Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 169 Divorce, Lu Bu imprisoned Xu Rong [9/10, begging for full order]

Outside Hulao Pass.

Ma Chen's three female generals fought against Wen Hou Lu Bu, so that the princes finally knew that the women would not be shaved.

At this time, tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry were wiped out, causing Lu Bu to escape back to Hulao Pass in a hurry, and the tortoise couldn't get out of it.

Right now, Hulao Pass is right in front of you.

Han Wang Ma Chen summoned all the princes and asked in a deep voice.

When the princes heard the words, they looked at each other, each in their own minds, and kept silent.

When Ma Chen saw this, he seemed to think of something and smiled coldly.

Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian sighed: "King Han, although the Hulao Pass is right in front of you, I was incapable of defeating soldiers and generals at Bangshui Pass.

Even Sun Jian wanted to preserve his final strength and didn't want to be a bareback at Hulao Pass.

When Cao Cao heard this, he said to Ma Chen: "I am willing to go at the end.

The three Yuan brothers looked at Cao Cao and said in unison: "Meng De is brave, but you have less than one "six and seventeen" ten thousand soldiers and horses, while Hulaoguan has one hundred thousand Liangzhou cavalry."

In this battle, there were more than 100,000 Liangzhou cavalry at Hulao Pass, and only 100,000 remained.

This is the cavalry Dong Zhuo recruited from Liangzhou, not the Liangzhou cavalry under Ma Chen.

The Liangzhou cavalry obtained by Ma Chen guards the counties in Liangzhou.

Hearing this, Tao Qian on the side said: "Since we have surrounded the Hulao Pass, it is better to besiege and not attack, and force the Hulao Pass to surrender. I don't know what the people want?

If the soldiers and horses are not compromised, the princes will of course be happy.

As soon as Tao Qian's voice fell, several princes responded immediately.

Tao Qian stroked his beard and smiled and looked at Ma Chen with a smile.

When Ma Chen heard the words, he looked at the princes. He seemed to see something, and he said in a deep voice: "In this case, the princes retired, and we will discuss it another day.



All the princes agreed and left the camp with their own concerns.

Cao Cao, Liu Yu, Kong Rong, Han Fu and other princes were left in the camp.

Everyone looked at Ma Chen and said in a deep voice, "Leader, the three Yuan brothers obviously delayed deliberately."

"It's better for me to wait for the attack on Hulao Pass, so as not to give Hulao Pass a chance to breathe.

"This time Lu Bu was frightened when he heard the wind, and he would not be able to shrink back. I don't know what Han Wang's plan is."

Seeing Cao Cao, Liu Yu and other princes, Ma Chen said with a calm smile: "In that case, you will go back to the camp separately, and you will be notified when the time is confirmed."

Cao Cao, Kong Rong and other princes heard the words and said in unison: "No!"

When they left, there was a flash of respect in their eyes.

Seeing the princes leaving, Ma Chen looked at Guo Jia and said in a deep voice, "How is the situation at Hulao Pass?,

"Lord, Black Ice Terrace has already started to forge letters.

"Well, when Lu Bu captures Xu Rong, it will be the day when the customs breaks."

Guo Jia looked at the camp of the princes and asked in a low voice: "Lord, those princes"

"Don't worry about him, these princes, who don't work hard, want to sit back and enjoy their success, but how can this king follow them? Acting according to the plan, once the tiger prison is broken, he will go straight to Luoyang."

Ma Chen knew that once Hulao Pass was broken, Dong Zhuo would burn Luoyang on fire and fled to Chang'an.

Therefore, once he won the Hulao Pass, he rushed to Luoyang non-stop.

Immediately, looked at the soldiers.

The soldiers heard the words and said in unison: "No!"

Immediately, the generals went to prepare, and waited for Ma Chen's order to attack Hulao Pass.

At Hulao Pass, Lu Bu, who had lost tens of thousands of Liangzhou cavalry, was in the room sullenly, drinking sullen wine.

He did not expect that he, known as the God of War, was not only inferior to Han Wang Ma Chen, but also defeated by the three female generals under Ma Chen.

He was so angry that he threw his neck back and drank the strong wine, which rushed into his anger.

With a bang, Lu Bu slammed the Jiu Jue to the ground and shouted: "Come here.

The guard of the camp outside the door hurried over and said: "Master."

Lü Bu stood up, hesitated for a moment, raised his hand helplessly: "Get down."

The guard agreed and retreated to the door.

At this time, seeing Gao Shun striding forward, he looked dignified and looked at Lu Bu.

Lü Bu raised his head and said to Gao Shun: "What's the matter?"

"Lord, I am waiting to get a letter addressed to General Xu Rong.

Hearing this, Lu Bu looked at Gao Shun in a daze.

Immediately, he picked up the letter and read it again.

This look caused Lu Bu to shoot the case and shouted: "That Xu Rong really colluded with the 18th princes."

When Gao Shun heard the words, he pondered for a moment, and then said: "Master, the subordinates always feel that there may be something else in it."

Lu Bu heard the words, looked at Gao Shun, and asked, "What's the catch?"

"My lord, General Xu Rong is loyal and will never do such things. I also ask the lord to put it down for the time being, in case General Xu Rong is wronged."

Lu Bu said in a solemn voice: "Wrong? Haha, I think that General Huaxiong was killed is related to Xu Rong, and even the second general Li urges Guo Ben from Banshuiguan.

As soon as he said this, Gao Shun looked surprised and looked at Nalu Bu.

He did not expect that the lord would actually kill Li Cui Guo Fan and push him to Xu Rong's body.

He seemed to have thought of something, so he cupped fist and said: "Master, don't be suspicion about this matter."

When Lv Bu heard the words, his eyes sank, and he said angrily: "Do you think I am suspicion? This letter is evidence."

Immediately, he looked at Gao Shun and said in a deep voice: "Catch that Xu Rong with me."

Gao Shun heard this, cupped fist said: "No!"

Immediately, Gao Shun agreed and went straight to Xu Rong's room with Lu Bu.

However, he saw Lv Bu holding the Fang Tian painted halberd and opening the door of Xu Rong's room with one kick.

Xu Rong was on the bed. Hearing the loud noise, he immediately stood up. Seeing Lu Bu, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Wen Hou!"

Lv Bu didn't wait for Xu Rong to say anything, he directly scolded: "Take it!"


Seeing that Xu Rong hadn't reacted, he was captured by Lu Bu's soldiers and horses.

Xu Rong said in surprise: "Wen Hou, why is this?"

Lu Bu's eyes sank, he looked at Xu Rong, and shouted: "Xu Rong, you colluded with the 18th princes and killed General Huaxiong, thinking you don't know this time?"

Xu Rong's expression changed suddenly, and he said to Lu Bu: "Wenhou, you blamed me.

Lu Bu sneered when he heard the words, and said: "You are wrong to blame? Do you think you will be wrong for this time? You can't help but harm General Huaxiong, and also killed two generals Guo Lizhang 4.5."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Rong stared angrily and shouted: "Lu Bu, why did you wrong me?"

Lu Bu sneered and said, "Wrong? Humph, this time you will be exposed, come and take him to prison.


Several guards agreed, and they couldn't help but put Xu Rong in prison.

Xu Rong squeezed his neck and shouted: "Wen Hou, this is Ma Chen's divorce plan. Without me, Xu Rong will not be guaranteed."

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Bu couldn't help but angrily said: "What? Do you think my Lu Bu can't hold Hulao Pass?

Lu Bu looked at Xu Rong coldly, and shouted, "Keep it down!"


Several guards agreed and escorted Xu Rong down.

Lu Bu said solemnly: "Xu Rong, you look down on me, Lu Bu? No matter, when I kill Ma Chen, you will be broken into pieces!",

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