

Looking at the look of the emperor, Ma Chen faintly guessed something. He smiled faintly, looked at the emperor, and said: "Please, the emperor is the king, and give me some guidance.

"Wang Han, what do you think this is?"

Immediately, he untied the heavy things in his hands.

It was about four inches from east to west, with five dragons inlaid on the top, and a corner missing from the side, which was inlaid with gold.

There are even more seal scripts on it: be ordered to heaven, and live long!

Seeing this, the first thing Ma Chen thought of was the famous jade seal of the ancient kingdom in history.

Before crossing, Ma Chen had seen a lot of information and TV about the Jade Seal of the Kingdom.

Therefore, he recognized at a glance that this was the Chuanguo Yuxi.

As for why the missing corner was filled with gold, it was actually when Wang Mang usurped the Han, when the Empress Dowager Xiaoyuan beat Wang Xun and Su Xian with a jade seal, causing the Chuanguo jade seal to collapse.

Those who can pass the national jade seal can climb the Ninth Five-Year Plan and win the world.

Ma Chen looked at the emperor, his eyes sank, and he said: "Uncle emperor, why did you bring the Jade Seal of the Kingdom?"

Hearing the words, the emperor looked at Ma Chen. He stared for a long time and smiled and said: "The old man was ordered to return the Jade Seal of the Kingdom to the King of Han.

As soon as this remark came out, Ma Chen's expression was slightly startled. He looked at the emperor's uncle and realized that his words were not a joke.

The Chuan Guoyu Seal was placed at the table, but Ma Chen did not take it.

Looking at the emperor, Ma Chen said solemnly: "Uncle emperor, what does this mean?"

"This rumored national jade seal is originally the property of the Han King."

Ma Chen heard the words and thought of the jade pendant rewarded by the system, why canonize the King of Han.

He took out the jade pendant and said: "What is this?"

(bjef) "The King of Han, this is the property of the first emperor."

As soon as this remark came out, Ma Chen suddenly understood that the first emperor was Han Huan emperor.

He looked reluctant, he remembered that Emperor Han Huan had no children, so he adopted the Emperor Han Ling.

The demise of the Great Han was actually related to the two emperors Huanling.

At this time, Ma Chen couldn't help showing an unacceptable look.

System, are you sure you are making a mistake?

Do you want to be so bloody?

He turned out to be the son of Emperor Huan of Han?

In fact, from the metaphors and words of the emperor, Ma Chen has already guessed his identity.

But becoming the son of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, Ma Chen was really unacceptable for a while.

The emperor saw Ma Chen's look and frightened Ma Chen and said, "King Han, you are the prince who has been lost for many years, the King of Han Liu Chen!"

In fact, for this identity, Ma Chen has no other expressions except surprise and consternation.

After all, he is a traverser.

Now, hearing the emperor's uncle say his identity, Ma Chen seems very calm, without any pride.

Uncle Huang looked in his eyes and said: "King Han, after he succeeded, he was always looking for King Han. Until he saw King Han's jade pendant, his Majesty knew that King Han was in Liangzhou."

"Later, the old man went to Liangzhou and asked the Liangzhou veteran, only to learn that the king of Han was lost and he did not know why he arrived in Liangzhou, but he was adopted by Ma Teng as his own."

"Now, the return of the King of Han is really the blessing of my great Han. Your Majesty ordered me to pass on the jade seal of the country to the King of Han, and that is to pass the throne to the King of Han in the future."

"Today's Han family has already broken down with rituals and music. Although the king of Han has been able to stop the tide, the relationship between the ministers of the DPRK and the Chinese is complicated. The loyal Han faction, the foreign relations faction, and the eunuch faction. I was unable to do what I wanted, and ordered me to come. In the future, the hope of rejuvenating the great man fell on King Han."

After listening to the long talk of the emperor's uncle, Ma Chen was finally able to figure it out.

He is the prince of Emperor Han Huan who has been separated for many years.

Now, the Emperor of Han Ling gave him the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom in order to let him succeed as the son of emperor.

And that Han Lingdi is his elder brother.

In this regard, Ma Chen smiled faintly. He did not have much affection for the Emperor Han Ling and Emperor Huan.

Because he had been preparing for the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, but now he was only astonished when he heard his identity.

Ma Chen knew that this identity would allow him to compete with the vassals of the late Han Dynasty and provide convenience.

But that's it.

Ma Chen looked at the emperor and said: "Thank you, emperor for telling me who I am."

Before the sound fell, I saw a black ice platform outside the mansion hurriedly said: "Master, Sword God King Yue, Gun Prodigy Tongyuan, come from Luoyang."

Hearing that, Ma Chen's expression was slightly startled, and Tong Yuan, the gun prodigy, and Sword God King Yue came together, is there something wrong?

Soon, I saw Tongyuan the gun prodigy and the king of swordsman Yue two striding forward, and seeing Ma Chen, striding quickly, and said in unison: "Lord, the big thing is not good, Luoyang is a great change!".

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