Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 151 Yu Chigong, Song Yingxing and the Tiger Army [3/10, Guiqiu flowers for reward]

Abandoned the emperor Liu Bian and established Liu Xie, that Dong Zhuo was the most human minister and became the first of the 100 civil and military officials.

The Manchu civil and military, if you want to see Emperor Xian Liu Xie, you must get the consent of Dong Zhuo.

For a time, I saw the Manchu civil and military, and people were panicked.

Naturally, there are also many flattering people who flatter Dong Zhuo.

But there are also those who are loyal to the big man, who took this opportunity to kill Dong Zhuo.

At this time, Dong Zhuo was in Luoyang, looting and doing nothing.

The loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty such as Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, Wang Yun and Cai Yong who were trapped in the prison have already learned that Na Dingyuan was killed, and Dong Zhuo abolished the young emperor Liu Bian and made Liu Xie the emperor.

Wang Yun looked at everyone and sighed: "I didn't expect that Dong Zhuo would Damn it like this. He would abolish Liu Bian and set up Liu Xie. Now he is in charge of Luoyang and is an extremely human minister. He is even more powerful than General He Jin.

Cai Yong heard the words and sighed: "At the beginning, we were divided into the loyal Han faction, the foreign relatives and the eunuch faction. Now, all the eunuch factions have been killed. He Jin, the general of the foreign relatives, also died of unfaithful death, and a few of us The loyal Han faction was imprisoned. In this situation, we loyal Han faction, foreign relatives faction and eunuch faction, we lose all. This time, we all lose, but Dong Dong

Zhuo sits and reaps profit.

After hearing the words, everyone sighed together.

But when Huangfu heard the words, he whispered: "I think our loyal Han faction did not lose, Han Wang Ma Chen is still there."

Wang Yun and Cai Yong heard the words and said in unison: "I wonder if the King of Han knows what happened here?

At this moment, everyone looked at each other and sighed.

In Bingzhou, after Ma Chen sent the black ice platform, he ordered Li Bing, Na Daoyuan, Fan Zhongyan and others to solve the land problem in Bingzhou.

In Liangzhou, Bingzhou, Ma Chen began to implement the farming system.

The farming system is divided into military farms and civilian farms.

The establishment of the farming system marked the substantial increase in grain production and taxes in Ma Chen's Bingzhou and Liangzhou.

Especially planting tomatoes and sweet potatoes in Juntun is an unexpected harvest.

In addition, regarding water conservancy irrigation, Li Bing and Li Daoyuan checked the direction of the Yellow River in Bingzhou and dug out several canals that can be used for water conservancy irrigation.

The canal drains from the Yellow River and eventually flows into the Huluo area. Due to the emergence of canals, rice and wheat can be grown in the territory of Binzhou, especially around the government.

The Xiongnu Xianbei Wuhuan was destroyed, and the vast land was handed over to the mobile defense master Meng Gong.

Meng Gong led more than 10,000 migrant workers recruited from Liangzhou in Bingzhou to build many cities in the vast area of ​​Wuhuan, the Xianbei Huns.

These cities are like giant dragons, winding and twisting, capable of both defensive and offensive. It can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Moreover, because Ma Chen destroyed the Xiongnu Xianbei Wuhuan, the territory of the Han Dynasty expanded by almost half.

And the vast land of the Xiongnu Xianbei is rich in various mineral resources.

Although he has a lot of military generals, Ma Chen feels that it is not enough.

What he wanted was an unprecedented great empire, even more extensive than a big man.

At this time, when he returned to the Bingzhou office, Ma Chen heard a system beep.

Don't guess, it must be the sign-in time this week.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, for completing the sign-in spree this week~w."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the sign-in package this week is being distributed.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have won the fierce general, Wei Chi Gong!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, who won the agricultural master Song Yingxing."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have won 10,000 tigers."

At this time, the system prompt sounded into Ma Chen's ears.

Upon hearing this, Ma Chen showed a look of surprise.

This time, he felt that the fierce general Wei Chi Gong was not surprising, and the main thing was Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing is a famous scientist in history and the author of the work that day.

At this time, Ma Chen didn't know that Song Yingxing did not write Tiangong Kaiwu because of system settings.

Immediately, Ma Chen smiled faintly and asked: "Then Song Yingxing, where is Yu Chigong now?"

"Ding, Song Yingxing, and Yu Chigong are ten miles away from the office."

"Ten miles away again?"

Ma Chen smiled faintly when he heard the words, as if it were commonplace.

He should even order Yanyun Shibaqi to follow him out of the office.

Soon, he was ten miles away from the office.

I saw the dust flying in the distance, and ten thousand iron horses came hurriedly.

At this time, the leader, one is a burly general, and the other is dressed as a scribe.

When the two saw the heroic Ma Chen, they walked quickly, rolled over and got off the horse, and said.

"Wei Chi respectfully pay respects to the lord!"

"Song Yingxing pays respects to the lord!"

"The tiger blames the army to meet the lord.

Yuchigong is a peerless military commander, and his strength reaches 100.

The loyalty of the generals summoned by the system is 100 (deadly loyal!)

Ma Chen looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Jingde, Chang Geng, please start."

Yuchi Gong, the word Jingde.

Song Yingxing, the word Changgeng.

Upon hearing this, the two stood up together and looked at Ma Chen.

At this time, both of them showed a touch of respect.

At the same time, the ten thousand tigers blaming the army made Yan Yun's eighteen horses sigh in their hearts: ".|Unexpectedly, these ten thousand iron knights are so brave."

The Tiger Responsible Army rewarded by the system, like the Black Armored Iron Cavalry, is a high-level unit.

"All the soldiers, follow this king into the city."



At this time, Ma Chen gave an order, Yu Chigong, Song Yingxing, Yanyun Eighteen Horses and Ten Thousand Tigers to return to the Bingzhou Office.

When he arrived at the prison, he ordered Yanyun and eighteen horses to place 10,000 tigers in a nearby barracks.

After that, they came to the chamber with Yu Chigong and Song Yingxing.

At this time, Li Bing and Li Daoyuan were also there.

Ma Chen seemed to think of something and looked at the soldiers.

At this time, Ma Chen looked at the Daoyuan and Song Yingxing, and said: "Shanchang, Chang Geng, you two and General Qin Shubao, led the five thousand Shence army, to the Xiongnu Xianbei Wuhuan land, to investigate minerals for the king."

Ma Chen knew that there was a salt and iron mine in Yuyang County.

It can be said that the Xianbei Xiongnu's Wuhuan Land is very rich in minerals.

In the future, he will be very useful.

After all, (Li Qianzhao) In today's world, seizing iron ore, salt ore and kerosene is to seize the lifeblood of the world.

Immediately, Qin Shubao, Li Daoyuan and Song Yingxing said in unison: "No!"


At this time, Song Yingxing, Na Daoyuan and Qin Shubao agreed and led the five thousand Shence army to leave the Bingzhou office and head north.

The order was given, and Ma Chen heard a system beep for a while before he left.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the system side mission has been launched."

"Ding, side task: contact the princes of the Eighteenth Road and drive Dong Zhuo out of Luoyang."

Hearing the system prompt, Ma Chen was slightly startled, and then he saw a black ice platform and walked quickly.

"Reported to the lord, Dong Zhuo was in Luoyang, abolished the young emperor Liu Bian, and made Liu Xie the emperor. Wang Yun, Cai Yong and other ministers of the Zhonghan faction were imprisoned."

"Also, Lu Bu killed Ding Yuan and took refuge in Dong Zhuo.

Hearing that, Ma Chen's eyes fell, Nalu Bu actually killed Ding Yuan and became Dong Zhuo's adopted son. .

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