Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 187 Qinghai Lake burns one hundred thousand Qiang and Hu Bing [2/10, Guiqiu customized]

Qinghai Lake was called Fairy Lake in ancient times.

Before that, the Qianghu who was rushed to Dunhuang and Qinghai by Ma Chen mostly gathered in the area of ​​Qinghai Lake where there are luxuriant aquatic plants.

Qinghai Lake, blue waves rippling, but can't stop the hatred of tens of thousands of Qiang and Hu Tieqi.

The hatred for Han Wang Ma Chen has never diminished sharply, but has surged a lot.

Qinghai Lake, Qiang Huying Village.

I saw the new leader Qianghu looking at all the soldiers under his command, his eyes sinking, and he said solemnly: "All the soldiers, I have an antagonism with Ma Chen. Since Beigong Boyu was killed, I have stayed away from Liangzhou. Being displaced and bullied by others, now, I am willing to raise my troops in Qinghai and attack Wuwei County northward. I don't know what everyone wants?"

One of the counsellors looked at the leader of Qianghu and said in a deep voice: "Leader, I will gather one hundred thousand Qiang soldiers and take down Wuwei County. It's easy to turn around. But, for the sake of safety, why not go to Xiqiang and invite the King of Xiqiang. "

The leader of Qianghu groaned after hearing the words, and he hummed: "The king of Xiqiang is arrogant, and it is no use to go. This leader has got 100,000 Qiang soldiers today and won Wuwei County. It is easy, why let King Xiqiang come here. Share the soup."

Chief Qianghu categorically rejected the counselor's suggestion. He didn't want to distribute the things that he had at his fingertips to others.

Hearing the words, the counselor looked at the leader Qianghu with a helpless look.

The leader of Qianghu looked at the one hundred thousand Qianghu Tieqi under the demon, and said in a deep voice: "If 663 can take Wuwei County and occupy Liangzhou, you can go straight to Chang'an and attack the Central Plains."

At this moment, he raised his head, seeming to show an expression of extreme excitement.

The 100,000 Qiang Hu Tieqi shouted in unison: "Take down Wuwei County, take down Wuwei County."

It seems that Wuwei County has been captured by them.

One hundred thousand Qiang and Hu Tieqi, the momentum is fierce, and the fighting spirit is bold.

But seeing the head of Qianghu's eyes sinking, he looked at the soldiers and said, "Today I will bury the pot for cooking, and tomorrow I will attack Liangzhou."



One hundred thousand Qiang Hu Tieqi shouted, shaking Qinghai Lake.

The leader of Qiang Hu nodded his head in a deep voice.

At this time, the leader of Qianghu and the 100,000 Qianghu Tieqi did not know that their every move was under the close surveillance of the Black Ice Platform.

Immediately, the Heibingtai general informed Liang Hongyu, Zaimin and other generals who were heading to Qinghai Lake.

Zai Min, Luo Cheng, Liang Hongyu, Qin Liangyu, Zhang Han, Wang Li and other generals were heading to Qinghai Lake. Hearing the report from Heibingtai, the people gathered together and discussed.

Min's eyes sank again, he looked at the generals, and said in a deep voice: "Qiang Hu Tieqi, since he will attack Liangzhou tomorrow, he must regenerate his energy tonight. There won't be many soldiers and horses outside the camp. Act late."

Liang Hongyu heard this, holding a flintlock gun, she seemed to have thought of something, and said in a low voice, "Fire can be used.

Zaimin, Luo Cheng, Zhang Han and other generals said in unison: "General Liang said that it is very true that tonight is just a fire attack."

Immediately, the generals negotiated and decided, they let the Black Ice Platform continue to investigate Qiang Hu's movements, and they led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, picked up dry firewood, carried fire oil and so on, quietly followed.

Unconsciously, it was late at night.

There are hundreds of thousands of Qiang and Hu Tieqi all in the Qinghai Lake area, and the Qiang Huyingzhai is endless.

It was night, when the strong wind swelled and stirred the wind and waves in the lake, the flag of the Qiang Huyingzhai was flying fiercely, and it was about to break.

The night wind was very strong. One hundred thousand Qiang and Hu iron horses took a rest in the camp. No one expected that tens of thousands of iron horses were slowly approaching.

Among them, in addition to one hundred thousand Qiang and Hu iron cavalry, take it lightly, some of them did not expect that iron cavalry would come to Qinghai Lake.

Just when Hu Tieqi, 100,000 Qiang, was drowsy.

Outside the Qianghu camp, the soldiers under Ma Chen quietly came outside the camp.

As the soldiers dispersed, they poured kerosene on the east, west, and north sides of the Qiang Huyingzhai.

And to the south is the Qinghai Lake.

Min's eyes sank again, and he said solemnly: "Ignite!"

Before the sound fell, the tens of thousands of iron knights poured fire oil and tossed dry wood and hay, only to hear a bang, and the fire was raging wildly.

The flames soaring into the sky not only reflected the red of Qinghai Lake, but also trapped one hundred thousand Qiang (bjef) Hu Tieqi in the camp.

Some people who were not asleep, felt the nasty smell of dry firewood, and suddenly woke up and said, "No, it's on fire."

As soon as this statement came out, those Qiang and Hu Tieqi who were not burnt to death and the camp was not affected, fled in a hurry.

At this time, the leader of Qianghu also woke up from the camp. He looked at the camp that was on fire with a surprise, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Who set the fire?"

One of them said: "The leader, the big thing is not good, there seem to be tens of thousands of horsemen outside the camp."


Hearing this, the leader of Qianghu was shocked, tens of thousands of cavalry? Who was the soldier?

Seeing that the fire was very strong, many camps were burnt down, and many Qiang and Hu soldiers were burned to death on the spot before they could react.

The leader of Qianghu couldn't help but angrily said: "Rush out."

Even if there are tens of thousands of cavalry outside, if they don't rush out, they will all be killed in flames.

As soon as this remark came out, the panicked Qiang and Hu Tieqi hurriedly rushed out from the weak spot of the fire.

Just after rushing out of the sea of ​​flames, before he could react, he was shot and killed on the spot by a rain of crossbow arrows.

It turned out that this was a space specially left by Zaimin and others in order to shoot and kill these Qiang and Hu Tiqi.

At that time, the leader of Qianghu, seeing those Qianghu iron knights rushing out, shot down their horses one after another, he was flustered and at a loss.

At this time, a counselor whispered: "Chief, why not go to the left of Qinghai Lake.

"The left side of Qinghai Lake? Could it be Riyue Mountain?"

Riyue Mountain is a natural dam of Qinghai Lake.

Upon hearing this, the leader of Qianghu couldn't help showing a strange look.

Hearing this, the counselor said solemnly to the leader of Qianghu: "Leader, Riyue Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you flee to Riyue Mountain, then Ma Chen's cavalry will definitely not dare to chase after him, so you can sit back and relax. "

The leader of Qianghu was taken aback, and then he said in a deep voice: "That's it, the army is heading to Riyue Mountain."

There was an incomparable hatred in his eyes. He wanted to attack Liangzhou tomorrow, but he was attacked by Ma Chen's iron cavalry.

This group of iron knights descended from the sky, making him uneasy.

Inside the camp, the fire blazed into the sky. One hundred thousand Qiang and Hu Tieqi were burned to death and shot to death about 20,000.

The remaining 80,000 Qiang Hu Tieqi heard the words and immediately fled from the left side of Qinghai Lake to Riyue Mountain under the leadership of Qianghu leader.

They are just like bereaved dogs, never staying for a moment.

At this time, Heibingtai sent the leader of Qianghu to Riyue Mountain and told Zaimin and others.

Zai Min and others heard the words, their eyes sank, and said in a deep voice, "Riyue Mountain? That's it, I will wait for Riyue Mountain to pursue it."

Immediately, Min Liang Hongyu and other generals, led tens of thousands of cavalry, went straight to the Riyue Mountain.

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