Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 150 Dove kills the young emperor, Dong Zhuo supports Liu Xie [2/10, Guiqiu flowers for rewar

Outside Luoyang city, Dingyuanyingzhai.

Ding Yuan, who was sitting in the camp, was thinking about something.

It turned out that after leaving with Lu Bu, he felt that the death of his beloved son was related to Na Lu Bu.

But now he has no substantive evidence, so Ding Yuan couldn't help showing a touch of hatred.

Especially thinking that Lu Bu could kill Hua Xiong instinctively, but deliberately released water.

Ding Yuan said in his heart: "Lü Bu is really getting more and more presumptuous, can it be that I indulge him too much?"

At this time, Ding Yuan stood up and was about to leave the camp, but when he saw someone, he opened the curtain and rushed in.

Ding Yuan looked up to see Lu Bu. He couldn't help but sinking his eyes. He looked at Lu Bu and said in a deep voice, "Fengxian, what are you doing?"

As soon as Ding Yuan said this, he saw Lu Bu suddenly eyes reveal Qu Guang and said in a deep voice: "Old thief Ding Yuan, how much credit I have made under your account, but you don't give me the slightest official position. Today, I will Kill you and be loyal to Prime Minister Dong Zhuo."

As soon as this statement came out, Ding Yuan was shocked in his heart. He looked at Nalu Bu and said in a deep voice: "Fengxian, you

Lü Bu strode forward, grabbing Ding Yuan in one hand and a big knife in the other.

Upon seeing this, Ding Yuan said anxiously: "Come on, come on 19, come on.

Before the sound fell, I saw the camp outside the camp, in a mess, only saw a few military commanders striding over.

They held weapons, thinking that Ding Yuan was in danger.

But seeing Lv Bu capture Ding Yuan, everyone was shocked, showing a look of fear of Lv Bu.

At this time, I saw Gao Shun and others walking quickly to stop the group of generals.

Seeing Gao Shun, Lu Bu shouted to the generals in a deep voice: "Don't retreat!"

As soon as this remark came out, the generals all showed hesitation.

Ding Yuan said anxiously: "Who can kill Lu Bu, the old man has many rewards."

In a hurry, he forgot that this sentence would arouse Lu Bu's anger.

Suddenly, Lu Bu, who had a hint of pity for Na Ding Yuan, immediately yelled, with a big knife in his hand, cutting off Ding Yuan's head.

Ding Yuan screamed, and his head was in a different place.

At this time, I saw that Nalubut was holding Ding Yuan's head, followed by Gao Shun and the camp.

Lu Bu shouted to the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the camp, and said in a deep voice: "The old thief Ding Yuan has been killed by me, who wants to join me in Dong Zhuo's command!"

When the tens of thousands of soldiers saw this, they couldn't help being shocked, and then said to Lu Bu: "I am waiting to follow the general.

"I am waiting to follow the general!"

As soon as this remark came out, Lü Bu looked up to the sky and laughed, showing a very proud expression.

Subsequently, Nalu Bu led Gao Shun and others into the camp, and tens of thousands of soldiers and horses came to see Li Ru.

Li Ru led the red rabbit horse and saw Lv Buti holding Ding Yuan's head, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to the general."

Hearing this, Lu Bu glanced at that Li Ru, and then stepped onto the Chimianma.

Strange to say, this red tuma will inevitably be wild when encountering others.

But when he met Lu Bu, he became docile. Lu Bu riding a red rabbit horse, holding a Fangtian painted halberd, led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, carrying Ding Yuan's first level, and went straight to Luoyang.

Outside Luoyang city, Li Ru had already sent someone to inform Dong Zhuo of this matter.

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo couldn't help but smile and said, "Go to see Nalu Bu with the old man."

Immediately, he led Hua Xiong and other cavalry to go straight out of the city.

At this time, Lu Bu led the crowd and arrived soon.

When Lu Bu saw Dong Zhuo, he couldn't help turning over and getting off his horse. He stepped forward and said: "Lu Bu pays homage to the lord.

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo laughed and helped Lu Bu up, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, first, the old man gets the first, like a fish in the water, go, go to the old man's mansion, how about?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Bu hurriedly saluted Dong Zhuo: "Thank you, Lord."

Immediately, the trapped camp was outside the city, and he and Gao Shun went all the way to Dong Zhuo's residence, and soon they went to the residence.

At this time, Dong Zhuo had already ordered people to put down a banquet to pick up the dust for Lu Bu Gaoshun.

Three wine rounds!

Dong Zhuo smiled to Lu Bu and said, "Fengxian, the old man canonized you as a general, a captain, and a captain, how about it?"

Hearing this, Lu Bu hurriedly bowed to Dong Zhuo and said, "Thank you, lord!

He immediately raised his head and looked at Dong Zhuo, cupped fist said: "Master, Lu Bu is not a talent, it is better to ask the master to accept me as a righteous son."

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed to have caught Dong Zhuo's thoughts.

Seeing Dong Zhuo smiled triumphantly: "Okay, okay, in that case, the old man will accept you as a righteous son."

"Thank you righteous father."

Lu Bu stood up and saluted Dong Zhuo.

When Li Ru heard this, he couldn't help frowning, as if thinking of something.

At this time, I saw that Dong Zhuo laughed and said: "Okay, okay, the old man didn't expect not only to get the first, but also an extra son."

He smiled and looked at Lu Bu. Lu Bu's eyes were firm, but he thought in his heart: "In the future, I, Lu Bu, will be able to compare with Ma Chen. Ma Chen, at the beginning, you were just a middle-aged general, but now, I am too. General Zhong Lang, Du Ting Hou."

Lu Bu looked triumphant and looked at Li Ru.

Li Ru told Dong Zhuo's cupped fist: "Lord, since the lord wants to abolish Liu Bian and establish Liu Xie, then tomorrow he will convene the Manchu civil and military forces and let Liu Bian hand over the jade seal of the country."

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru and said with a smile: "Wen You said it is extremely true. With the Chuan Guoyu Seal, everything will be done."

Immediately, Dong Zhuo asked Li Ru to accompany Lu Bu to drink, and he went back to the room to have something to do.

Li Ru and Lu Bu said in unison: "Yes, the lord is the foster father."

At this time, seeing Dong Zhuo leave, Lv Bu toasted Li Ruqi: "Thank you, brother Wen You.

Li Ru smiled and said, "This is also where Fengxian's strength lies."

Immediately, the two looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

The next day, Dong Zhuo took Lu Bu and Li Ru to the harem.

But when he saw the young emperor Liu Bian saw Dong Zhuo, he couldn't help but be surprised: "What does the general do here?" 587

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo said solemnly: "Please hand over the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, Your Majesty.

As soon as this statement came out, Liu Bian looked surprised and said: "I don't have a royal seal on my body."

When Dong Zhuo heard this, he said viciously: "What did you say? You didn't have the national jade seal on your body? At the beginning, He Jin didn't give you the national jade seal?"

"I don't know."

Liu Bian showed a look of horror. He backed away a few steps, trying to avoid Dong Zhuo.

But seeing Dong Zhuo stride forward, looking at Liu Bian coldly, he said solemnly: "Dove kill!'


Li Ru took out the poisoned liquor he had prepared in advance, and ordered the iron cavalry to catch Liu Bian.

Liu Bian struggled and said, "I would like to retreat from the throne to the general."

When Dong Zhuo heard this, his heart moved.

Li Ru persuaded: "The lord, the princes of the world are undecided, so you can't ascend the throne in advance."

Hearing this, Dong Zhuohan said: "Kill it."

With a cold snort, Li Ru viciously poured the poisoned wine into the mouth of Young Emperor Liu Bian.

In a short while, the young emperor Liu Bian vomited blood and died of unfaithfulness.

Later, Dong Zhuo summoned the ministers in Chengde Hall. He died of a sudden illness as the young emperor Liu Bian, and made Liu Xie the emperor.

He is the prime minister and holds the power of war and horses.

At this time, both the foreign relatives and the loyal ministers agreed in unison.

Dong Zhuo smiled triumphantly, thinking of Ma Chen who was far away in Bingzhou, he couldn't help showing a touch of hatred. .

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