Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 165 Wenhou Lubu, the three brothers of the Yuan family in the big break [5/10, begging for f

At this time, when he learned of the report from the Black Ice Terrace, Guo Jia said solemnly to Ma Chen.

Ma Chen smiled faintly when he heard the words. This is the death of the three Yuan brothers, and said: "Don't worry about him, let the Runan Yuan family suffer a little bit."


The soldiers responded in unison after hearing the words.

But at Hulao Pass, I saw the three Yuan brothers, leading tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, to the outside of the pass.

When Hulao was closed, the defender Xu Rong had learned that the lord Dong Zhuo sent Wenhou Lubu to come.

In addition, Li Su was sent as a pioneer and led 10,000 cavalry to help Hulao Pass.

At this time, Xu Rong didn't know that Li Su was already in a different place. Ten thousand Liangzhou cavalry would never survive.

Yuan Shao looked up at the gate and shouted: "Xu Rong, if you surrender, I will not blame Yuan Shao for the past."

Xu Rong looked outside the pass. Although the Yuan family in Runan had a big family and the three Yuan brothers led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, it was not enough for Xu Rong.

He thought to himself: "As long as it is not the Han Wang Ma Chen."

It turns out that in the past few days, the three Yuan brothers failed to attack Hulao Pass, not only losing 19 soldiers, but also slowly eroding the morale of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

If it were not for the alliance with the Eighteenth Route princes, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses would be unstable.

Now, the three Yuan brothers led the army again, making the soldiers suddenly feel uneasy.

Xu Rong said in a deep voice: "Yuan Shao, you are just an unconscionable person, dare to be presumptuous in Hulaoguan? Don't you want to go back to Runan Yuan's family?"

Yuan Shao heard the words and said angrily: "Kill, kill, break the Tiger Prison Pass, I have many rewards.

With a loud shout, he drew his sword and pointed at Hulao Pass.

Behind Yuan Shao, the generals said in a deep voice, "No!"

Immediately, he led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses and went straight to Hulao Pass.

Some used a ladder to climb the city, and some used a crash to hit the city gate.

These soldiers and horses are fighting to Hulao Pass.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Yi couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "I hope I can win the Hulao Pass this time. Then, I will be one step ahead and break into Luoyang."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shu couldn't help but frown and asked, "I can really break into Luoyang when I take the Hulao Pass?

He knew that there must be Dong Zhuo's elite soldiers in Luoyang, so he, who was suspicious by nature, couldn't help showing a skeptical look.

At this time, Yuan Shu's words made Yuan Shao and Yuan Yi look at him together.

I saw Yuan Shao sighed and said: "In any case, it is a great achievement to capture Hulao Pass first."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Shu and Yuan Yi said in unison: "What they said is extremely true."

The tiger prison closed, and the guard Xu Rong shouted. Thousands of iron knights shot crossbow arrows straight down the city gate from the top of the city gate.

Whoosh whoosh!

A burst of crossbow arrows shot, like a rain of arrows, causing the soldiers and horses who climbed the ladder to suddenly fall down amid the screams.

At the same time, upstairs of the city gate, the kerosene poured down, and the flames skyrocketed, causing a lot of damage to the soldiers and horses.

And the crash of the siege did not make any progress.

In fact, all the princes knew that the three Yuan brothers attacked Hulao Pass.

The allies of the three Yuan brothers, Tao Qian and other princes heard about it, but they had their own concerns.

Although these princes responded, they did not make great efforts. They just wanted to preserve their strength.

Therefore, I saw that they were all standing still.

Ma Chen’s camp, from time to time, the black ice platform will shut Hulao to inform Ma Chen.

When the three Yuan brothers saw that Hulao Pass had not yet been captured, they were immediately very angry.

It turned out that the three Yuan brothers planned to use their great achievements in capturing Hulao Pass to let the princes make them their leaders.

Therefore, desperately sent troops to kill.

But Hulao Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Those soldiers and horses can't attack Hulao Pass at all, and even pay a heavy price for it.

Xu Rong sneered to the three Yuan brothers outside the pass: "Hehe, do you group of ants still want to attack Hulao Pass?"

Yuan Shao sighed, "Unfortunately, my general Yan Liangwen has not yet arrived, otherwise, how could Xu Rong be so rampant?"

Unconsciously, I began to hate Ma Chen, as if he couldn't break Hulao Pass, which had a lot to do with Ma Chen.

Then Yuan Yixin was timid, and said to Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu solemnly: "If Hulao Pass can't be captured, how can it be?"

Yuan Shu said with ferocious eyes: "I will definitely be able to capture Hulao Pass."

His eyes sank and he shouted: "Kill!" In a short time, he saw the soldiers and horses, struggling to kill to Hulao Pass.

Xu Rong sneered and commanded the Hulaoguan guard army to throw rolling wood and stone, shoot crossbow arrows, pour kerosene, and toss lime.

For a time, the screams continued, and the soldiers under the three Yuan brothers lost about 10,000.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of a cavalry not far away.

But when the dust was flying, tens of thousands of horses, like the tide, came pupae of bees.

At the same time, the three Yuan brothers in Hulaoguan were taken aback.

Immediately, among the tens of thousands of iron knights, one of the generals, wearing silver armor and holding a Fangtian painted halberd, shouted to the three Yuan brothers: "I am here, Lu Bu, Runan Yuan, but Er Er.

With a loud shout, he led tens of thousands of cavalry, and suddenly arrived.

Upon hearing Lu Bu's words, the three Yuan brothers couldn't help but be surprised: "It turned out to be him?"

Yuan Shu said angrily: "Who am I? It turns out that I am a slave of those three surnames."

As soon as the words came out, Lu Bu glared at him, looked at Yuan Shu, and shouted: "Take my life."

Behind Yuan Shu, several generals killed Lu Bu.

Lü Bu picked up Fang Tian's painted halberd and shouted, "Who dares to stop me?"

As soon as Fang Tian painted the halberd forward, he heard a scream that a general was killed by Lu Bu.

At this time, the screams continued, and most of Yuan Shu's generals were damaged.

At the same time, tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry killed those tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

How can the soldiers and horses of the three Yuan 617 brothers compare with Liangzhou iron cavalry?

I saw the Liangzhou iron cavalry rushed and rushed, and the soldiers and horses of the three Yuan brothers broke more than half.

The three Yuan brothers glanced at each other, and they had already retired.

They know that if the attack continues, it is very likely that they will stay in Hulao Pass.

Immediately, the three Yuan brothers said solemnly: "Withdraw troops, withdraw troops.

Leading his subordinates, they fled in a hurry, like a dog in a family.

The soldiers and horses behind them also fled in haste when they saw the three Yuan brothers fleeing every day.

However, Lv Bu led the Liangzhou cavalry, struggling to rush for a while.

Gao Shun on the side was shocked: "Lord, not far away is the camp of the Eighteenth Road princes."

Hearing this, Lü Bu was shocked when he thought of the king of Han Ma Chen, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up and return to Hulao Pass."

As soon as this statement came out, the tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry agreed and followed Lu Bu to Hulao Pass.

At this time, the three Yuan brothers returned to the camp, all with lingering fears and panic.

They counted the soldiers and horses, and under the command of the three, there were only 30,000 soldiers and horses left.

Suddenly, the three Yuan brothers glanced at each other, and their hearts were full of hatred for Ma Chen.

And Ma Chen, the king of Han, also learned about Hulao Pass from the Black Ice Platform.

"Reported to the lord, Lu Bu suddenly came out, causing the three Yuan brothers to be defeated, leaving only 30,000 soldiers and horses."

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