Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 208 Mie Gongsun Zan, kill Gongsun Du, punish Yuan Shao [9/10, begging for full order]

At this time, I saw a shout of killing outside the camp.

But seeing, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan and others were all shocked together, and the two and the generals looked out, and they were suddenly shocked in their hearts.

It turned out that tens of thousands of cavalry appeared outside the camp.

This is not an ordinary soldier, but a very terrifying cavalry.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan looked at each other together, and said in shock, "Who is this?"

Before the sound fell, I saw that there were tens of thousands of Beiping soldiers and tens of thousands of Hebei soldiers in the camp.

These tens of thousands of cavalry rushed and smashed, causing serious damage to the Beiping and Hebei soldiers.

But seeing Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan looking into the distance, they saw many military commanders coming to shoot their horses.

Among them, there are a few heroines who look heroic.

The appearance of these female players made Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan think of a figure together.

This figure is that Han Wang Ma Chen!

At this time, I saw Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao startled: "Could it be Ma Chen?"

They did not expect that Han Wang Ma Chen would appear in Youzhou.

According to intelligence, shouldn't Han Wang Ma Chen be in Liangzhou?

So, why did he get to Youzhou so quickly?

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were shocked and uneasy in their hearts.

They shouted in a deep voice: "Kill!"

Before the sound fell, I saw the soldiers and horses, under the leadership of Wen Chou and other generals, killed the tens of thousands of cavalry.

Among the iron knights, a cold-faced military commander yelled, and the Zhangba silver spear in his hand directly sacked the Wen Chou thorn.

Seeing that Wen Chou was killed by a single shot, Yuan Shao couldn't help but be shocked: "How could this be?"

At this time, Yuan Shao's generals, Ju Yi, led the two men, shouted, one left and the other right, to kill the cold-faced young general.

But I saw that behind the cold-faced young general, a few Daoist shadows were shot out, all of whom were unbelievable military generals.

Qin Liangyu and Liang Hongyu yelled, and asked An Juyi to kill them.

Behind Gongsun Zan, two generals also flashed out, shouting to the heroine: "The generation of unknown women, don't surrender."

These two are Gongsun Fan, Gongsun Zan's Little Brother, and Shan Jing, a general under his command.

Gongsunfan and Shan Jing shouted, killing Liang Hongyu and Qin Liangyu respectively.

The two feel that such a female generation, but you.

However, Liang Hongyu was holding a flintlock gun and killing Xiang Gongsun Fan, and Liang Hongyu was holding a weapon and killing Xiang Shanjing.

The Gongsun Fan and Shan Jing two people, seeing the marksmanship of the two heroines, were quite eager to gain, and their hearts were suddenly shocked.

Liang Hongyu and Qin Liangyu looked at each other and screamed.

At this time, Gongsun Zan's expression suddenly changed, and he said angrily: "Who dares to kill my brother?"

With a loud shout, he led the white horse Yicong under his command to kill Qin Liangyu and Liang Hongyu.

But behind Qin Liangyu and Liang Hongyu, 10,000 days of military strategy appeared.

The 10,000-day strategy army rushed forward, and stopped the white horse righteously.

Immediately, the Tiance army rushed to the past like a raging cloud with weapons in hand.

When the white horse Yicong under Gongsun Zan's command saw this, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Thousands of white horses Yicong did not respond before they were killed by the Ten Thousand Heavens Strategy Army and died suddenly.

At this time, Gongsun Zan was even more shocked. He did not expect that all his Baima Yicong would be killed.

He roared and shouted: "Kill with me.

Under his command, the Beiping soldier followed Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan took the lead and slapped away, while Qin Liangyu and Liang Hongyu Jiao shouted, leading a 10,000-day strategy army to block the Peking soldiers.

The second daughter, one on the left and the other on the right, killed Gongsun Zan.

How could Gongsun Zan be the opponent of the two heroines?

However, seeing Liang Hongyu's flintlock gun, he stab Gongsun Zan off the horse with one shot, and then Qin Liangyu rushed forward and cut off Gongsun Zan's head.

Seeing that the main general was killed, the Beiping soldiers looked at each other with a look of horror, threw their weapons to the ground and knelt and surrendered.

And Yuan Shao's Ju Yi recruited two people, and Luo Cheng's Zhangba shot a silver spear, and died with a spear thrust.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ju Yi was about to flee, but Zai Min rushed forward and cut off the head of Ju Yi with a halberd.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Shao was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly led the defeated generals and fled far away.

He panicked and even hit a horse of about 10,000 soldiers.

The man in the lead was extraordinary heroic and magnificent, and he was the king of Han Ma Chen.

Yuan Shao saw this person and said in shock: "Han Wang Ma Chen!"

In my heart, I feel anxious.

Ma Chen looked in his eyes, and said coldly: "Yuan Shao, where do you escape today?"

As soon as this statement came out, Yuan Shao was full of hatred in his eyes. He hated: "Ma Chen, I, Yuan Shao, and you are at odds.

............ Flowers......

Hastily led the remnants under his command, wanting to escape every day.

But when he was stopped by Ma Chen's cavalry, he saw Li Siye shouting, holding a Mo knife, and beheading Yuan Shao with a single knife.

Poor Yuan Shao, Runan Yuan's hero, ended up with a different head.

After killing Yuan Shao, Li Siye picked up Yuan Shao's head and shouted, "I can't stop it yet."

The soldiers and horses under Yuan Shao's command were shocked. Seeing Yuan Shao's head, they threw down their weapons one after another, just like the Beiping soldiers.

At this time, Ma Chen summoned his subordinates.

"Lord, I will kill Yuan Shao, Gongsun Pen and Gongsun Du."

Hearing this, Ma Chen smiled faintly. The princes of the end of the Han Dynasty, Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Du and other princes, died of misfortune.


Now, Youbeiping County and Liaodong County in Nayouzhou are owned by Ma Chen.

Immediately, Ma Chen said solemnly to Li Siye and other generals: "All the soldiers, go to Liaodong, Youbeiping County, and Qingqing, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, and Gongsundu's remnants."

Li Siye and other generals responded in unison: "No!"

Immediately, Li Siye, Luo Cheng and other generals, led by 20,000 cavalry, went straight to Youbeiping County.

And Ma Chen, led his cavalry, came to Youzhou Jicheng.

Zhang Liao and Huang Zhong, the second general, learned from the Black Ice Platform that Ma Chen had come to Jicheng, Youzhou.

The second general quickly left Jicheng and saw Ma Chen immediately.

"Meet the lord!"

"Meet the lord!"

When Ma Chen heard the words, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

He said solemnly: "All the officers and soldiers will be exempted, and follow me to Jicheng, Youzhou."



All the soldiers responded in unison, and together with Ma Chen, they went to Jicheng, the medical state.

I just arrived in Jicheng, but haven't entered the mansion of Jicheng yet.

I saw a black ice platform hurriedly approaching. The black ice platform looked anxious and bowed to Ma Chen, saying: "The lord, Youzhou Mu Liu Yu, contracted a disease at the Bingzhou Zhizhi and died."

As soon as this remark came out, Ma Chen looked surprised and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

At this time, Ma Chen heard another system beep.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have successfully signed in the gift package this week.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the gift package rewards are being distributed!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get a spoon."

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