Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 166 Lv Bu and Xu Rong are not in harmony, and all the princes are their own [6/10, begging f

Outside Hulao Pass.

Wenhou Lubu led tens of thousands of cavalry and returned to Hulao Pass.

The military commander Xu Rong had already opened and closed the door to greet Lu Bu.

"Final Xu Rong, meet Wen Hou.

Xu Rong said to Nalubu cupped fist.

Lv Bu looked at Xu Rong when he heard the words. He frowned and asked, "General Xu Rong, why are you at Hulao Pass and you can't get out of it?"

As soon as this statement came out, Xu Rong's expression suddenly changed, and his face was extremely ugly.

If it hadn't been for him to be unable to shrink, the eighteenth princes would have already invaded Luoyang.

But he never dared to say this sentence, and said: "General Huaxiong was killed, and there are many thieves outside the pass. In the end, the general can only guard Hulao Pass."

Lu Bu looked at Xu Rong with disdain, and said in a deep voice, "The three Yuan brothers, but they are just like ants, but they can't shrink General Xu Rong. It's amazing."

Xu Rong's expression changed again, but because Lu Bunai was the adopted son of the lord Dong Zhuo, and Wen Hou, the first-level official crushed to death, Xu Rong could only cupped fist and said, "Xu Rong is ashamed."

In my heart, I was already struggling with Lu Bu.

Lu Bu saw Xu Rong's expression like this, and said with satisfaction: "Now that Ben Hulao has come to Hulao Pass, the military and political power of this Hulao Pass is handed over to Ben Hulao."

"Wen Hou is here this time, the final general is preparing to hand over the power of general and political power to Wen Hou."" Okay, General Xu retired temporarily.

Xu Rong agreed and turned away, but he hated Lu Bu in his heart.

Seeing Xu Rong leaving behind, Gao Shun whispered to Nalu Bu: "Master, General Xu Rong is also a strong general."

When Lu Bu heard the words, his eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "I suspect that Xu Rong colluded with the 18th princes and killed Hua Xiong. You send someone to monitor Xu Rong, and you will inform this time whenever there is any movement."

Gao Shun hesitated when he heard the words, then said: "No!"

Immediately, Gao ordered a few confidant guards by the way to investigate Xu Rong's movement.

Lu Bu sneered and whispered: "Xu Rong, I see how deep you can hide."

Immediately, scouts were sent to investigate the camp of the Eighteenth Route princes.

At the same time, Lu Bu is also preparing to go to the eighteenth road princes to challenge before the pass.

Before, he was reminded by Gao Shun to return to Hulao Pass in a hurry.

Now, he thought clearly, he and Ma Chen would have a battle sooner or later.

It's better to have a showdown with Ma Chen directly.

After all, there are more than 100,000 Liangzhou cavalry in Hulao Pass.

He has many soldiers, and he is not afraid of Ma Chen.

And he defeated the three Yuan brothers, and suddenly realized that all the princes, except for the Han King Ma Chen, were all mobs.

Immediately, he decided to go out of the city to meet tomorrow. If he defeated the 18th Route princes as soon as possible, he might be appreciated by his foster father, Dong Zhuo, and he would be able to be appointed as a nobleman at that time.

Thinking of this, Lu Bu already had a plan in his mind.

But Lu Bu didn't know that all the conversations between him and Xu Rong were detected by the black ice platform that Ma Chen was driving down.

Just like the flood pass, the black ice platform under Ma Chen's subordinates penetrated everywhere and dived into Hulao Pass.

But seeing outside Hulao Pass, the black ice platform hurried away and came to Ma Chen's camp.

"Report to the lord, Lu Bu and Xu Rong will meet~/."

Immediately, he told Ma Chen that Lu Bu suspected Xu Rong, and the two had a grievance.

Ma Chen heard the words, smiled faintly, and looked at the soldiers under the tent.

But when Guo Jia heard this, he told Ma Chen: "Master, since Lu Bu suspects Xu Rong and the two are at odds, then the subordinate has a plan."

At this time, Ma Chen also thought of a strategy, but instead of mentioning it, he asked Guo Jia: "Fengxiao, what strategy?"

"My lord, my strategy is the divorce."

Ma Chen smiled faintly when he heard the words, already knowing something.

Immediately, he said: "Okay, then implement your divorce plan."

Before the sound fell, I saw a black ice platform coming to Beijing Road: "Master, Lu Bu intends to come to Yingzhai to challenge tomorrow.

Hearing this, Ma Chen's eyes sank, looked at the soldiers, and said in a deep voice: "Tomorrow this king will meet the Wenhou. In addition, send someone to invite the princes to come.



Ma Chen's security guard agreed and walked away quickly.

Soon, the princes came to Ma Chen's camp.

"Meet the leader."

"Meet the leader.

These princes saluted Ma Chen together, and then sat down separately.

Today, the eighteenth princes, Bao Xin and Zhang Yang were killed in battle, Wang Kuang broke his arm, and Qiao Hao was injured.

The three Yuan brothers returned in a terrible defeat yesterday, and even lost their troops.

At this time, everyone looked at Ma Chen and waited for him to show.

Ma Chen looked at the princes and said in a deep voice, "Wen Hou Lubu, led the army. Hulao Pass has more than one hundred thousand Liangzhou cavalry. Tomorrow will be a tough battle.

When Cao Cao, Kong Rong and others heard the words, they cupped fist in unison and said, "I will wait to follow the arrangements of the leader."

However, the three Yuan brothers looked at Ma Chen and wanted to say something, but they wanted to say nothing.

Ma Chen ignored them. He looked at the princes and said in a deep voice: "Once you win the Hulao Pass, you can go to Luoyang and punish Dong Zhuo."

Hearing that, the princes said to Ma Chen in unison: ". | Kill Dong Zhuo, and kill Dong Zhuo."

These princes all showed a touch of murderous intent.

They are in the Jujube League, isn't it just to punish Dong Zhuo?

Thinking of this, these princes looked at Ma Chen together.

"In that case, I'll wait until tomorrow to work hard together, let's go away."


Immediately, the three Yuan brothers, Cao Cao and other princes left quickly.

Ma Chen looked at the back of the princes and smiled coldly.

Don't look at it now, I'm afraid it will be different tomorrow.

Guo Jia looked at Ma Chen, he knew that the lord did not believe the words of these princes.

In the final analysis, at the beginning of the Eighteenth Route, apart from being greedy for merit, they were doing their own things and developing their forces.

Except for Cao Cao, Liu Yu and others, maybe it was for the big man.

Sure enough, the three Yuan brothers returned to the camp and discussed with each other.

Among them, Yuan Shu said in a deep voice: "Tomorrow, in the battle at Hulaoguan, we will instigate Lu Bu and Ma Chen in a battle. At that time, we will lose both and we will reap the benefits."

Yuan (Wang Dezhao) looked suspicious and said solemnly: "In this case, we must plan well to make sure nothing goes wrong.

"It's very true.

Yuan Yi echoed, his voice fell off and looked at Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu.

At this time, those princes were also in their respective camps, discussing something.

In fact, by now, the discerning people have seen that these princes are all working hard, and they are their own time.

At Hulaoguan, Lu Bu heard Gao Shun's words: "Master, Xu Rong is not abnormal."

Upon hearing this, Lu Bu said solemnly: "Don't worry, it's a fox, so he will show his tail. Let's wait for him to show his tail."


Gao Shun heard this and looked at Lu Bu. In his heart, he still couldn't believe that Xu Rong would collude with the 18th princes.

But the lord doubted Xu Rong, so what about him? He could only follow Lu Bu and doubt that Xu Rong.

And Xu Rong didn't know that his every move was under Lu Bu's supervision. .

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