Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 186 Under the whole world, all are kings [1/10, begging for the full order]

The next day.

Ma Chen summoned his military commanders and counselors, discussed in Wuwei County, and decided to conquer the Qiang and Hu alien race.

At this time, compared to the binding system when he first went to Wuwei County, now he has become the king of Han that everyone admires.

Inside the Chamber.

On the left, there are two counselors Liu Bowen and Xu Shu.

On the right, Zhang Han, Wang Li, Zaimin, Luo Cheng, Qin Liangyu, Liang Hongyu, Ma Chao, Chen Qingzhi and other generals.

The soldiers sat separately, and Ma Chen sat in the first place.

Ma Chen looked at the generals and said in a deep voice: "Now, outside the Han Dynasty, the Xianbei, Xiongnu, Wuhuan and other alien races are all destroyed in the hands of this king. Only the Qianghu and Xiqiang tribes remain. At the beginning, the king was in charge. Liangzhou, drove the Qianghu to Dunhuang and Qinghai. Now everyone will work together to destroy the Qianghu."

If Qianghu is not eliminated, it will always threaten Liangzhou, making Ma Chen unable to use his fists.

Now, the destruction of Qianghu has solved a major hidden danger threatening Liangzhou.

Ma Chen looked at the generals, and heard the words, they saw Xu Shu stood up and said: "Since the lord has destroyed Beigong Boyu and Han Sui, Qianghu has only 100,000 cavalry left, stationed in Dunhuang and Qinghai. Along the way, the area is vast and sparsely populated. The Qianghu is a nomad and has no permanent residence. His subordinates think that they can send a black ice platform to investigate the movements of Qianghu along the way, and then suppress them with cavalry."

Liu Bowen pondered for a moment, stood up, and said to everyone: "Lord, Yuan Zhi's words are right. I think that Qiang and Hu are mostly located in the aquatic and abundant places in Dunhuang, Qinghai. Now, you can send the Black Ice Terrace to this place to investigate the situation. ."

Ma Chen heard the words, looked at the generals, and then ordered: "Okay, Black Ice Terrace, go to Dunhuang and Qinghai to spy on the military situation."



Dozens of riders on the black ice platform promised, hurried away and disappeared.

Ma Chen looked at the generals and said in a deep voice: "The generals are ready at any time, and when there is news from the Black Ice Platform, they will immediately send troops to take down Qianghu."

Upon hearing this, the generals said in unison: "No!"

For a while, Wuwei County began to get busy. The generals and cavalry under Ma Chen's army were standing by. Only after Ma Chen gave an order, they sent troops to attack Qianghu.

At this moment, just as the generals were leaving, a black ice platform hurriedly arrived.

"The lord, Li Ru under Dong Zhuo, for some reason, went southwest~". "

As soon as this statement came out, Ma Chen looked blankly and looked at Liu Bowen and Xu Shu.

When the two counsellors heard the words, they pondered for a moment, and told Ma Chen: "Lord, Li Ru is likely to go to West Qiang.

Immediately, Ma Chen smiled faintly, and said: "Dong Zhuo wants to contact Xi Qiang, when the time comes, will he threaten Liangzhou?"

When Liu Bowen and Xu Shu heard the words, they said in unison: "The lord's words are extremely true. From the current point of view, Li Ru went to Xiqiang for this matter.

Ma Chen's gaze sank, a sharp glow flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "That's it, the king is in Liangjingzhou, completely eradicating Xiqiang."

"My lord, the land of Xiqiang is a plateau. The cold weather will drive poisonous insects and beasts. My lord, I will fight Xiqiang, so be careful."

Hearing this, Ma Chen smiled faintly, and said: "Little Xiqiang, but only an ant, Black Ice Terrace, can you tell how many soldiers and horses there are in the land of Xiqiang?"

"Lord, in the land of Xiqiang, there are about 300,000 iron knights."

"Three hundred thousand iron cavalry? You can send people to Bingzhou to dispatch troops and generals. This king will completely annihilate Xiqiang in Liangzhou.

Liu Bowen looked at Ma Chen and said with a smile: "Lord, Xi Qiang is destroyed. Liu Yan, who was in the mirror of Yizhou, must be very scared. Then, it will be easy to win Yizhou."

Ma Chen heard the words and nodded slightly.

Occupy Yizhou, you can go straight to Chang'an from Hanzhong.

At that time, Dong Zhuo must die in his hands.

Hearing this, Ma Chen looked at Liu Bowen and Xu Shu, and said solemnly: "You can send someone to Xiqiang to find out the situation."

A black ice platform agreed and hurried away.

Immediately, Ma Chen, Liu Bowen and Xu Shu walked out of Wuwei County and looked out into the distance.

The three climbed up a high slope and looked far away.

But see, between the long sky, a round of red sun, as if falling on the horizon.

The colorful clouds around the red sun are spectacular.

Ma Chen looked at the red sun and Caixia in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "You two, what do you think?"

Liu Bowen and Xu Shu looked at each other and said in a deep voice: "The lord, now under the lord, the military commanders are like clouds and the counsellors are like rain. It is a matter of time to occupy the 13 prefectures of the Han Dynasty."

"Well, the king plans to calm the north first, and then take the south, so that there is no worries about the future. If the north has not been calmed, you can't easily go south to the south."

"The lord is extremely saying that now, if you want to calm the south, you must build a big ship. The southern waterways are vertical and horizontal, and there is the Yangtze River. Only by training a group of navy can the south be calmed."

Ma Chen heard the words, smiled faintly, and said: "What he said is extremely true. When he returns to Luoyang, he will dig a grand canal connecting the Yellow River and the Yangtze River.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Bowen and Xu Shu were both surprised, and suddenly realized that the Grand Canal mentioned by Ma Chen must be a major project that has never been seen before.

They looked at Ma Chen and said in surprise: ".|Lord, how long does it take for such a huge siege?"

"The king has Li Bing and Li Daoyuan. The two have already explored the environment around the Grand Canal. By that time, using the terrain to dig the Grand Canal will save a lot of time. In addition, gather skilled craftsmen to build warships."

When the two heard the words, they bowed to Ma Chen and said: "The lord's words are extremely true, so that you can take the land of the south of the Yangtze River.

"Even, you can build a sea boat and go out to sea."

Ma Chen looked at the two of them and laughed: "It's too early to go out to sea. After all the major forces in the Han Dynasty are put down, the king will send soldiers to sea. Bowen, Yuanzhi, it is too late, I will wait to return to the city. "



Liu Bowen and Xu Shu looked at each other and saluted Ma Chen together.

The two wandered in their hearts: "Perhaps, one day in the future, all under the world will be kings." (Wang Wanghao)

The two looked at Ma Chen with respect and followed him to Wuwei County.

At this time, they were sent to the Black Ice Platform in Dunhuang and Qinghai, and news came.

"My lord, Qiang and Hu have a hundred thousand cavalry, because the area of ​​Qinghai Lake is rich in water and grass, and they are stationed in the area of ​​Qinghai Lake."

Hearing this, Ma Chen's eyes sank and he called the generals to come.

He looked at the generals and said solemnly: "One hundred thousand Qiang and Hu Tieqi are here in Qinghai Lake. This time, treat the Qiang and Hu aliens, and kill them."



The soldiers agreed and saluted Ma Chen.

At this time, Zaimin, Luo Cheng, Qin Liangyu, Liang Hongyu, Zhang Han, Wang Li and other six generals led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, including Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, Shence Army, Tiger Responsible Army, Daqin Iron Cavalry, and Wei Wuzu. Away from Qinghai Lake.

Ma Chen watched the soldiers leave, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

To destroy Qianghu, it is the turn of Xi Qiang who is about to move!

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