Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 207 Fierce Huang Zhong, shot Gongsundu with one arrow [8/10, Guiqiu for the full order]

At this time, I saw that Yan Liangyan Gang two generals were killed, making Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Du and Yuan Shao unhappy.

At this time, Yuan Shao was extremely depressed. He looked at Gongsun Du and Gongsun Zan with a sullen face, and said solemnly: "Unexpectedly, Zhang Liao and Huang Zhong under Ma Chen's command killed me so many soldiers, Damn it., "

Hearing this, Gongsun Zan said in a deep voice: "My Yan Gang, also died in Jicheng, Youzhou. Now, what is it?"

Gongsun Du heard the words, looked at the counselor, and said solemnly: "Everyone, what are the good ideas?"

One of the counsellors pondered for a while, then looked at Gongsun Du, Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao. After that, a sneak attack in the middle of the night will surely be able to break Jicheng."

The other counsellors heard the words and said in unison: "This method is feasible, it is better to try.

Yuan Shao, Gongsundu and Gongsun Zan looked at each other, and the three of them said solemnly: "In that case, pretend to withdraw troops tonight."



In the camp, the generals responded in unison.

That day, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and Gongsundu's more than 100,000 soldiers and horses withdrew their troops in a commotion.

Standing on the top of the city gate, the two Liaohuang 320 Zhongs, but their eyes sank, showing a hint of coldness.

But seeing the two look at the distance together.

Then one of the defenders said: "The two generals, Yuan Shao and others, retired and left."

Huang Zhong heard this and sneered: "Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, and Gongsundu retired? Ha ha, they did it deliberately.

When Zhang Liao heard the words, his eyes sank, and he said: "They must plan to attack at night tonight. It's better, we will plan.

Immediately, Huang Zhong Zhang Liao and two of them discussed in a low voice, and then they showed a sneer.

At this moment, Huang Zhong nodded slightly and led his iron cavalry to leave Jicheng.

As for where Huang Zhong and others have gone, no one knows.

Looking at the generals, Zhang Liao said in a deep voice, "We are ready tonight to guard against the sudden arrival of the enemy.


Under Zhang Liao, the defenders agreed in unison.

Immediately, I saw that Zhang Liao and all the soldiers guarding Jicheng.

Sure enough, after nightfall, many soldiers and horses appeared outside Jicheng.

These soldiers and horses are Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and Gongsundu who have gone and returned.

But seeing Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, Gongsun said: "Now, I will be able to win Jicheng."

Gongsundu whispered: "In that case, I will send the lowered Liaodong soldiers to attack Jicheng."


The general behind Gongsundu agreed and walked away quickly.

Soon, in the Yin Ye, the Liaodong Soldier, under the leadership of Gongsun Du, quietly approached Jicheng.

Gongsun Du shouted to the tens of thousands of Liaodong soldiers: "Kill!"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of Liaodong soldiers set up a ladder to kill Jicheng.

I saw that above Jicheng, many pungent and greasy things suddenly fell down.

Gongsun Du was taken aback and stretched out his hand to smell the greasy thing.

He was surprised: "No, this is kerosene."

When the voice fell, he hurriedly shouted: "Withdraw troops, withdraw troops."

As soon as this remark came out, the Liaodong soldiers were shocked.

Then I saw the torch upstairs in the city gate.

Gongsun Du said in surprise: "Not good!"

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were also shocked in their hearts, saying, "How do they know?"

Before everyone thought about it, they saw the torches thrown out of the city.

Immediately, I heard a blast of explosion, causing the Liaodong soldiers to be burnt wildly by the kerosene before they could react.

Only heard the screams, the Liaodong soldiers, before they could react, were swallowed by the flames and died violently.

When I asked for time, I saw Gongsun Du was taken aback. He was extremely shocked and said, "Withdraw troops!

Before the sound fell, I heard a whistling sound from the firelight, and then his voice stopped abruptly.

At this moment, he saw Gongsundu's throat hit with an arrow.

He yelled and died violently.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan said, "Who the hell is (bjeh), killed Brother Shengji."

The two were shocked and looked around, but they couldn't see the others.


At this time, I saw that those Liaodong soldiers were burned wildly by kerosene, and the army was also unstable.

At this time, when the sound of killing started in the distance, Huang Zhong was holding a Lieyang knife and led five thousand Lieyang archers to kill the panicked Liaodong soldiers.

Whoosh whoosh.

A burst of crossbow arrows fired, causing those Liaodong soldiers to die suddenly.

At this time, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were shocked.

They all said in surprise: "Huang Zhong?

Sure enough, the general who was killed from outside was Huang Zhong, a general under Ma Chen's command.

Huang Zhong yelled, and led Lieyang's bow to ride a burst of crossbow arrows.

The Liaodong soldiers, who were at a loss, died suddenly.

At this time, I saw those Liaodong soldiers panicked, and even after Gongsun Du was killed, they were extremely panicked and uneasy.

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "I didn't expect Huang Zhong to kill Gongsun Du, so it's better to withdraw the troops first.

As soon as this statement came out, Gongsun Zan said solemnly: "Retreat, retreat."

At this time, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan yelled together, and led all the soldiers under their command to retreat.

After the fifty thousand Liaodong soldiers were burned by kerosene and killed again, only about ten thousand remained, following Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan.

Na Huang Zhong didn't go to catch up, but led Lieyang Archer and returned to Jicheng.

This time, the sudden attack and shooting of Gongsun Du had already defeated the spirit of Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao.

At this time, I saw Na Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, retreating to a distance of thirty miles outside Jicheng.

Although the two of them retreated, they were unwilling to do so, so they set up camp at thirty miles away.

At this time, I saw that Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were in the camp, bitterly saying: "I didn't expect Zhang Liao and Huang Zhong to be so powerful. Now, Brother Shengji has been killed, and fifty thousand Liaodong soldiers are left, leaving only about ten thousand."

Hearing the words, he saw Gongsun Zan said in a deep voice: "If this goes on, you have to plan well, huh, what are you counselors, what are you going to do?"

At this time, I saw Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shaoqi looking at the counselors.

The counsellors looked in their eyes, and then said: "Master, I think Zhang Liao and Huang Zhong may have received the news in advance. Perhaps, among us, there are spies from Jicheng."

"Spirit? You mean, Ma Chen's black ice platform?"

Both Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan have a good understanding of the black ice platform under Ma Chen.

The two couldn't help showing a touch of surprise, and looked at the counsellors.

I saw the counsellors nodded slightly and looked at the two of them.

At this time, Yuan Shao said in a deep voice: "In this case, I will find out the details and pull them all out."

Before the sound fell, I suddenly heard a shout of killing outside the camp.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were shocked when they heard the words, and they stood up in unison, then followed the soldiers and strode out. .

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