Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 364 Master Zixu, a magical calculation

Liu Zhang killed Qin Mi with a single sword, making his generals and counsellors look awkward.

At this time, the words of Master Zixu made Liu Zhang's military commander feel that this stranger was a bit deceived.

But everyone knew that Master Zixu was a guest of the lord, they looked at each other and stopped talking.

The generals under his command responded in unison: "Don't worry, I will be able to stop Ma Chen.

When Liu Zhang heard the words, he looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "All the soldiers guard Chengdu. Liangguan, how many grains and grass are there in the city?"

"Master, the grain and grass in the city can still be used for about half a year.

"Half a year is enough.

Liu Zhang's eyes sank, he looked at the generals, and said in a deep voice, "How many soldiers and horses are there in Yizhou."

"Master, there are still 100,000 soldiers in Chengdu.

"One hundred thousand soldiers and horses will definitely be able to stop Ma Chen.

At this moment, Liu Zhang's face showed a hint of hatred.

Then Ma Chen occupies the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty, leaving only his office in Chengdu.

If Chengdu falls, the whole territory of Han will fall into the hands of Ma Chen.

If he turns defeat into victory, he can turn things around and become the emperor and emperor of that great man.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhang was in a good mood and very happy.

At this time, Zheng Du said in a deep voice: "Master, you can set up a chain of camps outside Chengdu to resist Ma Chen."

Liu Zhang looked at Zheng Du and sighed: "Mr.'s words are extremely true. Earlier, after listening to Qin Mi's words, Jinzhu fell, and the soldiers set up a chain of camps under the city, and the speed was faster."

As soon as this statement came out, I saw the military commander under Liu Zhang, who said in unison: "No!,

Immediately, these generals under his command left separately and went outside the city to set up a chain of camps.

At this moment, I saw a counselor walking quickly, seeing Liu Zhang, and hurriedly said: "Lord.

When Liu Zhang heard the words, his eyes sank, and he looked at that person and saw that this person turned out to be Huang Quan.

He couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and asked: "Have you ever seen King Nanban?"

"My lord, his subordinates contacted the Nanban King and were about to go back, but they encountered Ma Chen's soldiers and horses on the road. They held the key as the main way to the middle of Shu."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Zhang's expression changed suddenly, and he said in surprise: "In this way, isn't my Chengdu an isolated city?"

He looked at Huang Quan in shock, and shouted: "It's all because you are not doing well.

With the sword drawn, Huang Quan was killed.

Huang Quan's expression changed suddenly and he wanted to defend himself, so he was stabbed by Liu Zhang with a sword, vomiting blood and died on the spot.

At this time, Liu Zhang killed Huang Quan and couldn't help but hate: "I will use this isolated city to block Ma Chen and swear to kill Ma Chen."

Under Liu Zhang's command, the 100,000 Yizhou soldiers responded in unison: "Swear to kill Ma Chen, swear to kill Ma Chen.

The sound was so loud that it shook all fields.

At this time, Liu Zhang looked at Master Zixu and asked, "Master, you are like a god. Can you give me some guidance? This time, can you defeat Ma Chen?

Master Zixu nodded slightly when he heard the words. He pinched his fingers and said to Liu Zhang: "Don't worry, Zhou Mu will be able to defeat Ma Chen this time, and Ma Chen is like a dog from the family 1.3, running away every day. ."

This sentence made Liu Zhang feel relieved, and he said solemnly, "Thank you, Master."

Master Zi Xu's words were like that calming pill, which calmed Liu Zhang's anxious heart.

At this time, Ma Chen has not yet arrived in Chengdu, but outside Jianwei County, that Jian is the prefect, leading 10,000 soldiers and horses, and confronting the two generals of Dianwei, Xu and Chu outside the county.

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