Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 365 Conquer Qianwei, evil comes to code Wei

Two generals Dianwei and Xu Chu led 10,000 soldiers and horses to Qianwei County and detained Qianwei's main route to the middle of Shu.

At this time, Jianwei's prefect learned that he sent 10,000 soldiers and horses to Qianwei County.

But seeing, Jian Wei's eyes sank, and he shouted to Nadian Wei Xu Chu: "Why are you two blocking the way?"

After hearing the words, Na Dianwei said solemnly: "Follow the order of Han Wang Ma Chen, hold the key, not let go of one soldier or one soldier."

The key was heard by the prefect, and he was surprised: "Han Wang Ma Chen?"

Immediately, he shouted: "Han Wang Ma Chen occupies Bajun Shujun, do you still want to occupy my Qianweijun? Humph, you can't wait for me to help Chengdu, I just want to go."

With a loud shout, to kill Dianwei and Xu Chu.

But when he saw a general 08 next to him, he said in a deep voice: "Master, how about using a sledgehammer to kill a chicken?"

With a loud shout, he picked up the long knife in his hand and slapped his horse to kill Dianwei.

Seeing that key was the prefect, he let the man kill Dianwei and Xu Chu.

But seeing that the man is burly in shape and shaped like an iron tower, he has a big sword in his hand.

He shouted and killed Dianwei, but saw Dianwei sneer: "It's just a rat, dare you make a mistake?"

With a loud shout, it was like a gust of wind and rain, and the double iron halberd in his hand took the man directly.

The man saw that Dianwei's double iron halberd was very powerful, and he took a few steps back.

But seeing Dianwei rushing forward, the double iron halberd puffed and stabbed the man.

The man yelled and vomited blood on the spot. He died violently.

Upon seeing this, Qianwei the prefect, said in surprise: "How can this be?"

He knew that this general was a fierce general under his command. Seeing that the fierce general was killed, he hurried to Jianwei County in a hurry.

With a bang, the city gate was closed.

At this moment, Jianwei prefect boarded the gate tower with a lingering fear and looked down at the city.

In the city, Dian Wei and Xu Chu both showed extremely indifferent expressions.

Dianwei ridiculed Na Qianwei's prefect: "If you don't open the city gate, you will break this city today."

As soon as this remark came out, the key was the prefect and shouted: "Then Dian Wei Xuchu, if you have the ability to break my key to the county, huh, am I afraid that you will not succeed?"

At this time, ascending to the gate tower, the Qianwei prefect suddenly felt calm.

As soon as his voice fell, he saw Dian Wei shouting: "Kill!"

There were ten thousand soldiers and horses, carrying a ladder, and laying on the city wall.

Seeing this, Qianwei the prefect, hurriedly said: "Hurry, shoot the arrow."

Whoosh whoosh!

A burst of crossbow arrows shot out, causing the prefect to show a proud look.

But Na Dianwei inserted the double iron halberd in his back, holding the shield in one hand, and the climbing key in the other hand as the city wall.

But seeing the crossbow arrows rained down on the shield one after another.

Na Dianwei's arm strength was amazing, and he was blatantly not afraid.

But when the Qianwei prefect saw this, he couldn't help but startled, and said, "Why is this person so powerful?

But seeing Dian Wei shouted, led the soldier and horse to climb the 750 city wall.

The key was the prefect hurriedly ordered someone to block Dianwei.

But Dianwei was powerful, and he shouted and finally boarded the city wall.

At this moment, I saw Dian Wei holding a double iron halberd and killing the soldiers and horses in that city.

When he shouted, it was like a bolt from the blue sky, and it was more like entering the land of no one.

At this time, the Qianwei prefect saw this and hurriedly ordered the soldiers and horses in the city to block Dianwei.

But Dianwei was like an iron tower, and he shouted in a deep voice: "You dare to fight with me when you wait?"

The loud voice shook the four fields, making the key a defender. I was shocked. Before he could react, Dian Wei smashed his way.

At this time, Jianwei's prefect was shocked, and immediately wanted to escape every day.

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