Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 211 Breaking Goguryeo, war horse trampled to death the general [12/10, begging for full orde

At this time, General Fuyu said to the Goguryeo general cupped fist: "General, it is better to take Liaodong first.

The general knew well that the king of Han Ma Chen must not be in Liaodong, as long as Ma Chen was not there, he would sit back and relax.

Immediately, the general said in a deep voice: "In that case, you can help the soldiers and horses and go to siege the city first, how about?"

His eyes sank, and he looked at General Fuyu.

General Fuyu was shocked and said, "No!"

He knew that the general was in Goguryeo, and that the power was in the hands of the opposition, but Fuyu was a subsidiary of that Goguryeo.

Even, King Fuyu didn't dare to be a general, let alone him?

Therefore, General Fuyu immediately led tens of thousands of Fuyu soldiers and horses straight down to the city of Liaodong.


General Fuyu drew his saber and shouted, the Fuyu soldier, carrying a ladder, pushing the crash, and holding a long spear, bow and crossbow, killed it.

Tens of thousands of Fuyu soldiers, majestic and majestic, killed Liaodong City.

But seeing Li Siye's anger and a wave of his hand, Ge Ran shouted, "Let's release the arrow."

Whoosh whoosh!

A burst of black crossbow arrows flashed black light, as if piercing the air, inserted into the Fuyu soldier's chest.

Puff puff!

Below the city, those Fuyu soldiers who hit the arrow were driven by the strength of the crossbow arrow, fell straight to the rear, vomiting blood and died on the spot.

Tens of thousands of Fuyu soldiers were shot by crossbow arrows, and some climbed up the ladder with shields.

But seeing the rolling wood and the stone, smashed down from the city gate, the Fuyu soldiers holding the shields yelled and fell like dumplings.

Immediately, he was hit by a rolling wood and a stone on the spot.

The general Fuyu's complexion changed, and he didn't expect that Liaodong would lose so many soldiers and horses before it was captured.


The Fuyu soldier who drove the crash was blocked with a shield.

But a lot of kerosene fell from the city. At the same time, the torch was thrown from the city, causing the crash to burst into flames.

The Fuyu soldiers who pushed the crash were hit by the deflagration on the spot and burned to death instantly.

Such a scene caused those Fuyu soldiers to panic and scurry back and forth like ants everywhere.

General Fuyu shouted in a deep voice: "Don't panic, don't retreat, take Liaodong~".


Tens of thousands of Fuyu soldiers shouted and slammed towards Liaodong City.

However, he was shot at by a burst of crossbow arrows from five thousand Lieyang bow riders, and suffered a lot of damage on the spot.

Such a scene made those Fuyu soldiers frightened, and the Fuyu general shouted: "Follow this general and rush over."

At this time, more than 10,000 soldiers from Fuyu rushed towards the gate of the city, stepping on the corpse of their companions.

Tai Shici's eyes were cold, and he said angrily: "The nameless rat, dare to attack Liaodong?"

He squeezed his bow and set an arrow, rattled, and struck the arrow like a flash of lightning. With a pop, he stabbed General Fuyu.

The powerful arrow force took General Fuyu out, fell directly off the horse, vomiting blood and died on the spot.

The rest of the Fuyu soldiers looked shocked, but before they could react, they were shot and killed on the spot by the crossbow arrows of the Lieyang Bowrider.

At this time, tens of thousands of Fuyu soldiers, only about 10,000 left.

General Goguryeo's eyes were gloomy. Seeing Fuyu soldiers fleeing around, he solemnly said, "Kill!"

The general gave an order, and the Goguryeo cavalry and soldiers under the city screamed and slammed directly.

I saw the tens of thousands of Goguryeo cavalry shooting arrows straight to the city.

Li Siye, Luo Cheng, Tai Shici and other generals ordered soldiers to pick up their shields.

Even so, there were hundreds of defenders who fell from the gate tower and died on the spot.

The general looked in his eyes and immediately showed a proud look.

Li Siye looked at Luo Cheng and Tai Shici, and they nodded together and walked away quickly.

Soon, Luo Cheng and Tai Shici disappeared, and Li Siye commanded thousands of soldiers and horses upstairs to the city gate to block the Goguryeo general.


The general gave an order, and the Goguryeo soldiers immediately killed them.

Some climbed the ladder, some crashed, and some shot with crossbow arrows.

All of a sudden, the shouting and killing sounded, shaking the sky and the earth.

At the same time, I saw that Li Siye said solemnly: "Fall the arrow!"

Whoosh whoosh!

A burst of crossbow arrows made the Goguryeo soldiers and horses die instantly.

I saw that Goguryeo's soldiers and horses suddenly lost nearly 10,000.

The general showed great hatred, and he hated: "How can this be?"

But when he saw a counselor beside him, he said anxiously: "General, it is better to retreat to a short distance. 1

Hearing this, the general's eyes sank, he looked at the counselor, and said in a deep voice: "You let this general retreat?

He showed a touch of coldness, and the counselor heard the words and hurriedly said: "The general, set up camp first, and attack Liaodong at night. Now, the general Fuyu has been killed, and the Fuyu soldiers are unstable, and my Goguryeo soldiers and horses are also uneasy. It's better to retreat first."

Hearing this, the general pondered for a moment and looked at the Liaodong City.

His eyes sank, and he said bitterly: "If this is the case, the army retreats."

As soon as this statement came out, I saw the Goguryeo soldiers retreating one after another like a pardon.

I saw the general hate: "Tonight, I will take Liaodong."

After taking Liaodong, he has a higher status in Goguryeo. When the time comes, the king of Goguryeo can be abolished and he will control Goguryeo.

He is now in the power of Goguryeo, no one can reach.

And this time occupying Liaodong, his prestige is even stronger.

Therefore, this is a battle that is about victory or defeat, and the general can only retreat temporarily.

On the same day, I saw the soldiers and horses under the leadership of King Goguryeo, retreating twenty miles outside the city.

When Li Siye saw this, he was not afraid, but showed a sneer.

The Goguryeo general, led by soldiers and horses, set up a camp twenty miles outside the city.

Due to the killing of General Fuyu, the soldiers of Fuyu scattered and fled.

In the camp, there are only the general and his 40,000 soldiers and horses.

As soon as the camp was set up, I heard shouts of killing from both sides outside the camp. About 10,000 cavalry were killed from both sides.

The general was taken aback. Before he knew what was going on, he saw more than 10,000 cavalry, led by two generals, one left and one right, killing them.

The general (good Li Zhao) was shocked and said: "Quickly, stop it to this general."

Before the sound fell, I saw the Goguryeo soldiers and horses who were unstable in the army, and they were immediately stopped by Na Luocheng and Taishici.

But when Luo Cheng was holding a silver gun, he shouted: "All soldiers, kill!"



The more than 10,000 iron knights rushed and ran across, making the Goguryeo soldiers and horses unstoppable.

Even in front of the general, he lost about half of it.

The general was uneasy, feeling that Luo Cheng was powerful, and hurriedly planned to flee.

Unexpectedly, Luo Cheng rushed forward with a silver gun.

The general was shocked: "You, you."

Before the sound fell, he was hit by the Luocheng Zhangba's silver spear in a spear thrust.

The general yelled, rolled over and fell off his horse, his horse was convulsed under his hips, and he ran madly on the top of his head.

Suddenly, the brain was cracked and it was terrible!

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