Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 366 King Mulu and Wutu Bone

Dianwei at this time is really like the evil coming, like entering the land of no one.

But seeing, Jian was shocked in the heart of the prefect, and hurriedly ordered people to kill Xiang Dianwei, while he ran down the city.

At this time, Jianwei's prefect had a lingering fear. He knew that Dianwei was strong, and also knew that this time, Qianwei County would inevitably fall.

However, even if the key is lost, he can go elsewhere.

Qianwei prefect was flustered, seeing that Dianwei was unstoppable, and hurriedly led an army of hundreds of guards, planning to go to other states and counties.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the city gate, he saw someone standing in front of him.

The man is tall, and he is the tiger obsessed Xu Chu under the command of Ma Chen.

But seeing that the key was still at a loss for the prefect, he was hugged from his horse by the tiger idiot Xu Chu.

Immediately, he was caught by that tiger idiot Xu Chu.

But seeing Qian as the prefect yelled, I only realized that the strength of the tiger idiot Xu Chu was amazing.

In the screams of his screams, he suddenly felt his breastbone fractured, he vomited blood on the spot and died.

Seeing Qianwei's prefect was killed, the hundreds of guards hurriedly knelt on the ground and surrendered to Xu Chu.

Upstairs of the city gate, Dian Wei smashed a bloody road like a murderer.

The Qiang in that city is the defender, fighting and retreating.

But seeing that Jianwei's prefect was killed, and these Qianwei defenders looked astonished, they threw their weapons, knelt on the ground, and surrendered to Dianwei.

At this time, Dianwei and Xu Chu killed Qian as the prefect and occupied Qianwei county.

In this way, the rest of the restless states and counties were completely detained.

At this time, in the land of Nanban, the king of Nanban heard the report from Nanban to explore the horse.

"The king, the king of Han, Ma Chen, occupy Bajun and Shujun, and break through Jinzhu, then you can kill Chengdu. 々."

As soon as these words came out, the Nanban King couldn't help showing a touch of surprise, and asked: "What? Han Wang Ma Chen's speed, so fast?"

He bowed his head and groaned, and then ordered the detective to leave.

At this time, the king of Nanban was quite effective in loyalty to Ma Chen.

But outside the Nanban cave, a barbarian came quickly, and when he saw the Nanban King, he hurriedly said: "Master, the Mulu King and the Ugo Kingdom Lord have a few bones, come to see the King."

As soon as this statement came out, King Nanban's expression changed slightly, he immediately stood up and said solemnly, "Please.

He knew that King Mulu was also the lord of Nanban with him.

However, the ugly bones of the Ugo country are extremely human.

According to legend, this person does not feed on rice, but specializes in eating poisonous insects, snakes and scorpions. Moreover, he has scales and is invulnerable to swords and guns.

And under his command, there are about 30,000 vine armor soldiers, which are not sinking in water or broken by arrows. They are quite powerful.

The Mulu King is good at the way of defending beasts.

The Southern Barbarian King stood up, hurriedly strode out, and saw the Wooden Deer King riding a white elephant, wearing a golden bead and tassel, with two big swords hanging from his waist, and some brutal soldiers beside him.

And the ugly bone is even more burly, and the scales on his body exude a strange luster consciousness.

I saw the Nanban king said in a deep voice: ""I don't know if the two are here, what are you doing?"

King Mulu looked at King Nanban and said in a deep voice: "I heard that King Ma Chen has already invaded Yizhou, so he invited several King Bone Kings to come to help."

(Zhao Li's)

Upon hearing the words of the Nanban King, he said: "The King of Han, Ma Chen, has already occupied Ba County, Shu County and Jinzhu, and is about to attack Chengdu."

As soon as this statement came out, he saw that Wutuu said in a deep voice: "His speed is so fast? Nanban Wang, what do you think?"

Upon hearing the words, King Mulu and Wutu said in a deep voice, "Han King Ma Chen is powerful, and the Xiongnu Xianbei can be destroyed by him, let alone wait for me?"

As soon as this statement came out, King Mulu and Wutugu showed a surprised look.

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