Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 212 King Goguryeo gets revenge, King Buyeo assists Pyongyang city [13/10, Guiqiu customized)

The Goguryeo General, before he could react, he was stepped on his head by the iron hoof of his horse.

Suddenly, the brain cracked and it was horrible.

Seeing the general's death violently, the remaining Goguryeo soldiers suddenly panicked.

At this time, Li Siye led the crowd to rush out of Liaodong City, and the two generals, Tai Shici and Luo Cheng, divided into a triangle, and surrounded the Goguryeo soldiers of less than 20,000.

The Goguryeo soldiers, who were less than 20,000, knew that they would be killed if they didn't flee at this time, so they fled in panic.

I saw the generals such as Li Siye, Tai Shici and Luo Cheng, shouting loudly, leading tens of thousands of cavalry, and besieging them.

Outside the city of Liaodong, it was like a Shura field, with corpses all over the field and blood flowing into rivers.

The screams of killing and screams, one after another, are horrible.

As the last Goguryeo soldier was slashed with a slash, since then, the Goguryeo soldiers led by General Goguryeo died outside Liaodong City without surviving their lives.

Li Siye, Taishici and Luo Sung looked at each other and ordered the soldiers and horses to cast the Goguryeo general into a Jingguan.

Afterwards, the people will return to Liaodong City and Taishici will guard Liaodong.

The next day, Li Siye and Luo Cheng led the 683 army to Goguryeo.

Although Goguryeo's soldiers didn't survive their lives, the Goguryeo's horse-seekers learned the news and saw Jingguan headed by the general.

For a time, the Goguryeo horse hurried to Pyongyang City in Goguryeo.

"Report to the king, the general defeated Liaodong, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and no one will survive." When this statement came out, the Manchu civil servants were shocked at the court, and they all looked at the Goguryeo king.

When the king of Goguryeo heard this, he stood up suddenly and said in surprise: "What, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, no one will survive? The general, are you sure he is dead?"

"Majesty, the general was cast into a Jingguan, and the first stage was crushed by the iron hoof."

After hearing the words of the Manchu civil and military forces, Qi Qi Qiqi said: "Then Ma Chen's military commander actually killed the general?"

"My lord, what should we do for the present?"

At this time, King Goguryeo stood up and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

All the civil and military officials all showed a surprised look, I don't know why the king laughed.

"Okay, if the general is dead, I will have no worries. Come, go to the general's mansion and cut him all over, leaving no one to live."

His eyes sank, (bjei) to the guard guarding the Great Hall, and said solemnly.

The guards heard the words and said in unison: "No!"

Immediately, I saw the Goguryeo guard, about a hundred people, going straight to the outside of the palace.

Looking at the civil and military officials, he knew that this was the result of the power of the generals.

Now that the general is dead, your majesty will purge the general's remnants without leaving any livelihoods.

All the civil and military officials kept silent. In the past, everyone had more or less contact with the general.

If you excuse the general now, you will be in a different place if you don't make trouble, and you will be slashed all over the place.

Therefore, these ministers of civil and military affairs pretended to be ignorant.

The King of Goguryeo asked the horse: "Are the soldiers and horses under Ma Chen still in Liaodong?"

Tan Ma heard this and hurriedly said: "The king, the general who killed the general is coming to Pyongyang.


When this remark came out, Manchu was shocked.

Not only the civil and military officials, but the king of Goguryeo suddenly changed his expression and said in surprise: "How can this be?"

He looked nervously at a group of civil servants, who were also panicked and devastated.

But when I saw a civil servant coming over, he said: "Ma Chen, Ma Chen's generals attacked us, as expected. This battle is inevitable. I don't know the king. What is your intention?

The King of Goguryeo said in shock: "Everyone, what do you have to say?"

Those civil servants shook their heads, and those generals were flustered when they learned that the general was killed, and they had no idea at all.

At this moment, I saw King Goguryeo suddenly angry: "Could it be that you are going to watch us be destroyed by Ma Chen?"

He shouted loudly, causing the civil servants and generals to say in unison: "The minister is guilty."

The king of Goguryeo was so angry that he looked at a civil servant on the side and shouted: "Prime Minister, what do you think?"

When the Prime Minister of Goguryeo heard this, he said: "Your Majesty, the Weichen thinks that we can contact Fuyu and order Fuyu to form an alliance with us. The general Fuyu must be killed, and King Fuyu must be very shocked."

As soon as these words came out, King Goguryeo seemed to grab a straw, and said: "Go and ask Fuyu King.


A Goguryeo messenger promised and hurriedly left Goguryeo and went to Buyeo.

In the afternoon, I went to Fuyu King City to meet the Fuyu King.

King Buyeo just learned that General Buyeo and General Goguryeo were wiped out.

His eyes sank, he looked at the horse and said: "Okay, please inform the king of Goguryeo, and I will be there later.


The messenger agreed, slapped his horse back, and the King Fuyu immediately summoned his military commanders and counsellors to start discussions.

One of the advisers cupped fist said: "The king, there is an old saying in the middle, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. I Fuyu and Goguryeo are separated by water, and they are brothers. Once the Han king Ma Chen destroys Goguryeo, he will definitely counter me Fuyu, the king, you forgot Wuhuan How can Qianghu be destroyed?"

The words really awakened King Fuyu. He looked into the distance and suddenly turned around and said: "In this case, this king led fifty thousand Fuyu soldiers to Goguryeo.

At this moment, I saw the military commander and counselor, and said in unison: "No!"

Subsequently, the soldiers began to get busy in an orderly manner.

And that Goguryeo spied the horse and ran all the way, but halfway down the road, he encountered the black ice platform.

Several black ice platforms swarmed up and caught the messenger.

Seeing the messenger struggling a few times, he shouted: "I am the messenger of King Goguryeo, who are you?"

Dare to love, he doesn't know about Black Ice Terrace.

"I'm waiting under the command of Han Wang Ma Chen."

As soon as the words came out, the messenger was stunned. He didn't expect him to be captured by Ma Chen.

In my heart, I feel anxious.

The Black Ice Terrace escorted the Goguryeo envoy to Luo Sung and Li Siye.

Li Siye said coldly: "Kill this messenger."

The messenger heard the words and hurriedly said: "General, General, I have something to tell."

Immediately, he handed the letter from Goguryeo King to King Buyeo and the reply from King Buyeo to the guards.

The guards are handed over to Li Siye and Luo Cheng.

When the two saw the content of the letter, they sneered: "Fuyu Danwan, a small country, also come to make a mistake?,

"Before going to Pyongyang, Buyeo was destroyed first."

Immediately, Luo Cheng and Li Siye looked at each other, and the two lie in wait nearby.

And the messenger of the great general was killed by the black ice platform.

Soon, tens of thousands of Buyeo soldiers, under the leadership of King Buyeo, went straight to the city of Pyongyang.

At this moment, the two sides shouted for killing, and iron hoofs sounded like thunder.

I saw tens of thousands of cavalry, led by two generals, struggling to kill. .

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