Three Kingdoms: Sign In A Spree Every Week

Chapter 535 Darkness into a warehouse

"Why? Boyan laughed? Let's just listen." Sun Quan liked Cao Ren very much. He believes that Cao Ren is not only young and promising, but also a talent who can take on important tasks!

Cao Ren saluted Lu Su and Sun Quan again before opening his mouth: "The younger generation thought that Teacher Lu Su was right, but they didn't see anything. When Xiahou was sent back to the East China Sea, he must have taken a secret path.

How did the White Robe Army know? This is the first doubt. King Qin sent Wei Yan to lead the army, and his army worked day and night.

He retired Wenpin's army within three days of reaching Yongliang. Cao Ren was good at guarding, even if he could not repel Wenpin.

Why can a tired army retreat from Jin and Yongliang within a few days in 08? This is the second doubt.

I thought that there was a conspiracy, and Wei Yan was surrounded by a master! This person might have taken advantage of the conspiracy of Qin Guolongzi. Yuan supported, so he had an accident.

Wei Yan retired from the Jin army and became famous in North Korea! I think if the master supports King Wu in this matter, Zhou Yu will naturally support it first.

In order to stabilize the military spirit, the king of Qin Yuan Shao must win over his master and let him be the king of Wu in the name of the emperor. At that time, the lord can send troops to cross the river and join the Chu King Guan Yu to attack Xiahou!"

At Cao Ren's words, both Lu Su and Sun Quan raised their eyes, admiring and marveling.

Having such knowledge at such a young age, Cao Ren is really amazing! Lu Su now knows why this young man with a young beard can accompany his master in the middle of the night.

In the courtroom, they wore a set of standard dragon costumes to prove their identities to the officials. And today's officials have also heard of His Royal Highness Longzi's personal conquest. At this time, many people want to persuade them.

Most of these officials were old officials of the Han Ting. They left the court because they fled the war when Sima Zhuo entered Beijing.

Now they see that the people are living very well. Although their loyalty to the Han Dynasty has not diminished, they also agree with the Jin court.

It's just that their thinking is the same as that of the veterans of the Han family, thinking that even if they are personally conscripted, they should be personally conscripted by the king, and Longzi Jianguo.

Ma Chen is like a dragon son. He is the prince. The so-called son of a thousand daughters cannot sit down. The veterans disagree with Ma Chen's personal enlistment.

"His Royal Highness, Long Zi, has been the king's personal conquest since ancient times, and Long Zi supervises the country. If His Royal Highness personally conquered, if you encounter danger on the battlefield, will Jin Kingdom be brought into chaos?

The minister believed that even if the kingdoms of Qin and Chu declared war on the king and Longzi, they should not be recruited by His Royal Highness. "

"I second!

The old ministers all wrote to Ma Chen saying that they could not ask for it in person, which made Ma Chen very happy. Although the thoughts of these old ministers have been corrupted, it is enough to show their loyalty to the Jin court.

"Hahaha! The public is absolutely right, but Ben Ryoko thinks it is my own conquest. On the one hand, my father is old, and marching and fighting require physical strength, or to share worries for my father.

Ma Chen stood beside Ma Chao, smiling and looking at the ministers below, very polite. Lin Jun gave a soft cough and whispered: "Silly disciple, you are Longzi 907, call your own house, not your house!"

Hearing Ma Chao's reminder, Ma Chen remained expressionless, still smiling at his ministers.

Ma Liang took the initiative to stand up and bowed and said, "The Minister seconded! This time, war is declared, but Qin and Chu are small countries, and they are not enough for personal conquest. The personal conquest that His Highness arrived was enough to cheer up the soldiers.

At the same time, it also showed the world the majesty of the emperor. Only Qin and Chu are not worthy of the emperor's personal conquest. Do you think His Royal Highness Longzi is better?"

Mr. Old Chen saw Ma Liang stand up and speak, and they knew this very well. It seems that this time His Royal Highness Longzi is determined to conquer himself. Ma Liang is an official of the East Palace and the confidant of His Royal Highness Longzi. These officials are very clear.

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