Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 168 Female version of the Three British War Lu Bu [8/10, Guiqiu full order]

As soon as this remark came out, the princes were taken aback, and looked towards Ma Chen.

Who could have imagined that this king of Han would let his three female generals go to fight Lu Bu?

When I thought of this, I saw the three Yuan brothers, all showing a mocking look, and looked at Ma Chen.

You know, Lu Bu is known as the existence of Bingzhou ~ God of War.

Just now, he killed three generals, but now he is so despised by Ma Chen-.

He also showed a hint of chill.

But seeing Lv Bu looking at Ma Chen, he said solemnly: "Wang Han, since you despise me so much, then I will fight with the female generals under the command of Han Wang."

With a loud shout, he picked up Fang Tian's painting halberd.

But behind Ma Chen, Qin Liangyu, Liang Hongyu and Hua Mulan three female players strode out and saw Ma Chen and said: "Master, I will wait to fight Lu Bu."

Ma Chen heard the words and looked at the three female generals Hua Mulan, Qin Liangyu and Liang Hongyu, and said in a deep voice, "Okay.

Immediately, I saw the three female generals Hua Mulan, Qin Liangyu and Liang Hongyu, patted their horses.

When Lu Bu saw Ma Chen dispatched three female players, he felt that Ma Chen was deliberately humiliating him.

Lu Bu thought to himself: "Although I can't beat and read again, can't I still beat these three female players?"

With a loud shout, he rode a red rabbit horse and came with a Fangtian painted halberd.

I saw Lu Bu solemnly said: "It's just three female generals, how can I beat Lu Bu, God of War."

As soon as this statement came out, it was actually not Lü Bu boasting that those princes who were enemies with Lü Bu also had this idea.

I saw three female generals Hua Mulan, Qin Liangyu, and Liang Hongyu coming to shoot the horse, one holding a pear flower gun, one holding a white gun, and the other holding a flintlock musket.

The three female players were all women and did not let their beards and eyebrows. They all screamed and killed Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's face is full of contempt, and he only feels that a group of females, how powerful can it be?

Those princes, most of them also think this way.

But Cao Cao thought that Han Wang Ma Chen would never be so rash.

Cao Cao said in his heart: "Could it be that the three female generals under the Han King's command are so powerful?"

As if thinking of something, a flash of surprise flashed in my heart.

At this time, I saw Liang Hongyu's flintlock gun, with a good marksmanship.

Even Zhao Yun, who used the gentian to shine the silver spear, was shocked in his heart.

He thought to himself: "I didn't expect the three female generals to be so powerful, but it was beyond my expectation."

In my heart, thinking of Mu Guiying, suddenly felt that the four female heroines under the lord's command were really extraordinary.

Even the master gun prodigy Tongyuan, I am afraid it is a tie with them.

Qiang Qiang!

Liang Hongyu’s flintlock and Lu Bu’s Fang Tian painted halberds confronted each other and shot a spark.

Lu Bu was shocked and said, "This woman's marksmanship is really amazing.

He felt that Liang Hongyu's force was not weak.

Although a little worse than him, his marksmanship is tricky and always unexpected.

At the same time, Hua Mulan and Qin Liangyu also killed Lu Bu.

The three female generals fought Lu Bu as if turning the lights.

From outsiders' eyes, Lv Bu rushed from left to right, Fang Tian painted the halberd with ease, and the red rabbit horse was extremely fast, so he avoided.

But Nalu Bu knew that the more he went on, the more frightened he was.

Although Hua Mulan, Qin Liangyu, and Liang Hongyu are the three female players, they are very powerful, which makes Lu Bu feel annoyed.

If I knew this, I didn't despise them.

But Lu Bu seemed to have thought of something. He knew that since he was boasting about going to Haikou, he could not lose.

Immediately, with a loud shout, Lü Bu killed Hua Mulan, Qin Liangyu, and Liang Hongyu.

The three female players are blatantly not afraid, and do not put Lu Bu to put in one’s eyes at all.

But seeing Lu Bu's eyes sinking, he looked at the three female generals.

Ma Chen looked in his eyes with a calm expression, as if he knew that the three female generals could beat Lu Bu.

Chi Chi Chi Chi.

The three female generals Hua Mulan, Qin Liangyu and Liang Hongyu seemed to have thought of something. They looked at each other and hurriedly changed their strategies.

All of a sudden, the three women fought with Lu Bu like a lamp, turning into a triangle shape.

Lu Bu was furious. He picked up Fang Tian's painted halberd and pierced Hua Mulan.

Qin Liangyu and Liang Hongyu were killed from right and left.

He left Mulan and turned back to Fang Tian's paintings, killing Liang Hongyu and Qin Liangyu, but Hua Mulan stabbed from behind.

For a while, Lü Bu was in danger and sweating profusely.

However, the three female generals only showed Xianghan.

At this time, I saw that Lu Bu really felt that the three female players were very powerful.

Those princes also saw clues.

But seeing the three Yuan brothers were shocked in their hearts, showing a touch of surprise, they looked at each other and said in their hearts: "These three female generals are so powerful?"

Cao Cao and others finally understood that, although the three female generals were single-handedly, they were not as good as Lu Bu.

………For flowers…

But the combination of the three female generals is better than Nalu Bu.

Therefore, even though Lu Bu failed to injure the three female players during the fight, it was dangerous.

Gradually, the princes found that Lu Bu was weak.

But when I saw Ma Chen's commander, the generals such as Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Mu Guiying, shouted, picked up weapons, led tens of thousands of cavalry, and suddenly shot out.

Lu Bu was fighting with the three female generals. Seeing tens of thousands of cavalry slaying, he couldn't help being flustered.

See Liang Hongyu’s flintlock, a spear thrust by Lu Bu.

Lü Bu yelled and hurried away holding Fang Tian's painted halberd with reluctance.

Gao Shun and the trapped camp tightly guarded Lu Bu, for fear that he might make a mistake.

And the three Yuan brothers, Cao Cao, Liu Yu and other princes, all led the demons to dismount their troops and kill tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry.

The tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry were watching Na Lu Bu fighting with the three female generals, but they didn't want Ma Chen's cavalry and suddenly shot out.

So fast, they caught them off guard, and immediately saw the tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, panicked, and didn't know where they were.

I saw the soldiers and horses of the princes all around, either slammed with crossbow arrows or speared with long spears, making the Liangzhou cavalry lifeless in the screams.

Lv Bu left tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, Gao Shun and trapped camp, broke free from the crush of Ma Chen's generals, and went straight to Hulao Pass.

Along the way, it is like a frightened bird, and anxious like a bereaved dog.

Finally, when he came to Hulao Pass, Xu Rong was shocked when he saw this, knowing that tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry would surely be more fortunate.

But without any hesitation, he hurriedly ordered people to open the Hulao Pass and put Lu Bu and others into the pass.

When Lu Bu returned to Hulao Pass, he still had lingering fears. He looked at Xu Rong, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, Lv Bu will lose tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry and fall to Xu Rong.

When Xu Rong saw Lu Bu's eyes, he also showed a hint of coldness.

Between the two, the rift grew bigger and bigger.

At the same time, the princes under the leadership of Han Wang Ma Chen, after killing tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, came to Hulao Pass in a mighty manner.

The army camped outside Hulao Pass.

At this time, Ma Chen summoned all the princes and came to the Chinese military camp to discuss.

He looked at the princes, and said in a deep voice: "Hulao Pass is right in front of you, which prince will go to break the pass?" Yi,

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